
"Across the mountains and the sea, shaping the beauty of the city of friends"--International Friendship City Sculpture Artists came to Ningbo to collect winds

In order to further promote the construction of the sculpture project of the second phase of Nanjing International Friendship Park, and to create an international friendship park integrating international cooperation, friendship city interaction, city promotion and citizen participation, the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office recently invited the sculpture artist of the international friendship city to come to Ningning.

The Foreign Affairs Office of Nanjing Municipal People's Government recently invited sculptors from international friendship cities to visit Nanjing, in a bid to further push forward the construction of the Phase II sculpture project in Nanjing International Friendship Park and turn it visit Nanjing, in a bid to further push forward the construction of the Phase II sculpture project in Nanjing International Friendship Park and turn it into the one that integrates international cooperation, friendship-city exchanges, city promotion and citizen participation. into the one that integrates international cooperation, friendship-city exchanges, city promotion and citizen participation.

From September 3 to 5, the artists visited Nanjing Urban Planning and Construction Exhibition Hall, Ming City Wall Taicheng Ruins, Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, Dazhongnian Temple, Yunjin Museum, Jiangbei New District, Jiangning District, etc. Through field visits, talks and exchanges, they gained an in-depth understanding of Nanjing's historical heritage, humanistic atmosphere and urban characteristics, and further enriched the inspiration and connotation for the creation of the sculpture of the Friendship City.

On September 3-5, these artists paid visits to the Nanjing Construction Planning Exhibition Hall, Taicheng Wall, Xiaoling Mausoleum, Grand Baoen Temple, Nanjing Yunjin Museum, Jiangbei New Area, Jiangning District and more. On September 3-5, these artists paid visits to the Nanjing Construction Planning Exhibition Hall, Taicheng Wall, Xiaoling Mausoleum, Grand Baoen Temple, Nanjing Yunjin Museum, Jiangbei New Area, Jiangning District and more. understanding of Nanjing's historical heritage, cultural atmosphere and urban characteristics and further increase the inspiration and connotation of sculptures in the context of the city. The field visits, discussions and exchanges enabled them to have a deep understanding of Nanjing's historical heritage, cultural atmosphere and urban characteristics and further increase the inspiration and connotation of sculptures in the international friendship cities.

The artists visited the planning site of Nanjing International Friendship Park to discuss how to integrate the sculptures into the design blueprint of the city park layout and make it a carrier of cultural integration and emotional link. The artists offered their insights on the integration of the sculptures with the environment, the size and materials of the works, and how to interact with the visitors, interpreting the understanding of the cooperation between Nanjing and the International Friendship City from their perspectives.

The artists inspected the site in Nanjing International Friendship Park and discussed how to integrate sculptures into the design blueprint of urban parks to make them carriers of cultural blending and emotional connection. The artists inspected the site in Nanjing International Friendship Park and discussed how to integrate sculptures into the design blueprint of urban parks to make them carriers of cultural blending and emotional connection. They offered their views on the integration of sculptures with the environment, the size and materials of the works, and interactions with visitors, and expressed their views on the cooperation between Nanjing and the international friendship cities. The organizers also expressed their views on the cooperation between Nanjing and the international friendship cities.

In recent years, Nanjing has relied on the construction of the International Friendship Park to focus on displaying and introducing the natural scenery, local customs and cultural characteristics of each international friendship city, making it a window for Nanjing citizens to understand the international friendship city and an important platform for displaying the international friendship city. In the past few years, nearly ten sculptures created by artists from international friendship cities have settled in Nanjing after coming to Nanjing to collect winds, which are deeply loved by the general public and tourists in Nanjing.

In recent years, Nanjing, riding on the construction of Nanjing International Friendship Park, exhibited and introduced the natural scenery, local customs and cultural characteristics of the friendship cities, making it a window for Nanjing citizens to understand the friendship cities and an anecdote of friendship. In recent years, Nanjing, riding on the construction of Nanjing International Friendship Park, exhibited and introduced the natural scenery, local customs and cultural characteristics of the friendship cities, making it a window for Nanjing citizens to understand the friendship cities and an important platform to showcase the cities. In the past few years, approximately ten sculptures created by these cities' artists following their visits in Nanjing were installed in the city. In the past few years, approximately ten sculptures created by these cities' artists following their visits in Nanjing were installed in the city, which are very popular among its citizens and tourists.
