
The government data products in the Drummond field are new again!

Recently, the data product of "Market Business Subjects Mapping Data of Main Urban Areas of Provincial Capital Cities (Gulou, Nanjing)" (hereinafter referred to as "Market Business Subjects Mapping") has been successfully listed on the Nanjing Data Trading Platform, and has obtained the certificate of registration of the data product. This product is another exploration of Gulou District's innovation of "data elements×financial services" and exploration of public data authorization operation, development and utilization, circulation and trading.

The market business subject mapping data product is a government data product created by Gulou Hi-Tech Development Group Co. Ltd. which has been authorized by compliance and has been substantially and innovatively developed. The product contains a very high market value, through the first time to understand the enterprise's registered capital, scope of business and other information, you can judge the potential of the enterprise's investment value, grasp the market dynamics through the horizontal comparison within the industry, to provide an important reference for business decision-making, but also help to identify potential business risks.

With the digital economy into the "fast lane", the public data to the market open authorization is becoming a general trend. Gulou District Data Bureau since its formation to vigorously promote the authorized development and utilization of public data, give full play to the public data subject clear, clear ownership, large scale, high value, etc., to create a more valuable data products, under the guidance of the Municipal Data Bureau, relying on the Nanjing Data Transaction Platform, through a series of standardized procedures such as compliance review, quality assessment and so on into the field of trade, to promote the value of the elements of public data to further release, and to make the public data resources to better benefit the people and the market. Up to now, the data products of Gulou District on the Nanjing data trading platform have been involved in many fields such as industrial manufacturing, financial services, urban governance, transportation, etc., which fully reflects the multiplier effect of data elements in the efficient and compliant circulation to empower the real economy.

In the next step, Gulou District Data Bureau will continue to play the role of the first good district as a model, continue to realize the basic goal of "supply", "flow" and "use" of data elements, accelerate the "data elements x" three-year action plan, lock the key tracks, explore the typical application scenarios of data elements, and actively promote the quality supply and efficient circulation of data elements to help cultivate and strengthen the new quality productivity of Gulou. We will continue to promote the three-year action plan of "Data Elements ×", lock the key tracks, explore typical application scenarios of data elements, and actively promote the high-quality supply and efficient circulation of data elements, so as to help Gulou cultivate and strengthen the new quality of productivity.
