
Countdown to store opening!

"The first phase of the project's outlets have completed completion and fire inspection and are in the process of filing for completion, while the second phase of the gas station has completed completion and filing.It is scheduled to open in the second quarter of this year."Nanjing open market guest related person in charge of the introduction said.

NJ Costco (Open Marketer)

The membership outlet program is counting down to the opening of the store!

market maker

Open Marketer is the second largest retailer in the world and the first wholesale warehouse club in the world to adopt a membership system. It currently has more than 870 stores in 14 regions around the world and over 130 million members.After the stable operation of Nanjing Open Marketer, it is expected to achieve an annual operating income of RMB 1.4 billion.This project has brought Nanjing one step closer to becoming an international consumption center city with national influence and global reputation.

How will this "big guy"

Introducing NJ?

At the end of 2019, Jiangning Hi-Tech Zone was informed that "Open Marketer" was in the process of selecting a site for its seventh member store in mainland China.

"Within 30 minutes' drive, the population should be more than 1 million" is the "hard condition" for the site selection of the market opener. In order to determine the suitability of the enterprise and the main land, the investment team issued an invitation to Nanjing "half-day tour", with the person in charge of the project of the market opener, with the land as the origin, the field inspection of the population within 30 minutes drive, the relevant supporting facilities.

In June 2021, this project was officially signed on the ground.

"Our project focuses on highway transportation, and this site is located in the south of Jiyin Avenue, west of Lize Road and north of Dream Road in Jiangning Hi-Tech Zone, Nanjing, with well-developed transportation, 30 minutes to reach the main city, and simultaneous radiation of 1 million consumer groups." The person in charge said, "At the same time, Jiangning Fangshan is Jiangning Hi-Tech Zone is high standard planning, high quality construction of a brand new area; adjacent to the well-known Fangshan scenic area, absorbing the public tourists to go; sitting on a number of colleges and universities resources for the store to provide a large number of potential consumer groups, everything meets our needs."

Investment "cascade"

Confidence "continues to rise"

According to the head of the Kaishikaku program

This time, NJ Open Marketers set up

Kaishikai's first gas station in mainland China

"The original negotiation of the landing project is only a store, but with the advancement of the project, at the end of 2020, the other party proposed that they would like to add a gas station to further upgrade and improve the business scope of Kaishikai in mainland China." Jiangning Hi-tech Zone, the Ministry of Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Development, said the relevant person in charge. "Layers and layers" of investment is a vote of confidence in the investment team, but also a vote of confidence in the investment environment.

With the comprehensive advantages of science and education talents, transportation location, industrial synergy and business environment, Nanjing has always been a hot spot for foreign investment.

Previously, the Ministry of Commerce issued "Nanjing comprehensive pilot program for the expansion and opening up of the service sector in Nanjing" in the classification of relaxing access restrictions, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation in the field of a series of supportive policies granted to Nanjing to further liberalize the field of foreign investment and conditions to help Nanjing to enhance the opening up of the level of energy, and to gather global high-end resources and elements.

"To walk with Nanjing is to walk with opportunity, and to invest in Nanjing is to invest in the future."The person in charge of the Kaishikai project said, "Nanjing has many colleges and universities, convenient transportation, and the government's services are very attentive, and also gives competitive policies, so that enterprises make up their minds to choose Nanjing and take root in Nanjing."
