
2023 Lishui District Hydrogen Development Conference Held

  On July 27, the two-day 2023 Lishui District Hydrogen Energy Development Conference and the National Fuel Cell and Fluid Battery Standardization Technical Committee National Standards Promotion Meeting was held. With the theme of "Green Low Carbon, Hydrogen Starts the Future", the conference demonstrated Lishui's strong manufacturing industry foundation, broad application demonstration scenarios, and precise supportive policies for the development of hydrogen energy industry, opening up a new track for the development of hydrogen energy industry and polishing the brand of Lishui manufacturing. District leaders Tang Huiwei, Liu Jia, Yang Shunbao, relevant industry experts and scholars, business representatives and other participants.

  Tang Huiwei, standing committee member of the district committee and executive vice mayor, said in his speech that Lishui has a deep industrial gene for developing hydrogen energy industry. Lishui new energy automobile industrial base is among the national torch featured industrial bases and has become one of the four major new energy automobile industrial bases in Nanjing. Developing hydrogen energy industry, Lishui has a broad space for growth. Lishui has a solid foundation in the early stage, outstanding technical advantages, and broad space for development. To develop hydrogen energy industry, Lishui has firm government-enterprise synergy. "We will solve whatever difficulties the enterprises have" "We will give as many policies as we can to the enterprises" "We will do whatever is most convenient for the enterprises". We sincerely hope that all the guests will take the pulse of Lishui hydrogen energy industry development and come up with more "smart ideas", and we sincerely hope that more insightful people will invest in Lishui and add "hydrogen energy" and "hydrogen power" to Lishui's high-quality development in win-win cooperation. Hydrogen energy" and "hydrogen power".

  Chen Xueqian, Deputy Secretary General of Hydrogen Energy Branch of China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development, said that hydrogen energy is an important hand in guaranteeing China's energy security, realizing the dual-carbon goal and industrial upgrading. To promote the development of hydrogen energy industry, Lishui has the foundation of industry, application scenarios and service temperature, and we hope that Lishui District will take this conference as a good start, build a nest to attract phoenixes, and become the vanguard of the development of hydrogen energy industry in Nanjing City, and we look forward to supporting Lishui together with experts and entrepreneurs, and promoting Lishui's hydrogen industry to make specialties, achievements, and benchmarks.

  Pan Mu, chairman of National Fuel Cell and Fluid Battery Standardization Technical Committee and chief professor of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, said in his speech that as a professional standardization organization in the field of fuel cells, National Fuel Cell and Fluid Battery Standardization Technical Committee is responsible for carrying out the national standardization and revision of fuel cell technology, and it will actively support the member units to settle in Lishui, Nanjing, and contribute to the development and growth of Lishui's hydrogen energy industry. It will actively support member units to settle and develop in Lishui, Nanjing, and contribute to the development and growth of Lishui hydrogen energy industry.

  At the meeting, Liu Jia, the standing committee of the district committee and vice mayor of the district, released the development plan and support policies for hydrogen energy industry in Lishui District. The development zone signed project investment agreements with China Hydrogen Yuanan (Beijing) Science and Technology Co, Ltd, Beijing Yingrui Youchuang Hydrogen Technology Co, Ltd, Hubei Intelli Technology Co, Ltd, Shanghai Phangye Hydrogen Energy Technology Co, Ltd and Yujite Environmental Protection Technology Co, Ltd. "Lishui District Hydrogen Energy Industry Research Institute (Preparation)" was unveiled.

  During the conference, the participating experts and scholars will also interpret the national standards related to fuel cells and flow batteries, guide enterprises to implement the national standards for fuel cells, guarantee the effective implementation of the standards, and promote the industry's innovative development and green development.

  In recent years, Lishui District has actively practiced the development strategy of new energy industry, forward-looking layout of hydrogen energy industry, prepared the Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Plan jointly with the Hydrogen Energy Branch of China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development, clarified the positioning of the industrial layout of "one district, one platform, two axes and multiple demonstrations", focused on the "production, storage and use" aspects of hydrogen energy, introduced seven hydrogen fuel cell enterprises and key supporting enterprises, injected new kinetic energy and provided hard support for the technological upgrading and breakthrough of the whole industrial chain from R&D, production, storage and transportation to application. Focusing on the "production, storage and use" of hydrogen energy, the company has introduced seven hydrogen fuel cell enterprises and key supporting enterprises, which has injected new kinetic energy and provided hard support for the technological upgrading and breakthrough of the whole industrial chain of hydrogen energy from research and development, production, storage and transportation to application.
