
Start rate 78.2%! Update on key city construction projects

Construction of 3 river crossings speeds up

Eleven subway lines coming together

23 urban renewal projects in order


This year, the urban construction plan is arranged for a total of 424 Class A projects in seven categories, namely, transportation infrastructure, ecological environment construction, municipal utilities, urban renewal, security of tenure, town and village construction, and urban and rural construction and management.

As of June, the construction rate of new projects reached 78.2%, a record high completion rate; included in the provincial and municipal plans for 36 major projects, the investment progress is higher than the average level of urban construction projects.

River Crossing - AccelerationCross-river integration

Xianxin Road Crossing

As a major transportation project for Nanjing's urban development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the Xianxin Road river crossing will be completed.The drive from Qixia Avenue to Jiangbei New District will be reduced from one hour to 10 minutes, theIt is of great significance to enhance the city's ability to cross the Yangtze River trunk line and improve the regional road network system.

Xianxin Road, the control project of the northern connection of the river crossing, D2 standard mainline bridge Chu River Bridge has recently completed 48 sections, is expected to realize the whole bridge in September this year.According to the person in charge of the city's public construction center, all sections of the line are advancing their construction tasks in an orderly manner.Strive to build within the yearThe

Jianning Road West Crossing

The nearest river crossing tunnel to the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge.Jianning Road West Crossing mainline tunnel internal structure construction is stepping up progress, and strive to complete within the year.Jiangnan, Jiangbei two sides of the connecting line project, according to the project node in an orderly manner.

Jianning West Road crossing the river channel from the north of Jiangbei New District Xingpu Road and Jiangbei Avenue intersection, in the form of shield tunnel across the Yangtze River to the south bank, along the existing Jianning West Road finally Jinchuanhe West Road before. The total length of the route is 6.8 kilometers. The total length of the road is 6.8 kilometers, of which the tunnel section is about 3.55 kilometers and the bridge section is about 2.91 kilometers.

Longtan Yangtze River Bridge

The Longtan Yangtze River Bridge project has initiated the removal of catwalks, and the removal of the entire bridge is expected to be completed later this month.It marks the closing sprint stage of the project construction.

Project-wideExpected to be completed within the yearTheIn the future, through the Longtan Yangtze River Bridge, the fastest 6 minutes to reach Yangzhou Yizheng, half an hour to the main city of Yangzhou, to realize the rapid connection between Nanjing and Yizheng and even Yancheng.
