Major Project Frontline Podcast
official action

Major Project Frontline Podcast

Meiyuan South Road Bridge across the Qinhuai New River will be opened to traffic in June; the bridge will be opened to traffic in June; the bridge will be opened to traffic in June; the bridge will be opened to traffic in ...
How to fly to Nanjing
official action

How does NJ fly in this sky?

"Air car", how far away from us? Recently, a 5-seater " ...
Low Altitude City
Industry chain information

Race to the "City of Low Altitude"

Low-altitude economy to build a new engine of development and productivity March 1 ...
artificial intelligence (AI)
Industry chain information

For the first time was written into the government work report "artificial intelligence +" how will change your life and mine?

A new keyword in the government work report for this year's National People's Congress has sparked heated debate - ...
Municipal Industry and Information
official action

Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology to implement the action plan for industrial strength and promote economic recovery and improvement of the eight major offensive actions

Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology to implement the city's new industrialization and industrial ...
Nanjing Wisdom Center
Industry chain information

NJ IQC, what's so powerful about it?

Recently, good news has come out of Nanjing Qilin Science Park, located in the park's Nanjing Intelligent ...
Enterprises in

Payment service guide forinbound travelers to Jiangsu

Part 01 If you hold cash in your home country If you ...
What's happening in Jiangbei?
official action

The city's construction has suddenly accelerated! What's happening in Jiangbei?

Jiangbei New District, running out of acceleration! Yesterday's release of Nanjing's population data, Jiang ...
The C's and A's of Nanjing's Night Economy
official action

V-Depth: The C's and A's of Nanjing's Night Economy

For a long time, the modern and ancient city of Nanjing has seemed to people as if ...
Hiding in Lishui's spring
city cultural tourism

Tucked into the spring of Lishui, get weekend trekking guide!

Lishui in March, the mountains are clear, the water is shallow, and the willow on the embankment is intoxicated by the spring smoke, ...
Enterprises in

Guidelines for Foreign Business People Working and Living in China

In order to facilitate the work and life of foreign business people in China, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), together with relevant departments ...
Come to Pearl Spring to catch some luck!
city cultural tourism

Dragon Head Raising! Come to Pearl Spring to receive good luck!

Today is the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, Dragon Head Festival, the day of the "dragon's head raising"...

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