
71 cases, first in the province

January to July this year

Includes two Class 1 innovative drugs

The city has been approved 71 new drugs on the market

Ranked first in the province!

The two Class 1 innovator drugs are

The independent research and development of Chengtai Tianqing Shunxin Pharmaceuticals

Biological product bemosubicin injection

Shenghe Pharmaceuticals self-developed chemicalDrug Sage Rizal® 

Behmosubaisumab Injection, which received support from the National Science and Technology Major Special Project in 2017 and Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Special Project in 2023, respectively, is considered to have therapeutic potential for a wide range of tumors. The first indication for bemosubaisumab injection is to be used in combination with amlotinib hydrochloride capsules, carboplatin and etoposide for the first-line treatment of patients with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC). This is the sixth indication for amlotinib hydrochloride capsules approved in China, and the first first-line indication in lung cancer.

Sentinel® is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer who have experienced disease progression on or after prior treatment with an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) and who have been tested and confirmed to have a positive EGFR T790M mutation. According to the introduction, non-small cell lung cancer is one of the malignant tumors that pose the greatest threat to human health and life globally, and ranks first among cancers in China, where there are currently about 900,000 new cases of non-small cell lung cancer patients each year.

Zhang Xiaomeng, director of the Institute of Drug Research and Development of Shenghe Pharmaceuticals, introduced, "In the process of the drug's research and development, the University of Pharmaceuticals has given a lot of support and help, especially in the animal modeling tests and safety evaluation and other aspects and the University of Pharmaceuticals have more in-depth cooperation."

"New drugs cannot be separated from R&D investment. In the future, Shenghe Pharmaceuticals will continue to maintain R&D investment efforts that account for more than 20% of sales revenue, focusing on meeting the clinical needs of patients and benefiting more patients." The relevant person in charge of the company said.

Nanjing's biomedical industry has blossomed in many places and reports have come out frequently, which cannot be separated from a good innovation ecological environment to help.Biomedicine is one of the innovative industry clusters that Nanjing focuses on, and it is also the main direction of Nanjing's construction of a strong industrial city and the development of new quality productivity.

In recent years, Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have always prioritized the development of biomedical industry as a strategic emerging industry in the city and made efforts to promote it. The municipal science and technology department has taken the lead in setting up a working group for the biomedical (including gene and cell) industry, continuing to strengthen the advantages of science and education talents and innovation platforms, promoting innovative research and development, scenario application and enterprise cultivation, optimizing the division of labor in industrial layout of the park, improving the public service platform, building an innovation ecosystem, and promoting the whole industry chain to open up and innovate, which in turn promotes the collaborative development of the industry and the common advancement.

At present, Nanjing's biomedical industry has stepped into the key stage of innovation breakthrough and capacity enhancement.The city now has more than 1,000 high-tech enterprises in the field of biomedicine, enterprise cultivation to form echelons, clusters and strong chain momentum, the city's biomedical industry revenue exceeded 200 billion yuan. Three key parks, including Jiangbei New District, Jiangning High-tech Zone and Nanjing Economic Development Zone, are ranked among the top 30 biomedical parks in China.Next, Nanjing will continue to guide biomedical enterprises to increase new drug research and development, and play a good cultivation and development of new productivity "first move".
