
Three arrows in the air.

Business negotiation table, a total investment of more than 3 billion yuan of thousand sail constellation satellite communication load headquarters and other projects landed one after another;

On the construction site of major projects, a number of projects such as AVIC Nanjing Electromechanical, China Aviation Development Nanjing Light and Dynamic, etc. are being built at full speed.......

As a state-level economic development zone established 32 years ago, Jiangning Development Zone has accelerated the development of new quality productivity according to local conditions.This year, anchored in the "air and space industry" new track to expand the industrial map, in the aviation, aerospace, low altitude three major areas of the "three arrows", to build a "full airspace, full industry" ecosystem.

Striving for the "sky"

"Air and space industry" large projects speed up

April 24, Century Space Yangtze River Delta headquarters base project settled in Jiangning Development Zone, Zijinshan Science and Technology City signing ceremony was held in Beijing.The project is jointly created by Zijinshan Science and Technology City and 21st Century Space Technology Application Co., Ltd., which will build the Yangtze River Delta satellite remote sensing "data lake", digital twin base and other spatial information infrastructures, and at the same time set up a joint scientific and technological innovation platform involving Zijinshan Laboratory, universities and other institutions, and set up a mechanism for joint scientific research and research, to promote cross-innovation research of new-generation communication, network security, satellite three-dimensional scene and other technologies. Promote cross-innovation research on new-generation communication, network security, satellite three-dimensional reality and other technologies, and carry out key technology research such as 6G star-ground fusion satellite application system.

Jiangning Development Zone, there is also a total investment of more than 3 billion yuan of thousand sail constellation of satellite communications payload headquarters project.The project will operate a commercialized low-orbit satellite constellation for the global market, providing broadband communications, Internet access, navigation enhancement, IOT collection and other services, and developing and producing a full range of communications equipment for low-orbit satellites, such as communication payloads, core networks, satellite-mounted base stations, ground base stations, test terminals, power feeds and routing systems. As the main body for the construction and operation of the "Thousand Sails Constellation" project, Shanghai Qixin Satellite Science and Technology Co., Ltd. will be responsible for the design of the system's overall program and technical system, engineering implementation management, global market operation and international cooperation.

It is expected that for the whole of this year, the Jiangning Development Zone will exceed 12 billion yuan in output value of the aviation manufacturing track alone.(idiom) use methods in line with local circumstances

Forging "first-mover advantages" into "new growth poles"

Inventory, aerospace industry is Jiangning Development Zone's "traditional strengths", the largest sub-platform under its Nanjing Airport Development Zone (Jiangning) is an important "wing" of the Nanjing Air-Space Economic Demonstration Zone. Its largest sub-platform - Nanjing Airport Development Zone (Jiangning) is an important "wing" of Nanjing Airports Economic Demonstration Zone, and its R&D and technological strength in aeronautical electromechanical systems ranks the first in the country.

Currently.Jiangning Development Zone has gathered more than 30 aviation R&D and manufacturing enterprises, of which 9 are C919 suppliers.For example, AVIC Nanjing Electromechanical Technology Company has undertaken the development of hydraulic, fuel, and ring control systems for the domestic aircraft, and Ruihan Aeronautical Components Company is the main manufacturer of C919 ring control pipeline; Nanjing Hangpeng Aeronautical Systems and Equipment Company is mainly engaged in the provision of fuel and hydraulic systems and other supporting equipment for the C919 and the Commercial Airplanes' ARJ21 new regional aircraft.... ...Leading enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the industry chain to form a huge driving effect, full breakthrough "blue sky track".


Air and Space "Star" Journey Opens in Full Force

The "air and space industry" has a broad scope and involves(a) Technology development, manufacturing, applications and services in a wide range of fields, such as aerospace and near-space, the core of whose development lies in the integration of upstream and downstream industry chains.To this end, Jiangning Development Zone played a series of policy combinations.

From the "Jiangning Development Zone Airside Industry Three-Year Action Plan" that the park's goal relying on AVIC Nanjing Electromechanical, China Aviation Development Nanjing Light Dynamics and other central enterprises project agglomeration advantages, AVIC University and 609 and other strong scientific research advantages of universities, focusing on the aviation airborne systems, aircraft engines, civil aviation aircraft MRO, aeronautical low altitude flight and other industries, precise investment, strengthen the industry chain, and strive to create a national aviation Industrial Base.

April 14 of this year

The park is promoting the "air and space industry".

Another big move in industry-academia-research integration

Jiangning Development Zone, hand in hand with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, to start "around the South China Aviation Science and Technology Innovation Belt" construction, innovation belt planning a total area of about 10 square kilometers, and strive to through five years, radiation driven new industry scale 20 billion yuan.Innovation belt one of the main direction of attack is - to seize the aerospace, low-altitude economy and other new areas of the new track. On the same day, led by the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 14, 29, 504, AVIC photoelectricity and other units jointly built the "Tianyuan Laboratory" announced the establishment of a new generation of mobile communications, satellite communications and deep space exploration, aerospace and other fields, to promote the deep integration of scientific and technological achievements and industry.

Shepherding the stars and cultivating the universe to the firmament has been the dream of mankind's unremitting pursuit since ancient times, and now the aerospace industry derived from the dream of flying has become an important starting point for cultivating new quality productivity in Jiangning Development Zone.
