
Industrial Science and Technology Innovation, Look at Nanjing

report of the original soundtrack

"Adhere to the realistic and solid, four-chain integration, and strive to build a main bearing area of industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence. Taking the comprehensive reform of the science and technology system as the lead, we have promoted the smooth circulation and deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and accelerated the formation of new productive forces.

Representatives and members of the Committee are keen to discuss

Four-chain integration to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements

"Breakthroughs in science and technology innovation need to be further integrated with industry." Zhou Zheng, a member of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said that some market-guided scientific and technological achievement transformation centers should be established to promote more scientific and technological achievements to the ground with the guidance of market demand.

Municipal Councilor Kim Shunli suggested thatStrengthening the role of innovative talents in supporting enterprise development. He said that scientific and technological innovation is the core competitiveness of enterprises, and talent is an important support for the innovative development of enterprises, is the key to competition. To effectively play the policy "wind vane" and "gas pedal" role, continue to optimize the talent policy environment, to attract talent, retain talent; for local talent, we should make great efforts to take science and technology projects, innovation platform support, etc., to do a good job in supporting and cultivating the work; to help talents and enterprises to accurately match, and build a carrier for talents to innovate and start up businesses. For local talents, we should make great efforts to support and cultivate them by means of scientific and technological projects and innovation platforms.

Municipal Councilor Shen Tonggang suggested thatSupporting the innovation of the "finance + science and technology finance" venture capital mechanism, supporting the development of science and technology finance, and studying the formulation and implementation of relevant breakthrough policy measures.give(c) Utilizing the driving role of the Government's science and technology innovation fund. It will give full play to the driving role of the Government's science and technology innovation fund, explore the establishment of a mechanism for integrating the science and technology financial risk compensation policy with governmental financing guarantees, and explore the provision of full-cycle financial services for innovative technologies and enterprises through such means as "angel investment, innovation in credit, insurance and guarantee services, and listing and debt financing".

"Nanjing should actively integrate into the Yangtze River Delta Innovation Corridor, promote the improvement of the Yangtze River Delta science and technology innovation cooperation mechanism, accelerate the smooth circulation of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and promote the sharing of resources, platforms, results and environment." Shen Tonggang said.

Seizing the Innovation Heights of the Digital Economy

"To lead the development of Nanjing, we need to seize the innovation plateau of digital economy." Zhu University, a deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, suggested focusing on cultivating a number of local data enterprises with core competitiveness. Through policy guidance, financial support, technical assistance and other means, encourage local data enterprises to increase investment in research and development, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation, the formation of key technologies with independent intellectual property rights. At the same time, actively for local data enterprises to expand the market "bridge paving", strengthen the interaction with domestic and foreign well-known enterprises, enhance the visibility of Nanjing in the field of digital economy.

Municipal People's Congress deputy Gu Huanhuan suggested thatBuilding an efficient and reliable data security assurance platformThrough the supervised units to fill in the report independently as well as the implementation of data security monitoring technology means to standardize and normalize the data security assessment and evaluation, risk monitoring and early warning as well as the implementation of the security capacity assessment system to strengthen the application of the results of the data and other work, effective protection and assistance in the construction of the "digital government", and vigorously promote the digitization of government services, intelligentization process, and provide escort for scientific and technological innovation. The government has been working hard to promote the digitization of government services and the process of intellectualization, and to escort scientific and technological innovation. Enterprises can also do less errands, more efficient.

"Nanjing's traditional industries should not treat digital transformation as a multiple choice question, but as a must-answer question, and as a long-term action." Hu Rongmao, a deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, believes that Nanjing has both a strong foundation of traditional industries and a strong technological base and rich scientific and educational resources, and that it is necessary to encourage traditional enterprises to firmly take the road of automation, informatization, and intellectualization. He suggests that moderately reduce the traditional industry technological transformation equipment investment for the purchase of equipment embedded software, systems integration and other project subsidies threshold, appropriately increase the proportion of subsidies, and further strengthen the policy of technological innovation, digital transformation of enterprises to guide the role of the traditional industries to promote the upgrading of traditional industries into advanced manufacturing, to create a new quality of the carrier of the productivity of the traditional industries, let the traditional industry, "run fast! The traditional industries can "run fast".

Let innovation become the main theme of enterprise development

"Specialized, specialized and new enterprises are an important support for Made in China and the key to ensure the stability of the industrial chain supply chain." Luo Lihua, a member of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), suggested to further optimize the city's development planning and cultivation program for specialized, special and new enterprises, and increase the gradient cultivation; strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights in the whole chain, accelerate the improvement of the enterprise credit evaluation system, and accelerate the construction of the financing guarantee system.

"Stimulate the enthusiasm of enterprise innovation, the need for policy multi-dimensional force." Zhu Lan, a member of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), suggested increasing support for scientific research institutions and innovative enterprises, establishing a more perfect innovation incentive mechanism and intellectual property rights protection system, promoting the deep integration of finance and science and technology, providing stronger financial support for scientific and technological innovation, and further enhancing the level and speed of enterprises' scientific and technological innovation.

Municipal Councilor Chiang Bong Lung suggested thatmutuallyGuan government departments should systematically build a whole chain innovation ecosystemAt the same time, private enterprises are encouraged to increase the pace of "going out". At the same time, private enterprises are encouraged to increase the pace of "going out", leading them to play a role in the global industrial chain, enhancing the vitality of private enterprises, and promoting enterprises to become bigger, better and stronger.

"Only by truly engaging in innovation and R&D can enterprises tap their potential, enhance their strength, and achieve higher quality and higher level of development." Tang Yibing, a member of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said that while the government has made innovation the main theme of enterprise development by encouraging and supporting enterprises to increase investment in science and technology, and by supporting enterprises to introduce advanced and applicable scientific and technological achievements, enterprises should also be courageous to take up the role of promoting the high-quality development of the city, find their own positioning, and shoulder their social responsibilities.
