
"Light makes the world, we make the light."

A fledgling company

Why does it attract so many "big names"?

Light makes the world go round

And they cast the light

Let's read a story about "light".


In the Jiangbei New District Research Park Optoelectronics Technology Park, Building C, 4th Floor, after months of equipment into the field, prototype debugging, a new production line has been in this "sail", the team's core technology is also fast-tracked to mass production.

As the provincial industrial research institute "dial investment combination" project, at the end of July, AOI technology landed in the new area. On the day of the ceremony, dozens of experts, scholars and entrepreneurs in the laser industry chain came, and they are the "industrial partners" of Aoyi Technology.

Solve the "neck" problem in the laser field

What comes to mind when you think of lasers? The laser pointer you played with as a child? Or the various laser weapons in movies? These are the more familiar applications.

With the rise of domestic new energy vehicles, laser welding has also become a popular track - in the body, gears and power battery welding, compared with the traditional electric welding, gas welding, laser welding is not only precision, high quality, but also help enterprises to save energy and reduce emissions.Currently, major automotive factories are turning to laser welding, the demand for high-power fiber lasers is also "rising".

High-power fiber laser, that is, the light "bound" in the fiber, constantly generating energy, the higher the output power, welding quality and speed is also improved. Such a key piece of equipment, the domestic market for high-power fiber lasers in the field of high-end welding is still dominated by overseas products.

"Stability, is a common problem faced by domestic manufacturers." Wang Haijun, chairman of the board of directors of Aoyi Technology, said that in some precision manufacturing fields, the laser power requirements are very precise, but the fiber is only hair-thin, when the energy equivalent to about 4-5 electric ovens is accumulated therein, how to ensure stable output? This is the problem, but also the key.

For this reason, Wang Haijun team determined to start a business. During his university years, he did scientific research at the Key Laboratory of Advanced Solid-State Laser of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and then joined Huawei after graduation.When this in the laser field for more than 20 years "old man" to Jiangbei New District, he said: "We want to do, is to help domestic laser manufacturers, the high power and stability are the ultimate."
"Firewalls" and "routers".

How to combine high power and stability?

Aiming at the core components within the laser, AOI Technology has launched two products: high-power fiber grating and dual-channel time-sharing high-power ring laser optical gate.The terminology is so obscure that Wang Haijun is more accustomed to calling them by two vivid metaphors--"Firewalls" and "routers".

"The higher the output power of the laser, the easier it is for the light to deviate during the 'vibration' process, which generates a lot of stray light and affects stability." Wang Haijun introduced.The team introduced a high-power fiber grating, which is a "firewall" inside the laser, filtering and purifying the stray light.

Let the useful light through and block the useless light.Such a small "firewall", to use the micro-nano technology, in the hair-thin fiber optic internal carved on tens of thousands of "small mirrors", and "small mirrors" of the arrangement rules, to be According to a specific algorithm, the customer's parameters for the design, in order to achieve the best match!. Because of the technical difficulties, previously, this core component is always difficult to localization.

It is worth mentioning that AOI Technology's high-power fiber grating, stray light filtering efficiency has reached 99.5%, exceeding overseas commercial indicators.In addition, with the team's independent research and development of dual-channel time-sharing high-power ring laser light gate, can also be used like a "router" in general, the laser light energy transmission to different channels, to achieve the full use of energy.

"It's no exaggeration to say that we have challenged the top of the industry in terms of difficulty." Wang Haijun said with a smile, many of the team's core technologies are already among the international leaders. Because the technology is independent and controllable, in the future, "firewall" and "router" two products will be very friendly price.

Capacity "run up"

Leading technology, friendly price, it is not difficult to understand why this company was not long established to harvest many industry "big brother" favor. Wang Haijun said, recently, the major domestic laser manufacturers have sent nearly 50 orders, in order to meet customer demand, the team urgently need to make production capacity "run up.

At the end of July, Aoyi Technology landed in the new district photoelectricity science and technology park. Here, they laid out 600 square meters of ultra-clean room to support the construction of 4 production linesAccording to the report. According to reports, when the four production lines are fully operational, the monthly production capacity of up to 2,500 high-power fiber grating.Imagine, when these core components into the domestic laser manufacturers, brought about by perhaps the transformation and upgrading of the entire industry.

"I'm looking forward to seeing a fully localized laser welding system in our domestic new energy vehicle companies in the next few years." Wang Haijun said.

In the R&D area of OSI, there is this slogan -"Light makes the world, we make light", with such expectations, this "light" story will be written longer and farther.
