
12.1 billion dollars! Year-on-year growth of 10.1%

According to the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, in recent years, the city to build county industrial clusters, increase rural e-commerce talent support, promote the integrated development of rural industries, last year, the city's agricultural and agricultural products online retail turnover12.1 billion dollarsyear-on-yearIncrease of 10.1%The

01 Construction of agglomerations

Young people "going to the park"

Agricultural products "out of the village"

As one of the city's two provincial-level county e-commerce industry agglomerations, Lishui Xingzhuang County E-commerce Industry Aggregation Zone has clustered more than 20 live-streaming service enterprises and nearly a hundred various e-commerce enterprises, not only MCN agencies (a kind of agency specializing in providing services for online video creators, commonly known as netroots incubators), but also Jieyin local life service providers.Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and other agricultural and sideline products of Lishui District have been sold here along the "net line".It sells over 40 million dollars a yearThe

Chen Longfei, a "post-95" young man in the e-commerce industrial park, is a returnee who has been rooted in Lishui for four years and has set up Lishang Media Co. Why do you want to do rural e-commerce, he said he wants to help farmers sell their goods through e-commerce. With the completion of the Lishui Xingzhuang county e-commerce industry cluster, Chen Longfei's company opened up, many of the team are "00" young people, in their efforts, the live broadcasting room can sell more than 3 million yuan of agricultural and sideline products a year.

Gaochun Gucheng Lake Crab Industry Cluster has gathered hundreds of enterprises, providing preferences and support for enterprises in terms of office space, talent training, e-commerce incubation and public branding. Around the new media technical support, live training, product docking, brand building and other derivative value-added services, the park to create a new mode of live e-commerce, new retail development, for the rural e-commerce agglomeration and development of the key support.Initially realized the scale agglomeration of the Gucheng Lake crab industry in Gaochun District.The

Nanjing crab small Qiao Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is also the person in charge of Chen Yun is a "90", she remembers the old generation of sales of crabs when the hard and difficult, and often call for a good deal not to sell. 2020, she returned to the village, set up an e-commerce company, recruited a group of young people of like mind, so that the crabs through the network "The sales volume is more than 20 million yuan a year.

In recent years, the city has actively carried out the construction of county e-commerce industry cluster, promoting the development of county characteristics of industrial clusters and e-commerce in-depth integration, and promoting the formation of production, processing, sales, distribution, service and other elements of the industrial chain of the elements of the cluster, online and offline coordinated development of a new type of e-commerce park.

02 Marketing the "magic bullet"

"E-commerce +" do it up

Chained together online and offline

Ltd. relies on the regional public brand of Lishui District's unimaginative field and sells processed and produced agricultural products in the live broadcast, stringing an industrial chain from the field to processing and production to live broadcasting and sales, logistics and transportation.

In addition to directly carrying goods, Chen Longfei's company is also a Jitterbug local life service provider. During this time, he is preparing for the upcoming e-commerce live broadcasting competition in Lishui District, and he plans to cooperate with strawberry growers and adopt the "e-commerce +" method, so that consumers can go to the fields to experience picking, which will drive the development of Lishui region's tourism, agro-entertainment, commercial consumption and other business sectors.

Chen Yun introduced, every crab on the market, in order to allow consumers to more intuitively see the original crab, she set up the live studio in the crab warehouse, the peak of an account a live broadcast will be able to sell 100,000 yuan.

The company online live selling goods at the same time, but also built its own more than 2,000 square meters of Nanjing Gucheng Lake origin hairy crabs and grain, oil and dry goods supply chain warehousing, through Jitterbug, Jingdong and other platforms, to drive the employment of local farmers and promote the brand promotion of agricultural products in the region.

03Breaking the "talent bottleneck"

Competitions, training in many ways

Nurturing more "new farmers"

It is understood that although today there have been a lot of young people to join, but compared with urban e-commerce, rural e-commerce talent is still scarce, attracting, retaining, difficult to train is the current need to solve the problem.

Lishui District rural e-commerce business training courses and rural e-commerce live contest will be held soon, and this year the Lishui District Business Bureau will also join with agriculture and rural departments to carry out the "Su Goods Live New Farmer Cultivation Initiative" to cultivate agricultural e-commerce talents for more than 100 times, and improve the online sales skills and professional quality of agriculture-related practitioners.

Gaochun District, in conjunction with industry associations, vocational colleges and universities, e-commerce platforms, etc., using the "classroom + practical training" mode to carry out various types of talent training activities, to enhance the skills of participants in e-commerce entrepreneurship and employment.

According to the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, this year the city will focus on cultivating rural e-commerce professionals, and actively carry out e-commerce training at different levels and in different categories; play the role of higher vocational colleges and universities, e-commerce demonstration bases, demonstration enterprises, and vigorously cultivate professional and practical e-commerce talent team; strengthen the training of college students, rural migrant workers, veterans and other groups, and constantly consolidate the foundation of rural e-commerce talent.
