
Han Liming in Xuanwu District, Qinhuai District to carry out "amplify the advantages, accelerate the development of new quality productivity" series of research.

May 11, municipal party committee secretary Han Liming in xuanwu district, qinhuai district to carry out "amplify the advantages, accelerate the development of new quality productivity" series of research. She emphasized that the center of the city's concentration of innovative resources, talent and location advantages are obvious, in accelerating the development of new productivity has good conditions, we must adhere to the innovation-driven, focusing on enhancing the allocation of innovative resources, high-end elements of the concentration and emerging industries to lead the ability to continue to amplify the advantages, shaping the characteristics.

Data is a high-quality production factor for forming new quality productivity. In recent years, Xuanwu District has introduced and cultivated a number of high-quality projects aiming at key directions such as data factor industry and future information industry.

Jiangsu International Data Port focuses on data one-stop cross-border circulation, digital project attraction, laboratory cultivation, scenario incubation and other window functions, and is committed to building the core node of data circulation in the province.

Dahan Software has been deeply engaged in the field of digital government for a long time, providing support for helping enterprises to benefit the people, transforming digital intelligence, improving administrative efficiency and modernizing social governance.

Tongcheng Business Travel specializes in providing services such as "Belt and Road" international business travel resource sharing, world business exhibition information interoperability, etc., helping enterprises to go out and bring in.

Han Liming went deep into the relevant platforms and enterprises to learn more about the development of digital industrialization and industrial digitization. She said that data is the key force to generate new industries, new modes and new momentum, and the data element industry is also an emerging industry suitable for the development of the central city. We should base on our own conditions, accurately select the segmentation field, strengthen the scene empowerment and demand traction, and vigorously cultivate a good ecology for the development of data industry.

Relying on the platforms of universities, institutes and central enterprises in the district, Qinhuai District has improved the spatial layout of "one park, one lane and two bays", and accelerated the cultivation and growth of emerging industries.

Ltd. is a unified platform for China Unicom's external cooperation in Internet of Things (IoT) business, and continues to make efforts in emerging areas such as industrial Internet and trusted supply chain.

Relying on CEC 55, CEC Core Valley High Frequency Devices Industrial Technology Research Institute carries out scientific research and transformation of results around terahertz technology and millimeter-wave chips.

AVIC Jincheng Unmanned Systems Co., Ltd. specializes in the research, development and manufacturing of small and medium-sized high-end UAVs, with products serving in the fields of smart city and emergency management.

Han Liming went deep into the enterprise inspection, encouraged the relevant enterprises to strengthen the original, subversive scientific and technological innovation, and better play a leading role. She said that the central enterprises and research institutes in Ningbo are the key support for the development of new quality productivity in Nanjing, and the localities should do a good job in service and protection, continue to deepen the business docking and innovation cooperation, and promote more achievements to be transformed in situ, and accelerate the formation of convergence effect and new growth points.

During the research, Han Liming emphasized that the main city has a high population and economic density, and should go all out and bear the burden in the main battlefield of high-quality development.

Based on the characteristics of the district, we should focus on building a metropolitan industrial system, vigorously develop the digital economy, platform economy, headquarters economy, building economy, modern finance, high-end business and commerce, cultural tourism and consumption and other advantageous industries, create intensive and efficient innovation space and dynamic and open innovation ecology, continue to accelerate the re-creation of kinetic energy, and promote the transformation and development.
