
Settled! This year, we will do this for the construction of beautiful Nanjing.

This year is an important year for comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful Nanjing

the whole year must be planned for in the spring

Nanjing for 7 consecutive years

Holding a meeting related to ecological environment protection at the beginning of the new year

Blowing the Horn of Attack 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃
On March 2, the city's in-depth fight against pollution prevention and control and the work of the river system conference was held, Nanjing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Han Liming speech, Mayor Chen Zhichang presided over the meeting. The meeting in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's idea of ecological civilization and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions for the work of Jiangsu important speeches, conscientiously implement the national and provincial ecological environmental protection conference deployment requirements, mobilizing the city to continue to fight pollution prevention and control in depth, to high-quality ecological environment to support the high-quality development, and accelerate the construction of a beautiful Nanjing, a harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Being drawn
New Scroll of Beautiful Nanjing

In recent years, Nanjing's ecological and environmental quality has undergone a historic change to see last year's report card.

good temperament

❖ In 2023, the city's PM2.5 concentration will be 28.6 μg/m3, ranking first in the Nanjing metropolitan area;

❖ The air excellence rate was 81.91 TP3T, with more than a quarter of the days of the year achieving excellent air quality, the most since 2013;

❖ Stable attainment of the national ambient air quality secondary standard for PM2.5 concentrations since 2020.

The blue sky and white clouds are beautiful. Nanjing Daily / Zijinshan News reporter Dong Jiaxun photoThe beauty of rivers and lakes

❖ The proportion of good water quality in the city's sections above the provincial examination is 100%;

❖ 2019-2023, the city for five consecutive years, the proportion of good water quality above the provincial examination section 100%, for five consecutive years ranked first in the province's water environment quality assessment;

❖ Qinhuai River was successfully selected as one of the second batch of excellent cases of beautiful rivers and lakes by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (only 3 in the province);

Xuanwu Lake Park. Nanjing Daily / Zijinshan News reporter Feng Peng photo

ecologically sound

❖ The city's key construction sites are safely utilized to the tune of 1,001 TP3T;

❖ The city's forest cover reached 31.95%, ranking first in the province for five consecutive years;

❖ The city's percentage of ecological shoreline is 80.261 TP3T;

❖ Liuhe District has been created as a national ecological civilization construction demonstration zone, and the city has created five national ecological civilization construction demonstration zones.

❖ Completion of the first round of municipal biodiversity surveys, with a total of 3,672 species recorded, including 92 species of wildlife under national priority protection.

Xinjizhou Yangtze River Biodiversity Science Museum. Photo courtesy of City Greening and Landscape Architecture Bureau

sustained attack
The construction of beautiful Nanjing advances comprehensively

On this year's priorities

The Conference emphasizes thatfive aspectsmandates

1 Adhere to the cultivation of green productivity-oriented, accelerate the development mode of green transformation

Focusing on the development direction of high-end, intelligent and green, we promote the transformation and upgrading of the whole industrial chain of traditional advantaged industries, and actively support the development of new energy, biomedicine, science and technology, environmental protection and other green and low-carbon industries. Introducing the city's carbon peak implementation program, promoting the construction of the national carbon peak pilot park in Jiangning Economic Development Zone, creating green factories, green industrial parks, green supply chain management enterprises, and promoting the energy consumption factors to the energy-efficient level of high, economically stimulating role of the strong chain to complement the chain of obvious project agglomeration. We will vigorously promote energy saving, water saving, land saving and material saving, and accelerate the construction of the recycling system for waste materials.

Nangang Ecological Wetland Park. Nanjing Daily / Zijinshan News reporter Dong Jiaxun photo

2 Adhere to the principle of systematic policy-making and effectively rectify outstanding ecological and environmental problems.

Integration of stock reduction and incremental containmentIn addition, it has continued to improve the rectification of problems related to the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors and the Yangtze River warning film, and deeply remedied outstanding problems and weaknesses in key areas, regions and industries.Integration of immediate rectification and long-term developmentIn order to realize the unity of ecological, economic and social benefits, we should take into account the process and the result, the cost and the benefit, the necessity and the feasibility, and be responsible for the present as well as for the future.Integration of ecological benefits and public satisfactionIn addition, it combines the rectification of problems with the improvement of people's livelihoods and the alleviation of the "big city disease", so as to effectively enhance the ecological well-being of the masses.

3 Adhere to the "five synergies" as the key, and strive to enhance the level of ecological and environmental governance.

Enhanced multi-pollutant control synergiesIn terms of gas control, we should adhere to the synergistic effect of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and in terms of water control, we should systematically promote the connectivity of water systems, water conservation, soil conservation, and continue to promote a new round of comprehensive treatment of Lake Taihu, and build a happy river and lake.

Enhanced hardware-software synergyIn addition, it has accelerated the mending of environmental infrastructure short boards, strengthened the application of the city's ecological and environmental intelligence platform, and accelerated the construction of a digital governance system for beautiful Nanjing.

Strengthening regional synergiesIn addition, it will actively participate in the integrated ecological and green development of the Yangtze River Delta, implement the framework agreement on cooperation in ecological and environmental protection in the Nanjing metropolitan area, and strengthen cross-regional and environmental emergency prevention and joint control.

Strengthening synergies in environmental risk prevention and controlIn addition, it has coordinated the supervision of hazardous wastes, dangerous chemicals and industrial solid wastes throughout their life cycle, strengthened the prevention and control of soil and groundwater pollution, and improved the system for the management of new pollutants.

Enhanced policy synergiesIn addition, the Government will explore "small, quick and nimble" legislation, promote the integration of fiscal, financial, investment, price and industrial policies with environmental protection policies, and form policy synergies to promote green and low-carbon development.

4 Insisting on ecological restoration as a breakthrough, and continuously improving the stability and sustainability of ecosystem diversity.

Greater efforts to grasp the Yangtze River protection, firmly promote the "ten-year ban on fishing", vigorously implement the Yangtze River mainstem, through the river tributaries of water quality stabilization special action. To expand the ecological advantages to the development advantages of the conversion channel, so that the "beautiful landscape" breeding "beautiful economy". Biodiversity conservation planning, accelerate the construction of biodiversity observation stations such as Laoshan, continue to promote the construction of new Jeju, Jinniu Lake and other "eco-island" pilot area, and continuously improve the function of biodiversity conservation.

The picturesque Sinjeju National Wetland Park. Photo courtesy of Xinjizhou National Wetland Park

5 Adhere to the construction of a large environmental protection pattern as a guarantee, and constantly enhance the pollution control and promotion of synergiesThe main party and government officials at all levels should strictly implement the "party and government share responsibility, one job and two responsibilities", fully implement the requirements of the river and lake length system, and build a river and lake management and protection mechanism with clear responsibilities, orderly coordination, strict supervision and strong protection, so as to form a large environmental protection pattern of common governance and sharing. Improve the regular supervision mechanism, strengthen the pollution control and attack key tasks, key project tracking and supervision. Increase social supervision, timely response to public demands, extend the chain of social participation, promote common governance and sharing, vigorously advocate a green and civilized lifestyle, and promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of participation and sharing.
