
Industry, consumption, investment in three major areas of force - the first four months of Jiangsu's economy steady forward continued to improve

 Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Statistics recently released the province's major economic indicators of growth from January to April. Since the beginning of this year, the province insisted on seeking progress amidst stability, promoting stability with progress, and establishing before breaking, and the economic operation was characterized by improved efficiency and structural optimization, and significant achievements were made in industrial production, consumer market and fixed asset investment. Overall, the province's economic development "stable" foundation is more consolidated, "progress" trend is more and more obvious, high-quality development has taken a solid pace.

 Faster industrial growth in key industries

 In Jiangsu, industry is not only the economy's "ballast", but also to promote the province's sustained and healthy economic and social development of the key. 4 months, the province's industrial production showed "generally stable, steady rise" development trend, the economy rebounded to a good basis for further consolidation.

 On the one hand, industrial production continued to maintain faster growth, in April, the value added of industry above designated size increased by 9.2% year-on-year, compared with the previous month to improve 0.5 percentage points. "Electronics, chemicals, automobiles, iron and steel, electricity and heat and other key industries added value have achieved double-digit growth, combined to pull all the above-scale industrial added value growth of 4.9 percentage points. Especially the electronics industry, the growth rate of up to 16.1%, becoming an important engine to pull industrial growth." Provincial Bureau of Statistics Industrial Statistics Division expert analysis, data growth not only reflects the strong momentum of industrial production in our province, better reflect the continued optimization and upgrading of industrial structure in Jiangsu.

 On the other hand manufacturing industry, as the core part of industrial production, performed brightly, with a year-on-year growth of 8.9%, accelerated by 0.7 percentage points compared with the previous month. Among them, foreign, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan invested enterprises and private industries realized growth of 7.5% and 10.7% respectively, becoming an important force driving industrial growth, showing the balance and sustainability of industrial development in the province.

 Thanks to the recovery of market demand and the impetus of new enterprises, the high-tech manufacturing industry has also shown a strong momentum of recovery. The production and sales of electronic related products improved, the production of high-tech manufacturing industry accelerated, and the growth rate of added value rebounded obviously. Especially the electronic and communication equipment manufacturing industry, the growth rate is as high as 14.8%, the growth of high-tech manufacturing industry contributes as high as 84.7%. integrated circuits, optoelectronic devices, electronic components and other related products output also realize faster growth, further consolidate the leading position of high-tech manufacturing industry.

 In addition, in terms of exports, the value of export deliveries of industries above designated size increased by 6.3% year-on-year in April, with the growth rate turning from negative to positive, showing that the international competitiveness of the province's industrial products is gradually improving. Suzhou, Wuxi and other key areas of export delivery value also from decline to increase, for the province's export growth has made a positive contribution.

 Consumer Market Prosperity and Prosperity Rural Consumption Potential Unleashed

 In April, the province realized retail sales of social consumer goods of 366.43 billion yuan, an increase of 5.4%, still maintaining a stable growth trend. "Departments across the province continue to increase the expansion of domestic demand and promote consumption policies, continue to carry out thematically rich activities to promote consumption, effectively promote the quality and upgrading of consumption, accelerate the promotion of the development of new forms of new models, consumer demand has been further released, January-April, the province's total retail sales of consumer goods realized 160.729 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9%," said Xu Guo, director of the Trade and Foreign Economic Statistics Division of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics.

 The activity of the rural consumer goods market is gradually increasing, and the year-on-year growth of retail sales of rural consumer goods in April was as high as 9.1%, 4.2 percentage points higher than the growth rate of retail sales of urban consumer goods. Analysis by industry experts shows that with the deepening of the rural revitalization strategy, the consumption potential of the rural market is gradually being released, becoming a new growth point in the consumer market.

 At the same time, the network consumption activity is also continuing to improve. from January to April, the province's retail sales of units above the quota realized through the public network increased by 20.7% year-on-year, pulling the province's retail sales above the quota increased by 4 percentage points, accounting for the proportion of retail sales above the quota amounted to 21.6%. "It should be said that in terms of growth rate, pulling rate, and the proportion of all have a small increase compared with the first quarter, under the rapid development of the digital economy and the rise of the new retail model, online consumption has become an important growth driver of the consumer market." Xu Guo said.

 Sales of home appliances continued to improve, with strong demand for green and smart consumption. With the home appliances home decoration carnival activities and the introduction of the old-for-new policy, the province's above-limit household electrical appliances and audio-visual equipment category grew by 21.4% year-on-year, pulling the province's above-limit retail sales growth by 1.3 percentage points.

 Fixed investment rose steadily, and private investment was vigorous.

 In terms of fixed asset investment, also maintained a steady upward trend. "This year, the province actively expand effective investment, strengthen the key projects to coordinate the implementation and elements of protection, accelerate the formation of physical workload, the province's fixed asset investment continues to maintain a steady growth.1-4 months, the province's fixed asset investment completed year-on-year growth of 4.8%, fixed asset investment continues to maintain a steady growth. " Provincial Bureau of Statistics fixed asset investment statistics division director Ma Jun said.

 The province's manufacturing investment growth rate continued to accelerate in January-April, up 15.6% year-on-year, higher than the growth rate of all investment by 10.8 percentage points. Infrastructure investment also maintained rapid growth, an increase of 11.7%, higher than all investment growth rate of 6.9 percentage points.

 In addition, the driving effect of major project construction is also very obvious. In the first four months of the province's more than 1 billion yuan of projects completed investment increased by 9.7% year-on-year, higher than the growth rate of all investment by 4.9 percentage points, pulling all investment growth of 2.8 percentage points.

 The province's private investment in the first four months grew by 8.4% year-on-year, higher than the growth rate of all investment by 3.6 percentage points. "The proportion of private investment in fixed asset investment has gradually increased, injecting new vitality into economic growth. In particular, private project investment grew rapidly, the growth rate accelerated by 2.4 percentage points over the first quarter, making a positive contribution to the province's fixed asset investment growth." Ma Jun analyzed.
