
"Low altitude" new track, straight up "90,000 miles"

A few days ago, Yewit (Nanjing) Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. independently developed electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (eVTOL) ET9 prototype successfully completed the first flight, the company's R & D staff recently on the "flying car" motors, propellers, rudders, and other core components for repeated testing, optimization. In the morning rush hour to make a "air cab" to work, is from dream to reality. Low-altitude economy as a strategic emerging industry is coming into the public's field of vision, constantly subversive technology and cutting-edge technology to give birth to new industries, new modes, new kinetic energy. Race for new track, build a new engine. In recent years, Nanjing attaches great importance to the guidance and layout of low-altitude economy, gathered a large number of professionals, cultivated a number of high-tech enterprises, in Pukou, the airside economic demonstration zone and other areas of the initial formation of the agglomeration, is in the rapid rise of the key period.see the industry

Key industry directions have layout of high-quality enterprises "spread wings to take off".

Cockpit, a few rotating blades, four axes and eight propellers symmetrical left and right ...... Walking into the YIVET showroom located in the Yuhuatai District, you can only see that the light-green ET9 prototype model is simple and compact, and the beautiful and atmospheric appearance hides the superior aerodynamic performance.

Yevette (Nanjing) Aviation Technology Co.

The ET9 prototype is a "flying car" with a maximum takeoff weight of 2.2 tons, can carry five people or 500 kilograms, has a maximum range of 240 kilometers and a maximum speed of 240 kilometers per hour. "Unlike ordinary helicopters, it is electrically powered, belongs to clean energy, and is less noisy, safer, cheaper, and cheaper to operate than helicopters." Benling Zhang, co-founder and vice president of Yevette, introduced.

Zhang Benling said the successful maiden flight of the ET9 prototype not only indicates a breakthrough in the model's research and development, but also marks an important step from the company's R&D products to commercial products.

Looking at the north bank of the Yangtze River, the low altitude economy is also hot. 2014 in Pukou District, established in Nanjing Meijieke Information Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on intelligent flight control of drones, low altitude image acquisition and AI intelligent analysis and other technologies, is committed to creating a smarter drone application system.

"For example, we have developed Zhihui Cloud - a drone management application platform for industry users, which is based on the 'AI+AR dual engine' and integrates 4G/5G, cloud technology, artificial intelligence and other technologies to realize the real-time monitoring and control." Chen Yao, general manager of Meijieke, introduced that the platform can manage the drone's route, flight altitude, flight speed and other parameters, as well as carry out mission planning and release, collect data and analyze and process them, realizing the automated management and operation of drone missions.

Enterprises have "into the field", low altitude economy take off in the wind. To build a new engine, we need policy support: the Central Economic Work Conference listed low altitude economy as one of the strategic emerging industries, low altitude economy was written into the government work report for the first time, CAAC issued the "Basic Classification Method of National Airspace", and issued the world's first production license for the eVTOL industry. ......

In recent months the state successive "moves", the policy dividends continue to release, around the active layout and action, the introduction of route planning, the formation of talent teams and other ways to promote industrial development, to seize the low altitude economy, the development of this emerging field of the first opportunity.

Nanjing has a good foundation and conditions for the development of low altitude economy, with obvious advantages in R&D, manufacturing, supporting, services, talents, etc., and has gathered more than a hundred related enterprises. 2023, the city's low altitude economy-related industry revenue of nearly 3 billion yuan.

"Nanjing low altitude economy has a good industrial foundation, at present, the city's low altitude economy in the low altitude manufacturing, low altitude protection, low altitude flight and comprehensive services and other key industrial direction have layout, formed a good industrial ecology." The relevant person in charge of the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology introduced.

In the low-altitude manufacturing industry, there are already high-quality enterprises in the field of complete aircraft manufacturing, such as Rongtong Military and Civilian UAV Company, AVIC Jincheng Unmanned Systems Company Limited, and Nanjing Yvette eVTOL R&D Company.

In the low-altitude flight industry, there is a concentration of high-quality enterprises such as Big Wings Aviation, Ruoer Aviation, New Route and Maijieke, which are deeply engaged in the fields of emergency rescue, air excursion and flyer training.

In the low-altitude security and comprehensive service industry, there are high-quality enterprises specializing in flight command and dispatch, mapping and navigation services, such as Nanjing Les Information Technology Company Limited, Nanjing Intelligent Aviation Research Institute and Nanjing Tiancheng Transportation Research Institute.

The industrial layout has shown results, and high-quality enterprises are "flying up". Among them, Ruoer Aviation specializes in the construction, investment management and commercial operation of regional general aviation airports in China, and has become one of the largest private general aviation industry groups in China specializing in the investment and operation of a number of general aviation integrated service flight support base airports and carrying out land-based general aviation flights on their own.

Watching the scene

Building a new picture of "low altitude + services"

Accelerated rise of manufacturing companies

"Every day to fly dozens of times, the maximum load of drone distribution can reach 40 kilograms, the flight distance can reach 15-30 kilometers." Fang Baoli, chairman of Jiangsu Changjiang Hui Technology Co. told reporters.

Changjiang Hui Technology carries out regularized drone scenarios such as garbage recycling for passing ships and offshore goods distribution in the Xinglongzhou shipping service area of the Yangtze River. By the end of last year, the company's waterborne drone logistics and distribution platform has served nearly 500,000 crew members and more than 3,200 shipping enterprises, with more than 40,000 ships involved in transactions. 

With the alarm ringing, Nanjing Pukou District Fire and Rescue Brigade to start regular fire drills. Just see the drone from the flying barge car carries the machine nest fly out, the video screen real-time transmission to the monitoring screen, infrared thermal imaging system quickly locate the "trapped personnel", to help the firefighters smooth implementation of the rescue.

Relevant staff use drones to conduct aerial river patrol operations along the Xu River in Gaochun District.

As an important engine of new productivity, "low altitude economy" contains infinite possibilities, constantly generating new forms and modes of business, empowering thousands of industries, and constructing a new growth picture of the industry chain of "low altitude + services".

Nanjing maritime authorities use fixed-wing and multi-rotor drones to carry out regular cruising work on 98 kilometers of the Yangtze River, with about 15,000 flights and over 4,000 hours of flight time per year, and over a year's operation, more than 1,000 cases of unlawful acts on the water have been found.

The unmanned system construction of the Nanjing Firefighting System developed by Great Wings Aviation is equipped with more than 60 new unmanned aircraft, with an annual mobilization of about 1,500 flights, which are widely used in the fields of disaster reconnaissance, signal mapping, three-dimensional modeling, and search and rescue of personnel.

Ruoer Aviation utilizes the high quality platform of Laoshan General Helicopter Landing Ground, with 5 helicopters on standby, and opens 4-5 air routes for sightseeing tours and emergency rescue in Laoshan and local areas of Pukou.

Scenarios of diverse applications, the accelerated rise of manufacturing enterprises. In the top attack (Nanjing) Robotics Co., Ltd. production workshop, the reporter saw a rack of drones lined up "walk" on the production line track, the staff is a component assembly up.

"At present, there are 3 production lines for plant protection drones, inspection drones and logistics drones, which are basically in full production capacity, capable of assembling and producing 50 drones a day, with a monthly output of more than 1,500." Staff told reporters.

Zhang Yu, general manager of the company, the company actively layout industry applications of the UAV market, has launched Fengpeng 600, Fengpeng 500 and other agricultural plant protection UAV, and continue to expand the application scenarios, has covered the agriculture, surveying and mapping, electric power inspection, security and other industry applications, the products are sold to more than 30 countries and regions.

In an open space on Silicon Alley in Qinhuai, two staff members of AVIC Jincheng Unmanned Systems Co. are maneuvering a pilot drone to test the performance of the unshipped machine.

As an early layout of the low-altitude economy of the enterprise, the company developed the drone intelligent autonomous operation system, to create the traffic, emergency response, urban governance and other application scenarios, and carried out a variety of business model innovation and exploration, "flight track" expanded to Guangzhou, Hefei and other cities, the unmanned system has been applied to the emergency management, urban management and law enforcement, The unmanned system has been applied to emergency management, urban management law enforcement, environmental testing, public security police and other scenes.

Seeing Innovation

Utilizing the advantages of science and education resource endowment

Helping the low-altitude economy "rocket up"

Low-altitude economy is "seeking benefits from space". According to estimates, in 2023, China's low-altitude economy has exceeded 500 billion yuan, 2030 is expected to reach 2 trillion yuan, the market is vast. At the same time, we should also see that the development of low-altitude economy is still in its infancy, help low-altitude economy "rocking", there is still a long way to go.

Seize the "wind", accelerate the competition "low altitude city", innovation is the key move.

"Nanjing low-altitude economy in the field of science and education resources, R & D foundation strength is strong, a number of colleges and universities in Ningxia related to low-altitude economy, a number of national and national defense key laboratories in Ningxia layout, a number of areas of R & D capabilities of the country's leading, can be more powerful scientific and technological innovation empowered by industrial innovation." Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology relevant person in charge of the introduction.

Nanjing Civil Unmanned Aerial Operation and Management Center.

It has institutions of higher learning and research institutes engaged in aerospace technology research, such as NAC, NIT, Dongda University, as well as the 14th and 28th institutes of CEC and the 60th institute of Rongtong;

There are a number of science and innovation platforms, such as SAC UAV Research Institute, SAC Civil Aviation College, Nanjing Intelligent Aviation Research Institute, and SAC International Innovation Port Urban Air Transportation Research Institute;

In the fields of R&D, manufacturing and application of UAV products as well as UAV operation and management (air traffic control, safety assessment and airworthiness), it has first-class talent team and R&D conditions, and is the source of accelerated innovation and development of low-altitude industry in the city and even in the province.

As the first Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) UAV Flight License Examination Center in Jiangsu Province, Mejico UAV Training Center provides flight skills training and organizes license examinations. "The company set up a drone training team at the beginning of its establishment, and has cumulatively delivered tens of thousands of licensed drone pilots to the society, guaranteeing the demand for talents in the development of the low-altitude industry." Chen Yao introduced.

Utilizing endowment advantages to empower industrial innovation. The intelligent fusion surveillance system for low-altitude drones developed by Meijer Research can dynamically and real-time monitor and obtain the flight data of low-altitude drones, thus realizing the comprehensive surveillance of low-altitude drones, and it can also be integrated with the systems of low-altitude airspace management, operation approval, etc., to form a more complete drone surveillance system and ensure the safety and order of low-altitude flights.

Nanjing Great Wing Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. independent research and development of the "kite line drone cloud management system" has realized the drone, handheld terminals and other sensor data information integration, the system background can be processed and analyzed and AI video recognition of the collected data, has been applied in the fire and rescue, ecological environment, urban operation, electric power, oil and gas, New energy, water conservancy and other fields.

Seize the opportunity and take advantage of the momentum. Zhang Hui, deputy general manager of AVIC Jincheng, said that in the future, the company will focus on the development of low-altitude economy in five directions, including low-altitude airspace management infrastructure, low-altitude intelligent networking infrastructure, low-altitude hub-type drone airport infrastructure, urban digital low-altitude application center infrastructure, and digital low-altitude data, testing and control center infrastructure. 

Stimulate potential, start from "new". Nanjing is accelerating the growth of industrial scale, enhancing innovation and competitiveness, and making the low-altitude economy a new engine for fostering and developing new productivity.
