
1.7 billion → 5 billion! They grew up with Skyworth~

 In Lishui Development Zone, there is a modern industrial park covering an area of about 500 acres, where Skyworth Electric Industrial Park is located. Over the past ten years, Skyworth Electric has been plowing in this hot land of Lishui, and has grown from a seed to a big tree in the field of intelligent manufacturing. 2023, the enterprise's sales revenue exceeded 5 billion yuan, and it became a leader in the intelligent home appliance industry. Behind all this is a group of Skyworth people who are quietly working and relentlessly pursuing, who come from all over the world, growing together with Skyworth Electric and writing their own story of struggle. Duration 06:26

fledglingA group of young people following their dreams

  In 2010, Skyworth Electric was established in Lishui and began to enter the white goods industry. Since then, a group of young people with dreams and passion have also come to Lishui one after another, among them are experienced technical experts and young talents full of innovative thinking, which have injected new vitality and power into the development of Skyworth white goods.

Xiao Hua from Hunan is one of them, and he is mainly responsible for the industrial design of products. Xiao Hua still forgets the scene when he first came to Lishui in 2013: at that time, the area around Skyworth's factory was still a wasteland, and after more than 10 years of development, now the roads near the factory are well-connected, and industrial clusters have risen in the development zone where the factory is located. Xiao Hua in Lishui is also "ten years to sharpen a sword", from Skyworth Electric an ordinary industrial designer grew to industrial design center manager.

Similar to Xiao Hua, there is also Chen Hua, the development supervisor of washing machine electronic control of Skyworth Electric. From Henan, she gave up her job in Zhejiang and chose to come to Skyworth Electric Lishui Park. After seven years of struggle, she has gotten good at her job and witnessed the rapid changes in Lishui. "I came to Lishui in 2017, the subway opened in 2018, and Wanda and Hailuecheng opened in the same year, these changes are happening every day."

struggleYouthful Sweat forging Brilliance
  In 2011, the first Skyworth refrigerator came off the production line; in 2013, the first Skyworth wave washing machine came off the production line; in 2014, the first Skyworth drum washing machine came off the production line ...... Over the years, Skyworth Electric's refrigerators, washing machines and other new products for white goods have been emerging one after another, with major breakthroughs coming one after the other, which cannot be separated from the company's a R&D team of more than 220 people.

 Li Shuqiang from Shaanxi is the manager of the refrigerator development department of Skyworth Electric and has been working in the enterprise for more than 10 years. He said with deep feeling that Lishui attaches great importance to the introduction of talents, not only builds talent apartments for high-level talents, provides a number of talent housing policies such as home purchase and rental subsidies, but also pays great attention to the training and title evaluation of scientific researchers and technicians, which benefit foreign technical talents a lot.

Rooted in Lishui for more than 10 years, Skyworth Electric has been growing, and its sales revenue has been rising year after year.Growing from $1.7 billion in 2013 to $5 billion in 2023, showing strong momentum. "These are largely due to the advantages of Lishui's transportation location, both the e-commerce platform and the shipment of goods from various cities have provided us with strong logistical support." Li Lin, deputy general manager of Skyworth Electric's domestic marketing center from Anhui, introduced.

  In Lishui, many foreign employees of Skyworth Electric have found their own steady happiness, from enterprise managers to ordinary employees, they have chosen to settle down in Lishui, their children go to school in Lishui, and the group of "new Lishui people" in the form of two generations is expanding.

  "The education here is very good and well-supported, both in terms of software and hardware." Li Lin said that his two children are now studying in Jinling Middle School Lishui Branch and Youfu West Street Elementary School Lishui Branch respectively, and the good teachers make him feel satisfied.

     After working in Lishui for two years, Xiao Hua also bought a house in the Lishui Development Zone and brought his family to Lishui to live together, "Now we live a very cozy life, where we don't work purely for the sake of work, but also enjoy life to the fullest!"

     Chen Hua also bought a house soon after he arrived in Lishui, "It takes 5 minutes to bike from my house to the vegetable market, 5 minutes for my kids to get to school, and 5 minutes to go to Yadong Tongcheng Aloe!"  "Lishui is not only a place full of opportunities, but also a city that makes people warm and have a sense of belonging." Tian Shimin, deputy general manager of Skyworth Electric from Sichuan, said that Lishui's friendly business environment can "empathize" with enterprises, and a series of enterprise-friendly policies, perfect living facilities, education, health and other resources have made it convenient for foreigners to live, and there is a sense of home everywhere.

With the rapid development of Skyworth Electric in Lishui, more and more "new Lishui people" choose to work in Skyworth Electric, and many foreign employees become "new Lishui people" because they work in Skyworth.At present, Skyworth Electric has more than 3,000 employees, of which 70% are from overseas, becoming the backbone of promoting the development of Skyworth Electric.They have been working hard in this dynamic land. They create the splendor of Skyworth's development and their own happy life with hard work and wisdom in this vibrant land.
