
Dongda "big medical science" settled in Jiangbei!

Yesterday morning.Southeast University signed a cooperation agreement with Jiangbei New District, theThe Department of Medicine and Life Sciences of Southeast University will be located in Jiangbei New District.

A number of major innovation platforms of Southeast University, such as the National Key Laboratory of Digital Medical Engineering and the Innovation Platform for Industry-Education Integration of National Medical Tackle in Interventional Medical Engineering, will be gradually stationed in Jiangbei Campus.The Jiangbei Campus of Southeast University will become the main campus of Southeast University's large medical school operation.

Yesterday morning, Southeast University Medical and Life Sciences Innovation and Development Conference was held in Yangzijiang International Conference Center, more than 20 Chinese and foreign academicians, many domestic and foreign experts and scholars gathered here.

As one of the heavy hitters of the conferenceThe agreement for the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences of Southeast University to move into the Jiangbei New District of Nanjing was signed.

"We have to make joint efforts to promote the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences of Southeast University to accelerate its landing in Jiangbei New District and support the cultivation and incubation of 'Dongda Department' projects." The relevant person in charge of the Science and Technology Innovation and Big Data Administration of Jiangbei New District said.

The Department of Medicine and Life Sciences mentioned in the signing, which is also known as Southeast University's Big Medicine, includes the school's National Key Laboratory of Digital Medical Engineering, the National Medical Tackling Industry-Education Integration Innovation Platform of Interventional Medical Engineering, the Ministry of Education's Basic Medicine Innovation Center, the National Research Institute of Big Data for Health, and the Organ Chip Research Institute, among other platforms.

In addition, the two sides will make every effort to promote the construction of the Women and Children Center and the new Jiangbei Hospital of Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, and make joint efforts to build a first-class high-level research hospital in China. At the same time, the two sides will continue to promote the high-end development of EDA National Innovation Center and make joint efforts to ensure the construction of Jiangbei Campus of Southeast University.

In this cooperation with Southeast University, Jiangbei New Area also released the Southeast University Jiangbei New Area Medical-Industrial Integration Fund, which fully supports Southeast University's various innovative projects and key platforms landing in Jiangbei New Area.

Come up with the greatest sincerity and cooperation with universities, absorb more excellent talents, excellent projects in the Jiangbei New Area on-site settlement transformation, less than a month time.riverbe defeated (classical)The new area has signed a contract with Nanjing University of Information Engineering and Southeast University.The

Moving forward in time.Jiangbei New DistrictThe district also established the Jiangbei Innovation Center of the State Key Laboratory of Materials Chemical Engineering with Nanjing University of Technology, and the Life and Health Collaborative Innovation Center with Nanjing University.In the past, the company has been able to transform the cutting-edge science and technology in the laboratories of universities into industrial parks in Jiangbei New Area, and to promote high output value with high "research" value, thus further boosting the development of industries and empowering the economic and social construction.
