
Creating a commercial space industry innovation center and development highland with national influence

Recently, the city issued the Nanjing Action Plan for Cultivating and Developing Commercial Space Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan), aiming to further promote the development of industry chain upstream and downstream enterprise agglomeration, the efficient excavation of application scenarios, and the synergistic innovation of industry, academia and research, so as to promote the city's high-quality development of commercial spaceflight.

The morning of August 20, Nanjing held a press conference, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Jiangbei New District, Yuhuatai District, Jiangning Development Zone, briefing interpretation of the "Action Plan" and answer reporters' questions.

The Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2023 proposed to create a number of strategic emerging industries such as bio-manufacturing, commercial spaceflight, and low-altitude economy. The 2024 State Council Government Work Report also made it clear that new growth engines such as biomanufacturing, commercial spaceflight and low-altitude economy should be actively built.

Wen Congjun, a first-class researcher of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that Nanjing has a solid industrial foundation for commercial spaceflight, and in recent years it has played to the advantages of location, resources and industry, actively laid out a number of representative enterprises around the whole industrial chain of satellite platforms, payloads, ground equipment, satellite services and so on. Based on the actual development of the city's industry, Nanjing has researched and formulated the Action Plan to promote the development of commercial space industry agglomeration in Nanjing with a pragmatic and effective policy system.

The Action Plan proposes

Actively building a nationally influential

Objectives of the commercial space industry as an innovation center and development highland

And the main objectives are clearly defined around the

16 specific tasks in 4 areas:01

Building the commercial space industry chainIt focuses on key links in the industrial chain, such as commercial space satellite platforms, payloads, rocket launches and ground equipment, and proposes six tasks, such as promoting the research and development and manufacturing of satellites, promoting the research and development and manufacturing of rockets, expanding the manufacturing of ground equipment, supporting the construction of satellite constellations and networks, constructing the constellation operation headquarters, and promoting the circulation of satellite data;

Promotion of collaborative innovation among industry, academia, research and utilizationIt focuses on accelerating breakthroughs in the underlying technologies of the satellite Internet and common technologies for the commercial application of through-conducting remote, and puts forward three tasks, such as promoting the research of core technologies, advancing the construction of innovation platforms, and deepening the cooperation between industry, academia, research and utilization, with an eye to the collaborative innovation of technologies and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the field of commercial spaceflight;

Fostering commercial space application scenariosIt focuses on expanding the development of communication scenarios such as satellite communication, satellite broadband, direct cellular phone connection and vehicle-road coordination, deepening the navigation application of BeiDou satellite in the fields of smart city and intelligent Internet-connected vehicles, and promoting the integration of satellite remote sensing and spectrum monitoring technology into the fine management of the city, and puts forward three tasks, such as expanding the application of satellite communication, deepening the application of navigation of BeiDou, and promoting the application of remote sensing of satellites;

Promotion of efficient industrial agglomeration and developmentIt focuses on the development of commercial aerospace industry in key sectors, focuses on the cultivation of local high-quality enterprises, deepens the strategic cooperation with head enterprises, builds a linked development pattern in the metropolitan area, and puts forward four tasks, such as optimizing the industrial space layout, strengthening the investment of industrial chain, integrating into the supply chain system of the central enterprises, and promoting the overall synergistic development.

In addition, in order to actively promote the implementation of the tasks, the Action Plan makes clear the sound organizational mechanism, improve the policy support, strengthen the elements of protection, solid talent support and other four aspects of the safeguard measures. Wen Congjun said, the next step, Nanjing will focus on key tasks, seize the current development opportunities, and comprehensively promote the development of commercial space industry.
