Electreon is an Israel-based wireless charging technology provider for electric vehicles and a world leader in wireless charging. It is committed to building wireless charging roads to provide convenient charging services for electric vehicles. Wireless charging systems can improve the utilization rate of renewable energy, reduce the overall cost of ownership, increase the coverage/operating time of electric vehicles. Wireless charging systems can improve the utilization rate of renewable energy, reduce the overall cost of ownership, increase the coverage/operating time of electric vehicles, and minimize the impact and cost of electric vehicle batteries. At present, there are 17 related projects in the world, and actively enter the Chinese market, establish a strategic partnership with Shandong International Science and Technology Center. Establish a strategic partnership with Shandong International Science and Technology Cooperation Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community (SITEC), and have developed a plan for the future. ), and have developed a plan for entering the market in multiple stages.