
Out of Town Across the River! Triple A Hospital Map Update

With a number of well-known tertiary hospitals in the city

have set up shop in new districts and suburbs

Large hospitals "expanding" at an increasing pace

The layout of the city's high-quality medical resources towards equalization

Difficulty of residents in accessing medical services strongly alleviated

fall into a scramble

A number of tertiary hospitals "out of the city across the river"

Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Jiangning Hospital District is fully completed and will be put into operation soon. By Feng Peng, Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News Reporter

It is understood that, located in Jiangning District, Guli Street, Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Jiangning Hospital District (hereinafter referred to as Jiangning Hospital District), indoor decoration and outdoor greening has been basically completed, the hospital's internal cleaning and the installation of internal signs, signage is being synchronized.Trial operation will be put into operation in the near futureThe

Jiangning Hospital has a total construction area of about 80,000 square meters.The number of beds to be provided in the future will be about 500which includes multifunctional services such as outpatient, inpatient, rehabilitation, medical technology, pharmacy, scientific research and teaching, etc. It is the hospital that, according to the homogenization of medical care, differentiation of development and integration of management.A modern, intelligent and comprehensive medical rehabilitation hospital with distinctive Chinese medicine characteristicsThe

Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zidong Hospital. Photo by the hospital

Two years ago, located in Qixia District Xianlin area of the province of Chinese medicine hospital Zidong hospital officially opened, the first phase covers an area of about 68.25 acres, the project has a total construction area of about 140,000 square meters, a total of 800 beds. The Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine sent more than 600 medical, nursing, technical, pharmaceutical and other health care personnel from its headquarters to reside in the Zidong Hospital.There is no shortage of specialists who are "hard to find"., with a combined total of more than 1,000 staff members providing quality healthcare to patients at the Zi Dong Campus.

The southern campus of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital opened on September 22 last year. Photo courtesy of the hospital

On September 22 last year, the southern hospital of Nanjing Gulou Hospital in Lishui was officially opened, which is another branch of the hospital after the Jiangbei hospital, and Gulou Hospital arranged for the southern hospital to beA number of national key clinical specialties and superior disciplines of national regional medical centers are located inMore than 100 specialists and renowned experts from departments including cardiovascular medicine, neurology, rheumatology and immunology, orthopedics, etc. regularly visit the southern hospital district.

It is reported that all the departments in the southern hospital area are an extension of the departments in the headquarters, and homogenized management is implemented with the headquarters of Gulou Hospital.

Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital Dingjiazhuang Hospital District is undergoing external renovation. Correspondent Shi Yue Nanjing Daily / Zijinshan News reporter Xu Qi photo

In addition.In June this year, Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital Dingjiazhuang Hospital District will be unveiled; Jiangsu Provincial Brain Hospital new hospital also into Jiangning - April 18, Nanjing Planning and Natural Resources Bureau Jiangning Branch publicized Jiangsu Provincial Brain Hospital project planning and design program, the program shows that Jiangsu Provincial Brain Hospital new hospital site Jiangning Chunhua, the planning of the total land area of about 110,000 square meters, the project proposes to build a building of outpatient and emergency medical and technical buildings, two ward buildings, a rehabilitation mission center, a training management building, basement and related auxiliary buildings. The project proposes to build an outpatient and emergency medical and technical building, two ward buildings, a rehabilitation and education center, a training management building, basement and related auxiliary rooms.

planning leadership

From "downtown expansion" to a balanced layout

2007 onwards

Nanjing major hospitals set off a round of in situ "expansion wave"

To prevent imbalance in the division of medical resources

Provincial and municipal governments make clear requirements

Strictly control the expansion of large hospitals

Planning for a balanced distribution of medical resources between the old city and the new district

In 2014, the city issued the "Recent Work Program on Optimizing the Layout of the City's Medical Resources", which makes it clear that, in accordance with the development orientation of "going out of the city gates and crossing the Yangtze River".Guiding the clustering of quality basic medical resources in new urban areas and resource-poor districtsThe

Villagers in Gaochun Mujiazhuang village health room for medical consultation, the realization of one-stop shopping for medicine at the village entrance. Nanjing Daily / Zijinshan News reporter Duan Renhu correspondent Gao Xiaoping photo

On July 9, 2017, the General Office of the Municipal Government issued the Nanjing "13th Five-Year Plan" for Health and Wellness and Construction of Modern Medical and Healthcare System, proposing to further strengthen the capacity of medical and healthcare services, with the total amount of medical resources increasing, urban and rural areas becoming more balanced in terms of resource allocation, and the total amount of healthcare personnel building being appropriate and structurally optimized. The number of beds in medical and health institutions per 1,000 resident population reached 6.5. Capacity building at the grassroots level has fully met the standards, the construction of shortage specialties such as children, psychiatry and rehabilitation has been significantly improved, the overall strength of traditional Chinese medicine is ahead of the country, the capacity of medical science and technology has been further strengthened, and the level of intelligent medical services has been comprehensively improved.

In Jiangsu Province Urban Planning and Design Institute of Urban and Transportation Planning, Tang Lei, director of engineers, in recent years, the main hospital hospital space "stretched to the limit", coupled with the main city traffic congestion, parking difficulties and other issues, large hospitals to the "outside" of the expansion is an inevitable trend. The "Successful expansion of large hospitals, landing in new areas, thanks to the strong leadership of planning first."

comprehensive package

Large hospitals expanding outward for mutual benefit

Expansion of tertiary hospitals

Not only did it bring a brand new hospital building to the area,

Advanced medical equipment

more importantly

Increasing "influx" of expert resources

Significantly improving the quality of healthcare services in new districts and suburbs

The southern campus of Nanjing Gulou Hospital completed its first cardiac surgery last week. Photo courtesy of the hospital

Large hospital branches march out of the city across the river, high-quality medical resources radiation not only covers the new city, suburban areas, theEven radiate the surrounding Xuancheng, Wuhu, Maanshan, Changzhou, Zhenjiang and other places residentsThe

Statistics show that since the opening of the Zidong Hospital of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the annual service patients nearly863,000 visitsof which emergency peaks on a single dayOver 1,000 peopleDischarged patients21,656Since the opening of the southern part of the Drum Tower Hospital, the average number of patients received in a single day is nearly900 visitsThe bed occupancy rate is up to80%The

"In addition to residents of Xianlin district, there are many patients from Jurong, Yangzhou, Changzhou and other places who come for treatment." The relevant person in charge of Zidong Hospital of Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine said.

Qixia District Health Committee also said that the Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital Mochou Road Hospital District and Dingjiazhuang Hospital District "a hospital and two districts" will operate at the same time, in addition to further enriching the supply of high-quality medical resources in the northern part of the district, but also benefit more residents around the region, accelerate the expansion of high-quality health care resources and a balanced layout of the region.

"The accelerated outward expansion of large hospitals is a multi-win, win-win situation for the hospitals themselves, the neighboring boards, and the residents of the new city." Tang Lei said.
