
Follow the watercolor paintings and open the stunning Yang Tingbao's legacy to Nanjing

in Nanjing

There is a saying circulating:

Yang Tingbao shaped half of Nanjing

According to the School of Architecture of Southeast University

Introduction by architectural historian Xiaoxi Wang

Among Yang Tingbao's life's work

More than half were built in Nanjing, amounting to 68

These include the familiar Zhongshan Mausoleum Concert Hall, the former Central Stadium, the main office of the Purple Mountain Observatory, the former Central University, the Dahua Theater, the Shimonoseki Railway Station, and so on, all of which are valuable legacies that he left to Nanjing.

at the present

Let's follow the watercolors

Opening Yang Tingbao's Architectural Legacy to Nanjing

Former Central Hospital (305 Zhongshan East Road, now the General Hospital of the Eastern Theater of Operations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army)

Dahua Theater (67 Zhongshan South Road)

Former Central University Gate (now Southeast University, No. 2 Sipailou)

This famous architect and architectural educator is also a watercolorist. In the opinion of Qian Feng, director of the First Institute of Architectural Design and Research of Southeast University, Yang Tingbao's watercolor paintings are brightly colored and self-contained, which are the embodiment of his scholarly cultivation and spirit of aspiration.

Former Meng Fang Library of Central University (on the campus of Southeast University, No. 2, Sipailou)

Southeast University Auditorium

As a junior southeastern scholar, Qian Feng tried to reflect Yang Tingbao's works with a group of 20 watercolors, which expresses his respect to Yang Lao, and at the same time, is a kind of inheritance of the architect's watercolor painting skills.

Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum Concert Hall

Second Historical Archives of China (309 Zhongshan East Road)

Yanhui Hall (No. 8, Zhongshanling)

Former Institute of Historical and Linguistic Research, Academia Sinica (39 East Beijing Road)

In a collage of paintings and original architectural drawings

We were able to revisit the familiar pieces

over time

They've always been pampered and dignified.

and it's always new.
