
City of Opportunity! Nanjing is the sixth largest city in China for the fifth consecutive year

A few days ago, China Development Research Foundation and PricewaterhouseCoopers jointly released the report "Cities of Opportunity 2024", which is an all-round tracking observation of Chinese cities.Nanjing's overall ranking has been sixth in the country for five consecutive years.

Recently, the China Development Research Foundation and PwC jointly released a report on the implementation of the "China Development Research Foundation" (CDRF). Chinese Cities of Opportunity 2024Nanjing ranked sixth for five consecutive years.

In the ten observation dimension rankings

Nanjing in "Transportation and Urban Planning"

and "Intellectual capital" excelled

Ranked 2nd and 5th in the country, respectively

Among the ten observed dimensions, Nanjing excelled in "Transportation and Urban Planning" and " Intellectual Capital", ranking second and fifth in China, respectively. Intellectual Capital", ranking second and fifth in China, respectively.

In the "culture and life" dimension

First time in the top five in the country

In the "Culture and Quality of Life" dimension, Nanjing entered the top five for the first time.

report is obvious

The top-ranked cities excel in balanced development, all of them ranked in multiple dimensions, reflecting strong overall strength.

According to the report,cities ranking at the forefront demonstrate outstanding performance in balanced development, with multiple dimensions According to the report, cities ranking at the forefront demonstrate outstanding performance in balanced development, with multiple dimensions placing them in top positions, reflecting their strong comprehensive strength.

Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou continue to lead China's cities, with Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuhan, Qingdao and Chengdu following in the top ten.

Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou continue to lead the development of Chinese cities, followed closely by Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuhan, Qingdao, and Chengdu. Qingdao, and Chengdu.

The development momentum and radius of city clusters have been expanding, and the linkage between clusters has led to an increase in the overall degree of urbanization.

The development momentum and radiating scope of urban clusters continue to expand, leading to increased interconnectivity between them. This has contributed to an overall enhancement in the level of urbanization. contributed to an overall enhancement in the level of urbanization.

Cities of Opportunity, published by the China Development Research Foundation (CDRF) in cooperation with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), is an all-encompassing tracking and observation of Chinese cities, and has been published in 11 consecutive issues since 2014.

Chinese Cities of Opportunity is a research report jointly published by the China Development Research Foundation and PwC, providing comprehensive tracking and observations of Chinese cities. Since 2014, it has been released continuously for 11 editions.

The research methodology utilizes the PwC City Assessment Tool to observe the selected cities, including ten observation dimensions covering economic development, social livelihood, urban infrastructure, natural environment, population, urban governance and urban influence.

The research methodology employed PwC urban assessment tool to observe selected cities from ten dimensions, including economic development, social livelihood, urban infrastructure, natural environment, population, urban governance, and urban influence. The research methodology employed PwC urban assessment tool to observe selected cities from ten dimensions, including economic development, social livelihood, urban infrastructure, natural environment, population, urban governance, and urban influence.

The relevant person in charge of Nanjing City Internationalization Promotion Office said that the next step will be centered on the main line of service to build a two-way open hub with world convergence, based on economic globalization to drive the overall level of internationalization of the city to improve, and grasp the Pilot Free Trade Zone, the expansion of opening-up of the service industry and other multiple opportunities overlapping the window period to deepen the economy, culture and tourism, science and technology and other areas of international cooperation and exchange, so as to contribute to the building of international exchanges in Nanjing. It will deepen international cooperation and exchanges in many fields, including economy, culture and tourism, science and technology, so as to contribute to the building of Nanjing as an international communication center and the deepening of high-level opening-up.

The head of the Promotion Office of Nanjing Urban Internationalization has outlined that future efforts will concentrate on developing the city into a globally engaging hub for two-way openness. This strategic move is grounded in the belief that economic globalization will act as a catalyst for raising the city's international profile. This strategic move is grounded in the belief that economic globalization will act as a catalyst for raising the city's international profile. By seizing the confluence of opportunities presented by initiatives like the free trade zone and the expansion of the service sector, Nanjing intends to augment international cooperation across various domains such as economics, cultural tourism, and technology. These concerted actions are designed to elevate Nanjing's status as a pivotal city for international connections and to further its dedication to high-level openness. These concerted actions are designed to elevate Nanjing's status as a pivotal city for international connections and to further its dedication to high-level openness to the international community.
