
A second "block bridge" was built!

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"Building Blocks" on North River Boulevard.

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The second "block bridge" across Jiangbei Avenue.

Construction is underway.

In the afternoon of June 1, the mainline bridge across Jiangbei Avenue at Jianning West Road Crossing started top pushing work.This is the second bridge that interchanges the Jianning West Road river crossing with Jiangbei Avenue.

Jianning Road West Crossing

There are two interchanges in Jiangbei

One is the Hengjiang Avenue Interchange

The other is the Jiangbei Avenue interchange

The Jiangbei Avenue interchange has a mainline bridge and four ramp bridges, ABCD, of which the mainline bridge, Ramp A and Ramp C will cross over the Jiangbei Avenue Expressway.Currently, Ramp C has crossed over River North Boulevard.

The mainline bridge is a two-way six-lane carriageway with a deck width of 26.2 meters."There are 10 sections and 60 prefabricated steel box girders in the section across Jiangbei Avenue, and each section of the bridge consists of six steel box girders welded together." Wang Jun, technical person in charge of the project of B1 bid of Jianning West Road of China Railway Bureau, said.

The mainline bridge jacking steps with the previous C-ramp jacking process is the same, first in the red steel bracket assembled a good section of the bridge deck, and then welded on the 45-meter long guide beams, through the "intelligent brain" to command the steel bracket jacks, will be assembled bridge deck a little bit of forward movement, until across the Jiangbei Avenue.

"Although the steps are the same, but the mainline bridge deck is wide, the total weight of the integrated span part is 3265 tons, the top push process will take longer." Wang Jun said that according to the plan, the distance of each top push varies from ten to twenty meters, depending on the site, "The first stage of the top push is carried out in two times, yesterday pushed forward 11 meters, and will push forward a little bit more today, and then it will start to assemble the back of the bridge deck."
