Starting today
official action

Nanjing direct flights to Melbourne, starting today!

This is the first intercontinental passenger route opened by Nanjing Airport this year, while ...
Transit King
official action

There's a new development on Line 5, the "King of Interchanges"!

Today, there's good news again about the construction of Nanjing Metro Line 5, the northern part of ...
This time it's Boxcar.
official action

This time it's the box!

As a major project of Nanjing City, the Nanjing Airport Box Office, located in the Jiangning Development Zone, is ...
city cultural tourism

Shimonoseki, you're a classmate with a story.

There are 95 streets and 6 towns in Nanjing, following Boo into the ...
official action

Lishui District held the second quarter of the major industrial projects on-site observation activities

  According to the district party committee, district government "daily meeting, weekly meeting, monthly scheduling, quarterly observation ...
Powering new tracks to break through the trillions
Industry chain information

Powering new tracks to break through the trillions

On the morning of June 24, 2024 Nanjing Software Conference and Industrial Software Supply and Demand ...
Center inaugurated in Ningbo
Industry chain information

Boise Home Appliances Global R&D Center and Boise China Home Appliances Talent Center inaugurated in Ningbo

On June 24th, the global R&D center of Boise Home Appliances and the Boise China Home Appliances Talent ...
official action

2024 Nanjing Software Conference and Industrial Software Supply and Demand Conference Opened

On June 24, 2024 Nanjing Software Conference and Industrial Software Supply and Demand Conference ...
Jiangsu delegation's trip to Japan and South Korea is intensive and fruitful
official action

Jiangsu delegation's trip to Japan and South Korea is intensive and fruitful

Jiangsu and Japan, South Korea across the sea, the interaction has a long history. Recently, Jiangsu ...
official action

How did Nanjing "realize" its geographic location as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties?

In the ninth year of the Yongming year (491) of Xiao Qi of the Southern Dynasty, the 28-year-old Xie Wu (tiǎo ...
This conference in Nanjing
official action

This conference in Nanjing, 99.8 billion project signing, 200 billion industrial fund release

This morning Nanjing 2024 Global Industry Science and Technology Innovation and Investment Promotion Conference ...
Write a new development
official action

Write a good article on developing new quality productivity! Provincial Party Secretary Xin Changxing was interviewed by CCTV

Adherence to high-quality development is the hard truth of the new era.From May 14, the CAC ...

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