
"AIGC first stock" door ask, landing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange!

On the morning of April 24th, Going Out Innovation and Technology Company was successfully listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, stock short name: Going Out (stock code: 02438.HK), with a debut financing of more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars. This is the city's second new listed company this year.

Founded in 2012

is a generative AI

and voice interaction-centered artificial intelligence companies

For many countries and regions around the world

Provide AI intelligent hardware, AI government and enterprise services

and AIGC products for creators

(Note: Generative Artificial Intelligence - AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content), refers to the technical approach to AI based on generative adversarial networks, large pre-trained models, and other AI methods to learn and recognize existing data with appropriate generalization ability to generate relevant content technology.)

As one of the first market leaders to commercialize AIGC technology, the company has a strong global product layout and market penetration capability.The company has been awarded the honorary titles of "China Unicorn Enterprise" in 2020-2022 and "Jiangsu Unicorn Enterprise and Unicorn Enterprise and Gazelle Enterprise of Hi-tech Zone" in 2022.

The company's self-developed "Sequence Monkey" is a multimodal model capable of generating images, 3D content, speech generation and voice recognition in addition to text, and its language-centered capability system covers the six dimensions of "Knowledge, Dialogue, Mathematics, Logic, Reasoning and Planning".

The company has launched AI dubbing platform "Magic Voice Workshop", one-stop digital human production platform "Wonderful Yuan", enterprise AI interactive digital employee generation platform "Wonderful Ask", AI writing assistant "Wonderful Man", AI painting assistant "Words of Painting", and the overseas version of "Magic Voice Workshop" "DupDub" and other products, which have formed a modeling layer and an application layer that spans across theOne-stop AIGC product matrixThe

After GoDoogle landed in Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone at the end of 2020, the park has deeply implemented the accompanying service concept of "you go public, I serve" to provide GoDoogle with a high-quality development environment in terms of policy guidance, business guidance, accompanying services, etc., and to promote the process of listing enterprises into the fast lane.

Nanjing has in recent years introduced

A series of policies to support enterprises to go public

Continuously optimize the precise service mechanism for listing enterprises

Investing in the high-quality development of multi-level capital markets

Up to now, Nanjing has a total of 163 domestic and foreign listed companies, of which 125 are listed domestically, ranking seventh in China in terms of number and third in terms of provincial capital cities. As of April 22, 2024The total market capitalization of listed companies in Nanjing is 1.42 trillion yuan, ranking sixth in China and first in the province.The

The next step, Nanjing will deeply implement the central economic work conference, the central financial work conference and the provincial party committee financial work conference spirit requirements, adhere to the overall tone of steady progress, integrated development and security, to cultivate and develop the new quality of productive forces as the goal, and actively use the multi-level capital market to do bigger and stronger quality enterprises, and promote the high-quality development of the local economy.
