
Why is Xiaomi, the windfall, heavily invested in Nanjing?

What is the biggest advantage of Xiaomi cars?Lei Jun said that intelligence and ecology, is the most core advantage of millet.Xiaomi SU7 can be interconnected with Xiaomi's cell phones, tablets, computers, home appliances and so on. "People car home full ecology", unprecedentedly connecting all intelligent terminals together. With the listing of Xiaomi cars, a group of automotive ecological supply chains centered on Scion are gradually taking shape.

Recently, the first phase of Xiaomi Group's East China headquarters project was completed, and 5,000 people are expected to move into the office when it opens in April. Xiaomi Group's East China headquarters is located in Jianye, Nanjing, just a block away from Alibaba's Jiangsu headquarters. It will be the largest R&D center in the country except for Xiaomi's Beijing headquarters, dedicated to the breakthrough of new technologies and new business forms and the development of intelligent hardware and the Internet of Things, and the creation of the Xiaomi ecological chain through the integration of upstream and downstream industries and enterprises. In addition, Xiaomi has also opened a large-scale "Xiaomi Automobile Delivery Center" in Nanjing's Southern New Town.

It is worth mentioning that millet in order to the Beijing talent "moved" to Nanjing, given the salary is basically the same.And will also provide talent apartments, employees immediately qualified to buy a home and other high benefits. Such generous "migratory bird" treatment, many millet technicians are happy to aspire to, after all, compared to Beijing, Nanjing's housing prices, prices, transportation, education, ecological environment, are more livable existence. With the advantages of cultural and tourism resources, "always have to come to Nanjing," microblogging topic has been many times screen, many tourists are because of Nanjing's convenient transportation and countless, everywhere you can meet the beauty of the card.

A millet friend said, in Nanjing home ownership life, the same level, here only need to pay the cost of 6 million, while Beijing needs 30 million.

Of course, millet stationed in Nanjing, not all for the staff "welfare", more importantly, to expand the progress of the R & D level, to promote the perfection of the millet ecological chain.

Looking at the East China region, Nanjing is undoubtedly the best choice.

Because all the cities where Internet companies are developing faster can not be separated from one of the most central factors - the support of talent. Xiaomi put the country's largest headquarters in Beijing, one of the most important reasons, is the support of many colleges and universities. And put the largest R & D center outside of Beijing in Nanjing, is also based on this perspective.

What many people don't know is that many big international and domestic factories have their R&D headquarters in Nanjing. As a highland of science and education, as of June 2023, Nanjing has 51 universities, including Nanda University, Dongda University, Nanyang Post, NAC, NIT, and Hohai. This is a premier presence in the entire East China region. And the cost of research and development is relatively low compared to Shanghai and Beijing, cost-effective la full.

Lei Jun, as the invisible big brother of the Chinese investment community, understands the strategic layout. As a technology innovation enterprise, millet's core competitiveness is actually talent, where do these talents come from? Naturally, they are generated from top universities.

Nanjing University and Dongdao have been on the hot search because of "alumni IPO". According to incomplete statistics, since 2020, the Department of Photochemistry of Nanjing University has harvested six listed companies, with a total market value of more than 150 billion yuan, including Aidi Pharmaceuticals, Legendary Bio, Trina Solar, and Goodwill Pharmaceuticals, Huahai Chengke and Tengya Precision Industry. On the other end of the Southeast University is not far behind, the founder of Zhihu Zhou Yuan, Toutiao network CEO Yu Dunde, founder of Yucai Workshop Mao Daqing, chip unicorn Corechip Technology Qiu Yujing and others are also from the Southeast University came out.

Boston, the United States, has long been known as the "Athens of America" and the "cradle of the American Industrial Revolution". There are more than 250,000 college students here, and there are famous schools such as Harvard, MIT, Tufts University, Boston University, Northeastern University and so on. At the same time, Boston's population is composed of a high percentage of people with college degrees and above, which is consistent with Nanjing.

Nanjing is to the Yangtze River Delta what Boston is to the New York metropolitan area.

Because of the convergence of talents, Nanjing has not only attracted a large number of scientific research factories, driven by these scientific research forces, Nanjing's manufacturing industry has also long been famous.

For example, the main foundry of Xiaomi's cell phone, INVISTA, is located in Nanjing. 2010 Xiaomi just entered the cell phone market, many big manufacturers are not willing to help OEM. Eventually, millet found INVISTA, INVISTA for millet tailor-made very cost-effective design and supply chain. 5 years later, millet cell phone to annual sales of 70 million units, took the first national results. Lei Jun has feelings for the city of Nanjing.

In addition, according to Wind statistics, currently into the "millet car concept" of a total of 50 listed companies, divided into cities, Jiangsu Province dominates, is located in Jiangsu millet car suppliers a total of 15, accounting for 30%. Xiaomi car by the ecological position, and the integration of ecological often need the support of software technology. Nanjing as "China's software city", national advanced manufacturing cluster (software and information services) shortlisted cities, the industry continues to develop strongly, has brought together a lot of games, scientific research, commercial software enterprises.Such an atmosphere is an important pillar on which an Internet company relies, and it is a good idea to place software development in Nanjing.

Of course, there is also a very pragmatic component. Nanjing IT industry employment costs than the same in East China's Shanghai, Hangzhou, some lower, land prices are relatively cheap, the government also has support for business start-ups is very cost-effective. According to millet's financial report, millet's R & D staff accounted for 52%, more than half of the staff are engaged in R & D, and the next five years is expected to invest in R & D over 100 billion.

The development of science and technology enterprises depends on two main factors, talent and capital. R & D headquarters in Nanjing, both the source of living water, but also to save costs, why not.

Nanjing has both talent aggregation effect and industrial manufacturing support, compared to other non-tier 1 cities, the advantages of intellectual research and development is great, called "the city of scientific research" is not too much.As China's science and innovation highland, Xiaomi has re-positioned itself in Nanjing in order to capitalize on its strengths such as intelligence and supply chain, and quickly push the development of Xiaomi's ecosystem into the fast lane.

This is the second half of the millet car, but also millet car from "manufacturing" to "intellectual" of the TiJi a leap.
