
When the sea breeze blows into Nanjing which is not by the sea

Strategy of the sea, to the sea to build strong, Jiangsu is trying to build a strong marine province. June 6, Jiangsu 2024 World Ocean Day and the National Ocean Awareness Day main activities in the Nanjing University of Information Engineering kicked off, the province's sea-related entrepreneurs, experts gathered in the north of the Yangtze River to discuss the development of the ocean, and visit the sea-related enterprises in Nanjing.

A few days before the start of the event, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Natural Resources, in conjunction with the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, also conducted a Marine Day walk to promote the event, starting from the Bao Shipyard Ruins Park.As the shipbuilding place and starting point of Zheng He's great sailing era, Nanjing is reshaping its new position in the new era by relying on the natural advantage of "access to the river and the sea" to build up its strength towards the sea.


Inland river ports third in China in first four months

Nanjing's marine economy runs out of new achievements

Nanjing is the combination of the river and coastal "T" shape economic development strategy, is the east-west Yangtze River waterway and the north-south artery of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway intersection, Nanjing Port is also the only realization of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River seamless water-rail intermodal transport ports, which is the development of the advantages of the marine economy in Nanjing.

In the marine economic industry, the transportation industry output value almost occupies half of the river. Nanjing maritime department introduced thatIn 2018, the 12.5-meter deep water channel below Nanjing on the Yangtze River was fully opened, and the water depth of the Nanjing waterway was increased from 10.5 meters to 12.5 meters. Thus, Nanjing Port has changed from a "river port" to a "seaport".

More than 10 days ago, a sea vessel from the Nanjing Port Xinshenwei port area slowly out to Brazil, which is Nanjing's first draft of 11.6 meters deep out of the port ship. In January this year, a Brazilian grain ship into the port of Nanjing, refreshing the port since the opening of the largest draft ship record.One in and one out, marking the Nanjing Port in and out of the port of the draft depth of the ship are raised to 11.6 meters, Nanjing into the "big ship deep water" era.

In order to open up the logistics channel of the marine economy, Nanjing has constructed the four major public port areas of Longtan, Xiba, Tongjing and Qiba, as well as the supporting port-sharing highways, railroads and port logistics parks in recent years, with a cumulative total of 45 billion yuan of investment. According to the Nanjing Marine Economic Development Report 2023.Last year, Nanjing port completed cargo throughput of 276 million tons, an increase of 1.6%. container throughput completed 3.46 million TEUs, an increase of 8.1%. marine economy, delivered a steady progress report card.

In the Ministry of Transportation and Communication public January-April national port cargo, container throughput statistics table, Nanjing port cargo throughput completed 87.43 million tons, of which foreign trade cargo throughput growth of 14.5%. while the container throughput of 1.2 million TEUs, an increase of 8.1%.Both cargo and container throughput ranked third in China among inland waterway ports, showing the development potential of Nanjing's marine economy.


No. 1 in the world in terms of orders

Nanjing's marine economy breaks out into a new blue sea

There are many categories of marine economic industries, and the marine shipbuilding industry is still an important supporting force for the city's marine economy.

Recently, China Merchants Industry Nanjing Jinling Shipyard has received another order for four methanol dual-fuel car ro-ro ships from the world's largest car carrier. According to Clarkson, the world's leading shipping consultancy, excluding the latest 4 ships, theNanjing Jinling Shipyard's hand-held orders for car carriers reached 30, ranking first in the world.2023, the city's cumulative transaction of 129 ships of all types, with a turnover of 267 million yuan.

Marine scientific research is also a unique advantage of Nanjing.As the capital of the province, Nanjing concentrates more than half of the province's marine management public institutions, two-thirds of sea-related universities. During the day's activities, eight sea-related universities, including Nanjing University and Hohai University, and eight enterprises and institutions, including the Provincial Marine Geological Survey Institute and the Dafeng Elk National Nature Reserve, signed a contract on technology transformation cooperation in an industry-university-research alliance. Nanjing University of Information Engineering is building the world's largest rotating pool with a diameter of 14 meters, which will provide an advanced experimental platform for exploring physical processes in the ocean and atmosphere.

Industry, academia and research surging tide of scientific and technological innovation, boosting the Nanjing marine economy to break out of the new blue sea, stimulating the new quality of productivity of the new momentum.
Toward the first square of cities along the river areaNanjing plans to build a marine science and technology innovation highlandIn 2023, the value of marine economy in Jiangsu province was 960.69 billion yuan. the second largest in the country in terms of GDP, and the sixth largest in terms of marine economic strength in the coastal provinces. Such confusion also exists in Nanjing, as the second city in the province in terms of GDP, the volume of Nanjing's marine economy is not yet matched with the total economic volume in the province.

Around the short board weaknesses, the city issued "Nanjing" 14th Five-Year "Marine Economic Development Plan", planning to form the Yangtze River as the axis of the marine economic development belt, to create the Nanjing seaport hub economic area, Nanjing Yangtze River International Shipping and Logistics Service Center area, such as a number of marine industry agglomeration area.

According to the plan, by 2035 Nanjing's marine economic strength ranks first in the province's cities along the river, and the marine science and technology innovation capacity ranks among the forefront of cities in the Yangtze River Delta.

Driven by the "development of new quality productivity according to local conditions", Nanjing will lock to build the land and sea integration of marine advanced manufacturing industry, cultivate the development of marine modern service industry to the sea, accelerate the construction of modern marine industrial system with Nanjing characteristics, to build the province along the river economic belt and even the Yangtze River Delta region of marine science and technology innovation high ground.
