
More than 20 European Diplomats Enter Nanjing

Recently, more than 20 European diplomats from Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain and other countries and international organizations visited Nanjing in a group, entering enterprises, research institutes and historical and cultural attractions, and experiencing the "sense of the future" of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties.

Recently, over 20 European diplomats from countries, such as Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain, and international organizations, paid a visit to Nanjing. They visited enterprises, research institutes, and historical and cultural attractions to savor the "futuristic ambiance" of the city known as the ancient capital of six dynasties. They visited enterprises, research institutes, and historical and cultural attractions to savor the "futuristic ambiance " of the city known as the ancient capital of six dynasties.

Diplomats entered the Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute to learn about the new model of "R&D as Industry, Technology as Commodity" by watching the video of Jiangsu's achievements in industrial innovation and development in recent years; experienced China's green development and changes through the salon interaction and field visit at Yangzi Petrochemical-BASF Co. Ltd., through salon interaction and field visits, experience China's green development and changes; to Singapore-Nanjing Eco-Tech Island, enjoy the beautiful ecological landscape of the river island, meet the "low-carbon wisdom island" scene; climbed the Nanjing City Wall, measured the city bricks with their feet, and feel the deep historical heritage of the ancient capital. ......

The diplomats stepped into the Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute, where they learned about a new model characterized by "R&D as industry and technology as commodity" through a video showcasing the achievements of Jiangsu's industrial innovation. They engaged in salon interactions and a field visit at BASF-YPC Company Limited to China witness China's industrial innovation. They engaged in salon interactions and a field visit at BASF-YPC Company Limited to witness China's green development and changes. They engaged in salon interactions and a field visit at BASF-YPC Company Limited to witness China's green development and changes. They headed to Singapore Nanjing Eco Hi-tech Island to relish the splendid ecological landscapes and the authentic scene of "Low- carbon Smart Island. carbon Smart Island." They also ascended the Nanjing City Wall and measured the ancient bricks with their steps to appreciate the city's profound historical significance. They also ascended the Nanjing City Wall and measured the ancient bricks with their steps to appreciate the city's profound historical significance...

"Nanjing is a very beautiful city and this ancient capital has many historical sites." Canute Martín Jordi, Third Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Andorra, who came to Nanjing for the first time, was attracted by the charm of the ancient capital and was also quite interested in industrial innovation, "We all know that China has a huge population and land area, and I have seen a lot of achievements in innovation and development here, and I also have a strong interest in China's further development." At the same time, he also said that there will be great potential for cooperation between China and Western countries in the future.

"Nanjing is a beautiful city that boasts many historical relics," said Mr. Canut Martin Jordi, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Andorra, who was visiting Nanjing for the first time. Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Andorra, who was visiting Nanjing for the first time. Captivated by the ancient city's charm and intrigued by industrial innovation, he stated, "China is a country with a vast population, but it is also a city with a large population. Captivated by the ancient city's charm and intrigued by industrial innovation, he stated, "China is a country with a vast population and a large territory. I have seen many achievements in innovation-driven development here and have a keen interest in China's further growth. I have seen many achievements in innovation-driven development here and have a keen interest in China's further growth." He also noted that there will be tremendous potential for cooperation between China and Western countries in the future.

Director of Visa Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Counselor Elvira Bektehi also expressed his appreciation for Nanjing's industrial innovation strength, "I am very impressed by Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute, I like the 'bridging science and technology and industry' concept very much, and I would like to introduce this concept to my I also want to introduce this concept to my country." She was pleasantly surprised by her visit to China, "I am very glad that I visited China this time, it showed me how beautiful China is."

Mrs. Elvira Bektesi, Head of the Department for Visa Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Montenegro, expressed her admiration for Nanjing's industrial innovation prowess. "I'm very impressed by the Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute. I truly like the concept of 'bridging the gap between technology and industry', and would like to introduce this concept to my country. I truly like the concept of 'bridging the gap between technology and industry', and would like to introduce this concept to my country." This visit was a pleasant surprise. "I'm so glad to have come to China; it has shown me how I'm so glad to have come to China; it has shown me how beautiful China is."

First Secretary of the German Embassy in Senegal, Koen Uta, whose hometown Leipzig is a friendly city of Nanjing, marveled at the fruitful friendly exchanges between Nanjing and Leipzig and looked forward to more exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and German localities in the future.

Ms. Uta Kühn, First Secretary of German Embassy to Senegal, noted that her hometown of Leipzig is a sister city to Nanjing. Upon learning about the highly fruitful exchanges between Nanjing and Leipzig, she expressed her admiration and hope for more exchanges and cooperation between Germany and China in China. Upon learning about the highly fruitful exchanges between Nanjing and Leipzig, she expressed her admiration and hope for more exchanges and cooperation between Germany and China in the future. the future.

This trip to Nanjing is of extraordinary significance for Jean-Luc Ochs, Director of the East Asia Division of the Asia-Pacific Department of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He had done foreign teaching work in Nanjing when he was young, and this is his first time back after 25 years away from the city. "There are a lot more tall buildings here, Nanjing is developing so fast, but it is still so beautiful." On the city wall, he looked into the distance and lamented. Talking about why he loves Nanjing, he said, "Because I have worked and lived here, and because Nanjing is a big city, it is both traditional and modern ...... In short, I love everything about it!"

This trip to Nanjing is of extraordinary significance to Mr. Jean-Luc Oesch, Head Regional Coordination East Asia, State Secretariat, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). Mr. Jean-Luc Oesch, Head Regional Coordination East Asia, State Secretariat, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). When he was young, he once worked as a foreign teacher in Nanjing. This marks his first return after a quarter-century of departure from Nanjing. This marks his first return after a quarter-century of departure from Nanjing. "There are many skyscrapers here. Nanjing is developing at an astonishing pace, yet it remains breathtakingly beautiful." Standing on the city wall, he looked into the distance and exclaimed. When it comes to his fondness for Nanjing, he said: "I love Nanjing because I worked and lived here, and also because Nanjing is a mega city that is both traditional and modern... In a word, I love everything about In a word, I love everything about it!"
