
Critical Leap, $6.6 Million Awarded

In all parts of Jiangsu, galloping numerous gazelle unicorn enterprises, they thrive and grow, accelerate the leap, become the main force in the development of new quality productivity, help Jiangsu high-quality development in the front.

○"Deep water makes the fish happy", to explore the secret of the growth of a unicorn enterprise, the answer can be seen from the fertile soil that nurtures its growth. If you want more gazelles and unicorns to "jump high and run fast", you have to cultivate an ecological environment conducive to enterprise innovation - galloping in the new track of industrial upgrading at a faster speed, encouraging the transformation of achievements with more forceful policies, and using the "two-way running" between the government and enterprises. "Two-way run to", converge more gazelles unicorn enterprise innovation pioneer power, stimulate the new quality productivity surging power.

○ Today, we are focusing on a unicorn company in digital healthcare located in Nanjing Biomedical Valley: Shiho Genetics.From taking root to flourishing, from innovation nursery to science and innovation forest, the path of innovation breakthrough of Shiho Genetics is condensed with the transformation and growth of Nanjing Biomedical Valley for more than ten years.


crucial leap

Self-innovation products

Awarded $6.6 million

○ Entering the exhibition hall of the headquarters building of Shiho Genetics, a dense wall of patents is the first thing that catches our eyes, and a number of star products in the prominent position are engraved with an important milestone in the course of the company's development.

Last October, a gene test kit called "Shiho-1" was approved for marketing, which not only achieved a breakthrough in the domestic tumor NGS (next-generation sequencing technology) large panel (a combination of gene tests) kit, but also filled the huge demand for immunotherapy marker testing in the domestic clinic and tumor patients, covering 425 key genes highly relevant to tumor development and treatment prognosis. It covers 425 key genes that are highly relevant to tumor development and treatment prognosis.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) The product also won the provincial financial 6.6 million yuan of free application and enjoyment incentives, and at the same time was included in the provincial key promotion and application of new technology and new product catalog.

○ From "0" to "1" needs to be accumulated, behind every innovation breakthrough is the accumulation of a large number of tests. Sisi Liu, Director of R&D Department of Nanjing Shihe Gene Biotechnology Co., Ltd, said, "In the process of product transformation, we hope to be able to detect the target we want to detect with 100%. How to ensure stability has been the focus of our efforts to break through. Whether it's a standard or a real sample, we tend to have validated it with tens of thousands of samples."


lit. attack a difficult task (idiom); fig. to tackle a difficult problem

Multiple key technologies and products

Realization of domestic first

○Genetic testing technology not only helps to pinpoint targets and achieve "right medicine", but also attracts attention for its wide application in early tumor screening.

Early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment" is the most effective strategy to fight against cancer. The Hawk-Eye product developed by Shiho Genetics utilizes self-developed multi-omics liquid biopsy technology. Once abnormal signals are detected, Hawk-Eye can locate the specific part of the signal source.Simply put, by drawing "one tube of blood", you can be screened for nine types of highly prevalent cancers, including lung, liver and intestinal cancers.Click here for details

○ Liu Sisi said, when the tumor begins to occur, the genome of the human body will appear different characteristics from those of healthy people, "how to go to capture the extremely weak tumor signals is also a major problem, our self-developed technology in the exclusion of interference factors at the same time, you can accurately identify the genome of the tumor signals, to further enhance the sensitivity of the early screening of tumors. "

○ Ten years of grinding a sword, the enterprise has always aimed at market hotspots, patient pain points, specializing in the clinical translation of high-throughput gene sequencing technology applications.Currently, Seva Genetics has participated in more than 2,400 clinical translational research projects, and its related core technologies have reached the world's leading level.They have also grown from an initial team of 5 to a national high-tech enterprise of over 1,500 people, with a total valuation of $1 billion, and have been named to the 2023 China Unicorn List.


mutually beneficial

The Rise of Gazelle Unicorns

The development of hot land surging vigorously

○ Innovation-driven is the key factor for unicorns to win, but the transformation from research to production is often accompanied by a long R&D cycle and a large amount of capital investment, and the lack of resources is a common trouble faced by unicorns during their startup period, and Shiho is no exception.

In 2013, the company settled in the Biomedical Valley located in Nanjing's Jiangbei New District, and the government gave us timely and comprehensive support."At that time, the founders of the enterprise came to the park directly from abroad with backpacks, starting from scratch, and governments at all levels gave very much support." Sun Weidong, Minister of Science and Technology and Economic Development Department, Office of Life and Health, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing, introduced.

From the "one enterprise one policy" comprehensive service at the beginning of the venture, to the declaration of the entrepreneurial team's talent project, to help enterprises expand production capacity and provide land policy support, Shiho Genetics every key leap on the road to development is inseparable from the local high-quality business environment and the government attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation.

character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English) Right now, the second phase of the headquarters of the World and gene has been included in the provincial major projects are under construction, is expected to be completed by the end of the year to reach production."Construction, the new phase two project according to the plan should be completed in three years, in fact, 27,000 square meters of construction volume in the park as well as the new area of the concerted support of various departments, is expected to reach the end of this year will be completed." Sun Weidong said.

It is said that the number of gazelles and unicorns in a region reflects the local innovation capacity and development speed.Now the 20.51 square kilometers of Nanjing Biomedical Valley has gathered more than a thousand innovative enterprises, including 43 national and provincial specialties and new enterprises, and 38 unicorn gazelle enterprises in Nanjing, everywhere surging with the momentum of vigorous industrial development.


policy empowerment

Protecting the whole chain and nourishing the ecology

Catalyzing "innovation fission"

○ Now, Shiho Genetics has carried out clinical cooperation with more than 800 tertiary hospitals across the country, and realized the linkage innovation of diagnosis and treatment by building practice bases with colleges and universities; its core technologies and products have gained a number of domestic and international market access passes, and signed hundreds of millions of dollars of orders with internationally renowned pharmaceutical companies, and the company's step of "going to sea" is still accelerating. Still speeding up ......Such a speed of innovation to reach, but also and Nanjing Biomedical Valley to promote from research to production, "the whole chain through" is closely related.

The Nanjing Biomedical Valley has introduced a package of policies and initiatives to establish a full-chain protection mechanism for enterprise development, and to formulate measures for gazelles and unicorns at different stages of development, and to realize the precise application of policies.

Sun Weidong said that the park catalyzes "innovation fission" by creating a good ecology, so that the innovation advantage can be accelerated into industrial kinetic energy: "The future cultivation process will be more rapid, in accordance with the cultivation requirements of the gazelle unicorn enterprises, from the capital, business operations, product sales, and human resources support in all aspects. Formation of cultivation mechanism; for enterprises that have already declared the completion of gazelle unicorn, guide them to strive to go to the single champion close, as a leading enterprise can play a leading incubation function, to improve the park's comprehensive ability and industrial synergy."
