
"Ten Billion Dollar Fleet", accelerating the sailing

How long does it take to build a car? In less than 3 minutes, a brand-new Deep Blue S7 will come off the production line in Nanjing Chang'an. From the beginning of 2023, when the new factory was put into operation, to the middle of the year when the new product "Deep Blue S7" was put into production, to the end of the year when it was awarded the "national 5G factory"......2023, Nanjing Chang'an has cumulatively The production of about 90,000 vehicles, the output value of 10.14 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 147.2%, becoming the first enterprise in Lishui District, Nanjing, to break the output value of "10 billion". In Nanjing's "first meeting of the New Year" this year - the city's new industrialization and industrial strength of the city to promote the General Assembly, Nanjing Chang'an, together with Guoxuan New Energy and ZTE Zhiqe, as the new "annual industrial output value" in 2023, will be accepted. Ten billion enterprises" to receive recognition, and were awarded 5 million yuan. Nanjing also released "Nanjing advanced manufacturing 10 billion enterprises to cultivate and strengthen the action plan", put forward to 2025, more than 10 new, cumulative cultivation of more than 30 10 billion advanced manufacturing enterprises. Various clues point to a picture:In the field of advanced manufacturing, Nanjing's "ten billion dollar fleet" is accelerating the sailing!

 "Billion-dollar enterprises."

catalyze the flowering of a chainAdvanced manufacturing development, highly dependent on the industrial chain, supply chain. "Ten billion enterprises" in the industry chain, often play the role of "chain master enterprise". That is to say.The birth of a "tens of billions of enterprises" can pry the industrial development of an area.For example, the newly promoted "ten billion enterprises" Nanjing Changan has driven more than ten new energy auto parts suppliers to settle in Lishui. For example, the newly promoted "ten billion enterprises" Nanjing Changan, has driven more than ten new energy automobile parts suppliers to settle in Lishui. Among them, only its interior and exterior decoration system supplier Nanjing Changming Plastic Parts Co., Ltd, last year's output value of more than 200 million yuan, an increase of more than 100%, sharing the development dividends of Nanjing Changan's leap "10 billion" pass. This year, Lishui District also spread the news, will be around Changan, Kaiwo, Hengtian and other vehicle enterprises, to further enhance the industrial chain, value chain, and strive for the industry scale of more than 60 billion yuan. The new energy automobile industry is also regarded by Lishui District as a key 100 billion industry cluster. In fact.In the field of advanced manufacturing, "tens of billions of enterprises" figure, has been active in Nanjing's "national team".--Software and information service industry, new electric power (smart grid), the two "national advanced manufacturing clusters". Among them, the industrial scale of the national market accounted for 80% of the smart grid industry cluster, the performance is bright. Situated in Jiangning District, which has two "10 billion enterprises", Nanrui Group and Nanrui Relay, the smart grid industry chain is complete with 9 links, and there are 184 enterprises and 17 listed companies in the related industries. Statistics show that in 2023, Nanjing smart grid business revenue exceeded 320 billion yuan. The joining of leading enterprises can greatly attract the upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain to gather, and then effectively drive the synergistic development of the industry. In Nanjing Yuhuatai District, there is a software avenue. Here the introduction of Huawei, ZTE and a number of well-known software leading enterprises at home and abroad. Today, the 5.3-kilometer-long Software Avenue has become a well-deserved "highway" for the development of software and information service clusters. From the first "China Software City", to the list of "National Pilot Zone of Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application", the first batch of national advanced manufacturing clusters, to the city's software business income of 800 billion yuan by 2023.... ...The software and information service industry is becoming one of the most recognizable industrial business cards in Nanjing.At the end of 2023, Nanjing had 24 ten-billion advanced manufacturing enterprises, of which, one hundred-billion enterprises and seven thirty-billion enterprises, completing a total industrial output value accounting for more than 45% of the city's share.

Racing to the "10 billion" mark

What's the secret?In 2023, the newly promoted "ten billion enterprises" of Guoxuan New Energy, ZTE Zhike and Nanjing Chang'an, from the commonality, all belong to the "Nanjing Municipal Promotion of Industrial Strengthening Action Plan (2023-2025)" layout of the "2 + 6 + 6 "Innovative industry clusters."Scientific and technological innovation results as the direction of enterprise development", three enterprises to promote "ten billion enterprises" shows that the wind of the times is the new quality productivityThe company's name is "GXN" and it's a private company. At the same time, it is worth noting that, and Nanjing Changan, ZTE Zhike more or less "national" background is different, Guoxuan new energy is a private enterprise. 2023 March 6, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the CPPCC National Committee to participate in the 14th session of the CPPCC members of the Democratic Construction of the People's Republic of China, the Federation of Industry and Commerce sector, emphasized the need to optimize the environment for the development of private enterprises, to break the systematic barriers that restrict the fair participation of private enterprises in the market competition. break down institutional barriers that restrict private enterprises from participating in market competition on a fair basis. In this regard, Nanjing has done positive and effective work. Facts have proved thatPrivate Enterprises Embrace Nanjing's High-Quality Development and Reward Nanjing's Sincerity. As of the end of 2023, Nanjing private enterprises amounted to 615,400, individual business households amounted to 1,095,300, and the added value of private economy accounted for 46.4% of GDP, creating 55% of tax revenue and 90% of new jobs. The relevant person in charge of Guoxuan New Energy Enterprise, mentioned on more than one occasion, "Guoxuan New Energy breaks through 10 billion yuan in 2023, not only thanks to the rapid development of the industry and the enterprise's own efforts, but also as a result of the creation of a good business environment in Nanjing." On the first working day of 2024, Nanjing held a conference to promote the high-quality development of the private economy, and released on the spot "a number of measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy (draft for comments)". Treating everyone equally and encouraging ascent to the top.Nanjing to support more and more private enterprises, towards the "10 billion" goal of progressThe main business entities of all kinds can actively and fully participate in the market competition. Of course, only all kinds of business subjects, can actively and fully participate in the market competition, Nanjing to build a global influence of industrial science and technology innovation center of the main bearing area of the goal, will become a reality day by day.

10 new "10 billion enterprises"

What's the bottom line?By 2025, Nanjing strives to add more than 10 ten billion enterprises. Put forward such a goal, Nanjing bottom line?
Science and technology are the first productive forces. Nanjing's science and technology home base, how thick is it? Since its establishment in 2018, the Purple Mountain Laboratory has achieved a series of world-leading results in the fields of future networks, B5G/6G communications, and cybersecurity, creating a number of global firsts in the field of network communications and security. In addition, Nanjing also has an integrated circuit EDA (electronic design automation) national innovation center, which is an important position to carry out key core technology research in this field in China ......Focusing on "top-heavy" scientific and technological innovation, and "unprofitable" basic scientific and technological innovation in the short term, Nanjing's bottom line of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation has been strengthened.TheTalent is the first resourceThe key to cultivating and developing new quality productivity relies on innovation drive; and the essence of innovation drive is talent drive. Cultivate and develop new quality productivity, the key rely on innovation drive; and the essence of innovation drive, is talent drive. 2023, Nanjing national talent project selected number of similar cities in the country, the first in Jiangsu, Nanjing within the scope of the four experts were elected to the new session of the "two academies" academician, 1 person 4 team won the "National Engineer Award", 10 talent team selected in Jiangsu Province talent research consortium. "National Engineer Award", 10 talent teams selected by the Jiangsu Provincial Talent Research Consortium. Of course, Nanjing also has more than 50 institutions of higher learning represented by Nanjing University and Southeast University.Attracting, retaining and utilizing talents is the bottom line for Nanjing to support the transformation and innovative development of enterprises.TheInnovation is the first motivation. How can scientific and technological achievements move from the laboratory to the big market, and how can the richness of science and education be developed into the richness of industry? The key is to rely on institutional mechanism innovation.2021 Since then, Nanjing has been approved to build the country's first leading national innovative city, a national science and innovation financial reform pilot zone, a model city for the construction of a strong city of intellectual property rights, and a pilot city for the reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation.Grasping the new historical opportunities, the innovation engine is the backbone of Nanjing's development.Since 2022, Nanjing has been aiming at the positioning of a benchmark city for business environment and the goal of a national pilot city for business environment innovation, introducing various policies and measures to optimize the business environment, and continuing to attract leading enterprises to develop in Ningbo. Recently, the much-anticipated Xiaomi Group East China Headquarters Project Phase I was completed for the record. As a major planned development project in Jiangsu Province and a key project of Nanjing Famous Enterprises Settlement Plan, the East China headquarters of Xiaomi Group is expected to house 5,000 people after opening, and will become the largest R&D center in China in addition to the Beijing headquarters.
