
Nanjing University, NJU

  Nanjing University is an institution of higher learning with a long history and outstanding reputation. Its predecessor was the Sanjiang Normal School, founded in 1902, and it was renamed Nanjing University in 1950 after passing through the historical periods of Liangjiang Normal School, Nanjing Higher Normal School, National Southeast University, National Sun Yat-sen University, National Central University, and National Nanjing University, etc. In 1952, during the restructuring of the faculties and departments of the national colleges and universities, Nanjing University restructured the faculties and departments of engineering, agriculture, and teacher training with the Faculties of Arts and Sciences of Jinling University, which were founded in 1888 and merged with the Faculties of Arts and Sciences of Jinling University. In 1952, during the restructuring of the faculties and departments of universities nationwide, Nanjing University merged with the Faculties of Arts and Sciences of Jinling University, which was founded in 1888. The campus was moved from Sipailou to Gulou, the original site of Nanjing University.

  During more than a century of schooling, Nanjing University and its predecessors have breathed with the times and shared the destiny of the nation, striving for the strength of the country and the progress of science and education, and making important contributions to the wealth and strength of the country and the revitalization of the nation. Especially since the reform and opening up, as a key comprehensive university directly under the Ministry of Education, Nanjing University has been revitalized in the new historical opportunities, and was one of the first to be selected for the construction of "211 Project" and "985 Project", and one of the first to be selected for the "Double First Class" program. It was also one of the first to be selected as one of the "double first-class" construction universities and one of the first to be selected as one of the national dual-creation demonstration bases, and has always been in the first position among Chinese universities, and has gained a recognized social influence and academic reputation.

  Nanjing University has four campuses in Xianlin, Gulou, Pukou and Suzhou, with 33 faculties and departments, 13,934 undergraduates, 18,158 master's degree students, 8,948 doctoral degree students and 1,691 international students. There are 16 disciplines under "double first-class" construction, 19 disciplines under the third phase of Jiangsu University Advantageous Discipline Construction Project, 44 first-level disciplines authorized for doctoral degree, 1 second-level discipline authorized for doctoral degree (excluding first-level disciplines), 5 professional doctoral degree, 4 first-level disciplines authorized for master's degree, 28 professional master's degree, 4 first-level disciplines authorized for professional master's degree, and 28 professional master's degree. There are 5 professional doctoral degree authorization points, 4 professional master's degree authorization points, 28 professional master's degree authorization points, 91 undergraduate majors, 1 national life science and technology talent cultivation base, and 14 bases for cultivating outstanding students in basic disciplines 2.0. There are 1 national laboratory, 7 national key laboratories, 1 national engineering technology research center, 1 national science and technology resources sharing service platform, 1 national applied mathematics center, 1 national field scientific observation research station, 2 national 2011 collaborative innovation centers, 4 key research bases of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, 1 philosophy and social sciences laboratory of the Ministry of Education, 1 national high-end think-tank construction cultivation unit, and 1 national research center of the Ministry of Science and Technology. 1 high-end think tank construction cultivation unit, and more than 80 provincial and ministerial research platforms.

  Nanjing University has a high-quality faculty, including 30 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 327 national leading talents, 347 national young talents, 135 chief scientists of major projects such as national scientific and technological major projects, "973 Program", "863 Program", Science and Technology Innovation 2030-Major Projects, National Key Research and Development Program, 22 members of the Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, 11 national teaching masters, "one hundred million", "one hundred million" and "one hundred million". "973 Program", "863 Program", "Science and Technology Innovation 2030", "National Key Research and Development Program" and other major projects, 135 times the chief scientist, the State Council Academic Degrees Committee Discipline Evaluation Group members 22 people, 11 national teaching masters, "millions of talents project" national level. There are 38 candidates for the "One Hundred Million Talents Project" at the national level.
