
This is how the "single champion" is made

A few days ago, the provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology publicized

Selected as one of the eighth batch of manufacturing individual champions by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)

Enterprise List

Nanjing has

Guodian Nanrui Nanjing Control System Co.

13 familiesEnterprises selected

The number of new additions ranks fourth in the country and first in the province

Cumulative total ranking rose from 17th to 10th in the country

Manufacturing single champion enterprise refers to the long-term focus on the manufacturing industry in some specific segments of the product market, production technology or process of international leading, single product market share among the world's top enterprises.

How to integrate science, technology and innovation resources

Accelerating the formation of new quality productivity

Constructing the core competence of an enterprise?

Explore the "road to victory" of many companies on the list.

Deeply cultivated in niche areas

By virtue of the "smart grid main distribution network scheduling and monitoring automation system", which is a "net protector", Nanrui Group belongs to theGuodian Nanrui Nanjing Control System Co.Selected as a national level single champion enterprise.

"This is our company's core product, which has been upgraded to the 6th generation." Sun Shiming, deputy chief engineer of Guodian Nanrui Power Grid Company, said that the project was launched in 2017, with more than 400 people from sister organizations participating in collaborative innovation, and the first batch of systems was delivered and put into use in 2022. Each iteration of this industrial software has a new breakthrough focusing on the "neck" link. From the fifth generation of database, operating system localization, to the current generation can be adapted to localized key components, truly realize the system's completely independent and controllable.

It is worth mentioning that, in this "single champion" list, "national team" and private enterprises are equally divided. According to the newly introduced last year, "single champion" demonstration enterprise and product two categories "into one", and does not rely solely on the scale, the key consideration of the enterprise declaration of the market share of the product. A number of enterprises in the field of "micro" as much as possible to stand out.

"In the field of wax additives manufacturing, we want to be the world leader." The one who said these words is an 88-year-old man - Yu Tianshi, a retired professor of Qiqihar University. 22 years ago, he founded the company in Liuha Economic Development Zone, which is located in the center of Qiqihar University.Nanjing Tianshi New Material Technology Co.Today it is the largest professional wax micronizer production plant in China.

Soon after its establishment, TIANSHI NEW MATERIALS developed the first domestic production line of spherical wax micropowder, breaking the monopoly of foreign chemical giants, and becoming the only domestic brand that could replace imported wax micropowder at that time. Nowadays, the company has built a whole industry chain collection from upstream raw materials to downstream finished products, with an annual output of tens of thousands of tons of wax micropowders and wax auxiliaries, serving tens of thousands of customers in 17 industries such as coatings, inks, 3D printing, mold releasing agents, etc., and leading the country in the domestic polymer wax micropowder field in terms of market share.
From "followers" to "leaders"

Nanshan Steel GroupThis ultra-high strength wear-resistant steel plate again won the "single champion" enterprise title. 2010 years ago, China's 1000Mpa level and above engineering equipment with ultra-high strength wear-resistant steel plate market for a long time being monopolized by foreign countries, imported products with high prices and long supply cycle, seriously restricting the development of China's large-scale engineering equipment.

For this "neck" problem, Nangang set up a research and development team, after more than 10 years of research, successfully developed the thinnest 4mm, the widest 4500mm 1000-1300MPa ultra-high strength structural steel plate and other series of wear-resistant steel plate products, this "domestic replacement This "domestic replacement" promotes the upgrading of China's large-scale equipment and enhances the competitiveness of China's construction machinery products.

9 nickel steel is the company's first "single champion" of the core single product. Nangang Group relevant person in charge of the introduction, before 2011, the construction of storage tanks with 9 nickel steel is mainly dependent on imports, Nangang set up a group in 2007 to start research and development, the first time in 2011 to achieve the commercialization of the supply, and now the product has been used to build 29 LNG receiving station, including 14 national major projects, 15 provincial and municipal level major projects and a number of overseas projects. In more than 10 years, Nanshan Steel has accomplished the delivery volume that it took 60 years for the international famous enterprises of 9-nickel steel production to complete, and helped China realize the LNG industry from "running after" to "leading".

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology selection of "single champion" requires enterprises to deep plowing in the industry for more than 10 years, declared that the product market share of the world's top three. Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology relevant person in charge of the distribution of products from the single champion enterprises, materials products accounted for more than 30%, the common characteristic is to break through the "neck" technology, to fill the gaps in the relevant areas.

As with NSC.Nanjing Fiberglass Research & Design Institute Co.("Nanjing Glass Fiber Academy") is also awarded again. As the origin and radiation source of China's glass fiber industry technology, the product that won the "single champion" is S-class high-strength glass fiber. After years of R&D and innovation, Nanjing Glass Fiber Academy has broken through the key application bottlenecks such as low strength, unstable performance, and poor application processability of domestically produced high-strength glass fibers, and the series of high-strength glass fibers developed by the academy have been widely used in aerospace, energy, and civil fields.

Another "single champion" product - glass fiber coated filter media, as the core material of industrial bag filter has been sold for many years, realizing the full coverage of the main industrial dust removal field products. With an annual production capacity of 7 million square meters, the company has maintained the first domestic market share and the second global market share since 2018.

Market Reach Inspires "Quantum Leap"

In the United States, Los Angeles, a sports complex to be opened this summer, there will be a 26-meter wide, more than 800 square meters of spherical giant screen theater came out, equivalent to the size of two basketball courts.

This stunning and huge LED dome screen, which was created by Jiangbei New District Research and Innovation Park enterpriseNanjing LOPE Co.Production. Ltd. celebrates its 30th birthday this year. A "single champion" product is undoubtedly the best "birthday gift".

Nowadays, all kinds of LED display products of LOPE have been famous at home and abroad, and the output value was close to 1 billion yuan last year. Decades of grinding a sword, casting "high precision" core competence. The ability of the core single product, casting the "single champion" enterprises continue to rise kinetic energy, open fission type development.

"The first photograph of the back of the moon taken by mankind was aided by Maule Optics!"Maule OpticalChairman Fan Hao introduced that the lunar probe "Chang'e-4" is equipped with precision optical equipment produced by MOLLER OPTICS.

Founded in 1999 in Jiangning Development Zone, MOLL Optics is mainly engaged in the research, development, design and industrialization of precision optics, optical lenses and optical systems, which are widely used in the fields of third-generation semiconductors, life sciences, aerospace, etc. After more than 20 years of development, the company has become an international advanced integrated solution provider of precision optics. After more than 20 years of development, the company has become an international advanced comprehensive solution provider of precision optics, and was previously awarded the Nanjing cultivation of unicorn enterprises, national specialization, speciality and new "small giants" enterprises.
A unique technique to navigate through the "economic cycle"

Veterans of entrepreneurship know that the "secret weapon" of TIANSHI new materials is a strong R & D team. The company has more than 200 employees, the R&D team accounts for 1/4, half of the office building is a laboratory. The company's annual revenue of 5% for research and development. The company's revenue maintains an annual increase of 20%-30%, this year, with the second phase of 22 acres of new plant construction, is expected to grow significantly, and then on a large stage.

Tianshi new materials can be described as a "single champion" of an accurate portrait of the enterprise. Industry sources, single champion enterprise declaration is an all-round assessment, focusing on the enterprise's R & D investment, there is no own R & D centers, enterprise technology centers, etc., whether to participate in the development of industry standards, the launch of mature products whether the role of the complementary chain, whether in a sub-field of the global right to speak. From the past statistics, 80% "single champion" enterprises R & D investment accounted for the proportion of the main revenue are more than 5%. Reviewing the development in recent years, these enterprises are not affected by the epidemic and economic fluctuations, and have good sustainable growth.

Qixia Tianyu Terminal, a row of nine "steel giants" stand on the riverside. This is the main equipment for loading and unloading cargo in the current bulk port - port gantry cranes, up to more than 60 meters, weighing 700 tons, can be lifted 40 tons of goods at a time.

This crane isNanjing Harbor Machinery & Heavy Industry Co.The fist product which is honored as "single champion" is also "the prime mover" to support the enterprise to turn crisis into opportunity. 2017 relocated from Pukou dock, HAECO faced "survival crisis", and a remedy of technological innovation realized the "first break and then stand" to make a comeback. A dose of technological innovation prescription to realize the "first break and then stand" of the Jedi counterattack.

The company increased investment in science and technology research and development, in the "wisdom to change the number of turn" on the road forward, every year there are new products on the market. Equipment is exported to Southeast Asia, Africa and other 16 countries and regions. Stepping on the "wind turbine" of science and technology, the output value of Nanjing Port Machinery Heavy Industry Company has increased from 400 million yuan to 1.25 billion yuan in six years.
