
Nanjing University of Technology

The history of Nanjing University of Technology can be traced back to the Sanjiang Normal School founded in 1902. It was established in 2001 by the merger of Nanjing University of Chemical Technology of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Nanjing Institute of Architecture and Engineering of the Ministry of Construction, and is one of the first batch of colleges and universities selected for the national "Plan for the Enhancement of Higher Schools' Innovative Ability" (2011 Plan), and a peak university in Jiangsu Province. National Defense Education School of the Ministry of Education, Jiangsu Province to implement the "science and technology innovation reform 30" pilot colleges and universities. The university adheres to the motto of "Mingde, thick learning, calm perseverance, and surefootedness", insists on running a university rooted in China, and has formed the distinctive characteristics of collaborative innovation among industries, universities and research institutes.
The university has 11 academic departments, 28 colleges and more than 38,000 students. It has one national key discipline, one national key discipline cultivation and construction site of Jiangsu Province, two national key discipline cultivation and construction sites in Jiangsu universities, six projects of the third phase of the advantageous disciplines in Jiangsu universities, eight key disciplines in Jiangsu Province in the "14th Five-Year Plan", seven postdoctoral research stations, eight first-level doctoral degree-granting sites There are 8 first-level doctoral degree-granting points, 1 doctoral degree-granting point, 16 second-level doctoral degree-granting points, 29 first-level master's degree-granting points, 23 second-level master's degree-granting points, 18 master's degree-granting points, and 101 undergraduate majors in 9 disciplines, including engineering, science, management, economics, literature, law, medicine, art and teaching. In the fourth round of national academic discipline assessment by the Center for the Development of Degree and Graduate Education of the Ministry of Education, the university's chemical engineering and technology disciplines received an A grade, and the materials science and engineering and safety science and engineering disciplines received a B+ grade. The university's ESI comprehensive ranking entered the global top 1‰, ranking 55th among Chinese mainland universities; six disciplines of chemistry, materials science, engineering, biology and biochemistry, environmental science and ecology, and physics entered the global top 1% of ESI, among which two disciplines of chemistry and materials science entered the global top 1‰ of ESI and ranked among the top 100 in the world. Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023 ranked 49th among the universities in Mainland China; Nature Index Ranking ranked 41st among the universities in Mainland China; Shanghai Softech Academic Ranking of World Universities 2022 ranked 43rd among the universities in Mainland China.
The school has more than 3,000 faculty and staff, with more than 1,500 senior titles, including 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 6 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 members of the seventh State Council Discipline Review Group, 1 member of the eighth State Council Discipline Review Group, 173 national talents, 15 national high-level talent teams, 363 provincial and ministerial key high-level talents, 36 provincial and ministerial key high-level teams. There are 36 key high-level teams at provincial and ministerial levels.
The school insists on nurturing people for the Party and talents for the country. It has been awarded one national advanced grass-roots party organization by the CPC Central Committee, ranked first among provincial universities in the number of "benchmark faculties" and "model branches" and the number of cultivation and creation of national party building work, and emerged the first national universities and colleges of Huang Dainian-style teacher team and other advanced models. The university has strengthened the construction of "new engineering", and 23 engineering majors have passed the professional certification of engineering education or the professional assessment of the Ministry of Housing and Construction, and entered the "first square" of global engineering education. The university focuses on the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents, and has built the "2011 College" under the academy system and the "Class of Excellence" with the relevant institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The university has won one first prize and four second prizes for national teaching achievements, and four special prizes and nine first prizes for provincial teaching achievements. There are 2 national-level teaching teams, 2 national-level master teachers and teams in teaching of course ideology and politics, 1 national-level experimental teaching demonstration center, 31 national-level first-class undergraduate major construction sites, 7 national-level featured major construction sites, 2 Ministry of Education comprehensive reform pilot majors, 7 Ministry of Education pilot majors in the program of cultivation of engineers with excellence in education, 2 national-level demonstration courses of course ideology and politics, 9 national first-class undergraduate courses, 9 national quality courses, 2 national-level model courses of course ideology and politics, and 9 national quality courses. In 2017, the university was approved by the Ministry of Education as one of the first batch of China-US Youth Creative Exchange Centers. Over the years the school has trained more than 20 leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels, more than 30 academicians of the two academies, more than 100 leaders of central enterprises and listed companies, and delivered a large number of high-quality talents to society.
The university has strong scientific research strength. There are 7 state-level scientific research platforms such as State Key Laboratory of Materials Chemical Engineering, National International Joint Research Center for Flexible Electronic Materials and Devices, National Biochemical Engineering and Technology Research Center, National Engineering and Technology Research Center for Special Separation Membrane, National Research and Extension Center for Heat Pipe Technology, National University Science and Technology Park, and Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Biological and Chemical Manufacturing, and 32 research centers at the provincial and ministerial levels, and 27 key laboratories at the provincial and ministerial levels. There are 32 provincial and ministerial-level research centers and 27 provincial and ministerial-level key laboratories. "Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, the university's scientific research projects and achievements have won more than 400 awards at all levels, including two second-class awards of the National Technological Invention Award, three second-class awards of the National Award for Progress in Science and Technology, one second-class award of the National Natural Science Award, six Chinese patent awards such as the Silver Award of the China Patent Prize and the "Top Ten Scientific and Technological Progresses of Higher Schools" by the Ministry of Education of China. Seven people have won the Science and Technology Prize of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation. There are 10 young and middle-aged scientific and technological innovation leaders under the Ministry of Science and Technology's "Innovative Talent Promotion Program", 1 innovative team in key areas under the "Innovative Talent Promotion Program", 4 innovative teams under the Ministry of Education's "Innovative Team Development Program", and 4 rolling teams under the "Innovative Team Development Program" of the Ministry of Education. Ministry of Education "Innovation Team Development Program" 4, rolling support for 3.
The university attaches importance to the transformation of scientific research results. It takes the initiative to dock the innovation chain to the industrial chain, and promotes in-depth cooperation between industry, academia and research. The Science and Technology Park of Nanjing University of Technology is a national university science and technology park, the Technology Transfer Center of Nanjing University of Technology is a national technology transfer demonstration institution, and it has a national intellectual property training (Jiangsu) base. The university promotes school-local integration and industry-education integration, and has established dozens of new R&D institutions, industrial research institutes and industrial colleges in cooperation with local governments. There are 1 national modern industrial college, 3 provincial key industrial colleges, 1 model base of excellent graduate student workstation in Jiangsu Province, and 18 excellent graduate student workstations in Jiangsu Province. The university strengthens university-enterprise cooperation and develops strategic cooperation with central enterprises and industry leading enterprises, such as China State Construction Corporation, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, ZTE Corporation and China Resources Corporation. "Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, the university has undertaken more than 10,000 projects at all levels, including the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Science and Technology Support Program, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, with a scientific and technological funding of nearly 4 billion yuan, and achieved a number of high-level research results, which have made a positive contribution to the related industries, the construction of the local economy of Jiangsu Province, and the development of the society. The company has made positive contributions to the related industries, local economic construction and social development of Jiangsu Province.
The university implements a global expansion strategy. It is one of the first 22 colleges and universities that have passed the certification of studying in China; it has established cooperative relationships with more than 100 overseas universities and research institutions in 26 countries and regions, among which, it has set up the "National International Joint Research Center for Flexible Electronic Materials and Devices" with Imperial College of Science and Technology of the United Kingdom, Moscow State University of Russia, and Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. ", "Ministry of Education International Cooperation Joint Laboratory of Flexible Electronics"; "Flexible Electronics Discipline Innovation Intellectual Base" was selected as one of the national "Higher Education Discipline Innovation Intellectual Program"; "Flexible Electronic Materials and Devices International Joint Research Center" was established with South Africa's Johannesburg University. "The University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and the University of Zaragoza, Spain jointly established the Confucius Institute, which is a recipient of the Confucius Institute Scholarship. It also cooperates with the University of Burgundy in France and Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland to organize Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Programs, and cooperates with the University of Queensland and Macquarie University in Australia to organize joint cultivation programs; carries out student exchange programs with the University of Cambridge in the UK, the University of Oxford in the UK, the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, the University of California at Davis in the U.S.A., Cardiff University in the U.K., and the National University of Singapore and other renowned colleges and universities; and pushes forward the cooperation between the industry, academia and research institutes. There are nearly 50 foreign experts from more than 10 countries, including winners of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, and more than 600 overseas students with academic qualifications from all over the world.
Looking ahead, the university will deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensively implement the party's education policy, implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral character, fulfill the mission of serving the country with education and science and technology, and aim at a distinctive domestic first-class and internationally renowned entrepreneurial university with distinctive characteristics, targeting the "double first-class", focusing on high quality, reforming and innovating, and making new chapters of career development. We will make breakthroughs, unite and continue to struggle, and strive to write a new chapter in the development of the university's career.
