
Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "the main feature of today's global scientific and technological revolution is the transformation from science to technology, and the basic requirement is the industrialization of major basic research results". The construction of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as "Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute") is a major initiative of Jiangsu to fulfill the instruction of General Secretary Xi Jinping. Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute was established in December 2013, located in the key link of science to technology transformation, focusing on breaking down ideological barriers and institutional barriers restricting scientific and technological innovation, exploring institutional mechanisms to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and opening up the channel for scientific and technological achievements to be transformed into real-life productive forces.In December 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute and put forward the scientific and technological innovation work of the "four docking" - to strengthen the docking of science and technology with the economy, the docking of innovation achievements with industries, the docking of innovation projects with real productivity, and the docking of R&D personnel's innovative labor with their benefit income. Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute actively practices the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and plays the role of two bridges - "a bridge between universities (scientific research institutions) and industry" and "a global bridge between universities and industry" in accordance with the concept of "R&D as an industry and technology as a commodity". In accordance with the concept of "R&D as an industry and technology as a commodity", it actively plays the roles of two bridges - "a bridge between universities (scientific research institutions) and industry" and "a bridge between global innovation resources and Jiangsu" - and accurately focuses on the supply of innovation resources and the mining of technological needs of enterprises, builds an industrial technological innovation system integrating R&D vectors, industrial needs and innovation resources, and deeply integrates the industry-university-research and utilization of technology, and creates an industrial innovation ecosystem including the ecology of talents, financial ecosystem and space ecosystem, It has explored a series of reform initiatives in building the governance system of industrial technology R&D organizations, the construction of R&D carriers, the introduction, training and incentive of talents, and the efficient use of financial funds. 

(c) Plowing the "testing ground" for reform of the science and technology system.Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute (JIRI) has explored and formed eight reform initiatives: a two-system, contract research, project manager, team holding, allocation and investment, equity incentive, three in one, and the collection of universities. 2018 was awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Collective Making Outstanding Contributions to the Reform and Opening-up of Jiangsu" by the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government. 2020 was recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology and other nine departments as the "pilot unit for giving researchers the right to ownership or long-term use of scientific and technological achievements". The Ministry of Science and Technology and other nine departments identified as a "pilot unit to give researchers the right to ownership or long-term use of scientific and technological achievements," by the China Association for Science and Technology in 2020 "Science and Technology Innovation China" top ten industry-university-research integration organization.

Building an industrial technology innovation system.It continues to build an industrial technology innovation system that integrates innovation resources, enterprise needs and R&D capabilities, and is market-oriented and deeply integrates industry, academia, research and utilization. At the end of R&D carriers, in 2020, six new professional research institutes were built in Wuxi, Changzhou and Nanjing, and the construction of two integrated innovation platforms, namely the Yangtze River Delta Advanced Materials Research Institute and the Integrated Circuit Application Technology Innovation Center, were promoted, and a number of major projects were launched and implemented. By the end of 2020, 58 R&D carriers have been built. It has recognized 50 R&D enterprises in Jiangsu Province, of which 20 will be newly recognized in 2020, and has steadily promoted the growth and expansion of R&D enterprises. On the innovation resources end, new strategic cooperative relationships have been established with 9 renowned overseas universities (faculties), including Harvard Medical School, the Department of Physics of the University of Munich, and the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, as well as with 25 domestic double-first-class universities. By the end of 2020, strategic partnerships have been established with 55 renowned overseas universities (research institutes) and 52 domestic double first-class universities, and eight overseas platforms, mainly four overseas incubators, have been built. Entered into an in-depth partnership with OurCrowd, a top Israeli venture capital organization, and completed investment in its incubator. Organized the UK Innovation Week with the University of Liverpool and other institutions in the United Kingdom, focusing on "demand-led, model innovation" to carry out cooperation and strategic dialogues. On the industrial demand side, we have established 113 joint innovation centers with leading enterprises in the province, of which 54 will be added in 2020. In the past two years, the joint innovation centers have put forward a total of 589 technological needs, and the enterprises intend to contribute 1.71 billion yuan. Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute has helped the joint innovation centers to match more than 560 demands, and reached 157 technical cooperation projects with a contract value of 740 million yuan.

Create an industrial innovation ecology.To create an innovation ecology that promotes industrial technology R&D and transformation in three aspects: talent, finance and space. In terms of talent ecology, build a talent system consisting of strategic scientific and technological talents (top talents), leading talents (project managers), backbone R&D personnel (JITRI researchers) and JITRI postgraduate students (postdoctoral students), etc. In 2020, introduce 40 industrial leading talents to serve as project managers. Thirty-six technologists with innovative achievements, mastery of first-class technologies and independent R&D capabilities will be hired as JITRI researchers to work full-time at the institutes. By the end of 2020, a total of 168 project managers have been hired and 167 JITRI fellows have been introduced. Nearly 1,500 JITRI graduate students have been jointly trained with domestic famous universities. In terms of financial ecology, Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "JITRI") supports the establishment of early-stage venture capital funds to mobilize social capital, deploy capital chains around the innovation chain, and build a financial ecology conducive to the development of R&D industry. 2020, JITRI will support R&D carriers and private equity investment managers to set up early stage venture capital funds 4, as of the end of 2020, the establishment of venture capital funds up to 11, Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute shareholding ratio of 5%-20%, the total amount of prying social capital of 1.315 billion.2020, Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute, respectively, with the Bank of China, the Bank of Jiangsu, the Bank of Nanjing, Bank of Beijing, the Guoxin Group, Langtai Capital, Haichuang Investment and other financial and investment institutions to establish strategic cooperative relationships. Through its overseas subsidiaries, it has invested in incubators in the United States and Israel. In terms of spatial ecology, in Nanjing, relying on the new site of Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute in Nanjing Jiangbei New District, the construction of Jiangbei R&D Industrial Park was initiated, with a planned construction area of 550,000 square meters; and in Xiangcheng, Suzhou, the Yangtze River Delta International R&D Community was built, with a construction area of 350,000 square meters in the start-up area. Relying on the above two parks to promote the construction of innovation complexes, we will create space carriers to promote the agglomeration and deep integration of innovation resources, and realize the core functions of sharing and exchanging information, supplying comprehensive technological solutions, and cross-fertilizing innovation and entrepreneurship.

Gathering talents, creating dreams for the future!During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute (JIRI) will promote the high-quality development of Jiangsu industry as the theme, deepen the reform of system and mechanism as the fundamental driving force, focus on building a collaborative and open technology innovation system leading the development of industry, creating a synergistic and efficient ecosystem oriented to the innovation needs of industry, enhancing the contribution to the high-quality development of Jiangsu industry and building a modern scientific research institution governance system with the characteristics of the collection of four strategic directions. Focusing on the four strategic directions of building a collaborative and open technological innovation system leading industrial development, creating a synergistic and efficient ecosystem facing industrial innovation needs, enhancing the contribution to the high-quality development of Jiangsu industries and building a modern scientific research institution governance system with the characteristics of a collection of research institutes, we will comprehensively promote the high-quality development of Jiangsu Industrial Research Institute to a new level. By the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the construction of industrial technology innovation system will be basically completed, a number of high-quality R&D platforms and carriers will be laid out and constructed in the strategic fields, industrial frontiers and key areas of Jiangsu Province, and a number of key core technologies will be overcome, thus becoming the core engine for promoting the high-quality development of Jiangsu. Jiangsu high-quality development of the core engine.
