
Century-old foreign company opens new headquarters in Nanjing

Century-old foreign company opens new headquarters in Nanjing

On June 21, the Nanjing 2024 Global Industry Science and Technology Innovation and Investment Promotion Conference was held, and more than 400 central enterprises, multinational corporations, and heads of well-known private enterprises came to find opportunities in Nanjing. At the conference, 46 major projects totaling 99.8 billion yuan were signed and landed.

Gaia mining equipment sales headquarters, is one of them. The signing of the contract was just completed in the morning, and the company registration was immediately pushed forward in the afternoon of the same day to get the business license. Walking out of the venue, Gaia and Nanjing's hand in hand has just begun.


Move to Nanjing, sign for Nanjing

The strength of the newly established Gaia (Nanjing) cannot be underestimated. It is a new brand built around the Chinese market by Epiroc, one of the world's top 20 construction machinery manufacturers. The predecessor of Epiroc is Atlas Copco, which was founded in 1873.In 1993, Amberto set up its first factory in China in Nanjing to develop, manufacture and sell a wide range of surface rock drilling equipment, underground mining equipment and scrapers, prospecting equipment.

Over the past 30 years, Amberto has continued to deepen its development strategy of "in China, for China".Relocated the China regional headquarters from Shanghai to Nanjing Jingkai District in 2014, and transferred all production capacity located in Yokohama, Japan to Nanjing by 2022.In the same year, the Gaia brand, which backed by the technology accumulation of Ampalto, aimed at Chinese customers and responded to the digitization, automation and electrification of mining equipments, was formally founded, and released the first Gaia surface drilling rig, GIA Q5, with 3 production bases successively laid out in the country, and 50 dealers' channels running one after another.

Located in Nanjing Jingkai District, Gaia mining equipment sales headquarters, the same period began to build. After months of mutual visits and negotiations, June 21, Nanjing 2024 Industry Science and Technology Innovation and Investment Promotion Conference, the project signing session of the 2nd batch, Amberto Greater China President Wei WuXian in the tablet computer to write his name solemnly.


Fast process, just wait for the "hit".

Outside the venue, Nanjing Economic Development Zone has arranged special people and Gaia docking, the two sides pulled a 8-person work group, before the signing of the company registration to submit materials in the docking. The legal representative's face information and office location required to open an account are also being synchronized. That afternoon, Gaia mining equipment sales headquarters project completed the same day signing, the same day registration. The next morning, Saturday, in Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone, the relevant departments of the preliminary coordination, the enterprise official seal, financial seal and all seals are all done, in the non-working day time successfully handed over to the enterprise.

Entering the next round of working days, it is even more tightly organized and interlocked. In the two days of Monday and Tuesday, the bank successively completed the opening of the basic account and foreign capital account for the enterprise; on Tuesday afternoon, the transatlantic mail was sent from Gaia to Sweden, reminding the headquarters of Amberto to prepare for the remittance; on Wednesday morning, the park received a notice of arrival from the foreign exchange bureau; on Thursday morning, the bank's receipt and the foreign exchange bureau's arrival voucher were put in place successively! --From signing to registration to capitalization, it took 4 working days to complete the process.

The park assists enterprises in lining up all processes in advance, planning the collection and preparation of all materials, and front-loading all possible processes.In this process, the response speed from the Swedish headquarters, so that the general manager of the enterprise Gu Xiaokun called "powerful".In a week's time, the headquarters executives overcame jet lag and differences in work and rest one after another, in addition to e-mail replies in a timely manner, and even quickly go through all the internal processes, as early as possible, ready for the registered capital, waiting for the "hit the money".

Why go against the norm? Valley Xiaokun turned the tables and said, 30 years with the Nanjing Economic Development Zone hand in hand, has long established a deep trust and friendship:Enterprises encountered peer copying legal disputes, the park contacted both sides from the coordination, and help enterprises to complete the patent application; summer electricity peak period, the park to protect the normal production of electricity; enterprises leased plant expiration, the park in advance to help find a site ...... which, both the Chinese market of the extreme importance of the business environment of the city of Nanjing. The park is also a place where companies can give back to the Chinese market as well as the business environment of Nanjing.


Each is faster, each has to be better

With the whole process of all elements of services to promote the project landing speed up, Nanjing, "each with its own fast". BASF in Jiangbei New Area is the first case of "two assessments and one certificate" for Nanjing's environmental assessment, soil and water conservation, and sewage license; Lishui District guarantees that "five certificates will be issued" within five working days after the project signs the land transfer contract, and Jiangsu Saijia Intelligent Manufacturing Base, a major project in Jiangsu, is the first to try this; Jiangning District explores the mode of "counseling + pre-approval + approval" for the first time. Jiangsu Saijia Intelligent Production Base, a major provincial project, is the first to try it out; Jiangning District is the first to explore the "counseling + pre-approval + approval" mode, so that the pre-approval agent is then front-loaded; Pukou District's Nanjing Xinchu Science and Technology has become the first beneficiary of the city's "completion of the preparation that is the issuance of certificates" service model.... ...Nanjing has been honored as a national "benchmark city for business environment" for two consecutive years, and has been selected as one of the top ten provincial capitals and sub-provincial cities in the "Best Word-of-Mouth for Business Environment" by 10,000 private enterprises of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) in 2023.

Represented by Amberto and Gaia, Nanjing has attracted 113 Fortune 500 companies and more than 5,000 foreign enterprises to invest and develop their business in the city.From January to April this year, Nanjing added 1.57 billion U.S. dollars in new actual use of foreign capital, and set up eight new large projects with total investment and net increase of 30 million U.S. dollars or more.Since 2012, 57 foreign-funded enterprises have been recognized as regional headquarters of multinational corporations and functional institutions at the provincial level.

From the earliest mutual respect and respect with foreign enterprises, to the common achievements along the way to help each other, and now hand in hand to open up a new situation of mutual trust and mutual love, foreign enterprises and Nanjing two-way to run to the good story will be more and more.

Just a week before the Nanjing 2024 Global Industry Science and Technology Innovation and Investment Promotion Conference, Amberto held the 2024 Innovation Day in Nanjing and released 28 new products in one go, including the open pit drilling rigs GIA Q5, Q6i and Q8 brought by Gaia as well as the underground electric shoveling machine GIA C15E and the underground small-aisle rock drilling cart GIA K111.

When Ambiente first came to Nanjing, there was only 1 product in the Nanjing factory, now it has expanded to more than 40 kinds of products with the explosive R&D capability. Like the old owner, the young Gaia will pursue a better future together with this city.
