
Focus on 2024 Global Industry Science and Technology Innovation and Investment Promotion Conference|Why Nanjing is hosting this conference?

Right now, the countdown has begun for the 2024 Global Industry Science and Technology Innovation and Investment Promotion Conference, which is scheduled to be held recently.

Spring fights for days, summer fights for time, since last month, Nanjing low altitude economic development conference was held, with a total investment of more than 30 billion yuan of 37 projects successfully signed; by Kimberly-Clark (Nanjing) Nursing Care Products Co. Rail transportation industry investment promotion meeting, Nanjing Metro-Huawei strategic cooperation project, Hefei KU intelligent project, Nanjing whale dream technology project and a number of projects signed; Lishui District major projects "five certificates" issued activities held, a number of provincial and municipal major projects, the district key projects on-site receive "Five certificates", will accelerate the project to start construction ......Nanjing investment and business "heat" force climbingThe

An email and a phone call are constantly sending out warm invitations to go to and return to Nanjing; an air ticket and a bus ticket are waiting for you and me, to meet with the General Assembly, to get together with Nanjing, and to get to know China.

With a global outlook, a focus on industry, a concern for science and technology, a commitment to innovation, and a partnership in investment promotion.Why is Nanjing hosting such a conference?The reporter was interviewed on the eve of the conference.

Right now, the countdown has begun for the 2024 Global Industry Science and Technology Innovation and Investment Promotion Conference, which is scheduled to be held recently.

Spring fights for days, summer fights for time, since last month, Nanjing low altitude economic development conference was held, with a total investment of more than 30 billion yuan of 37 projects successfully signed; by Kimberly-Clark (Nanjing) Nursing Care Products Co. Rail transportation industry investment promotion meeting, Nanjing Metro-Huawei strategic cooperation project, Hefei KU intelligent project, Nanjing whale dream technology project and a number of projects signed; Lishui District major projects "five certificates" issued activities held, a number of provincial and municipal major projects, the district key projects on-site receive "Five certificates", will accelerate the project to start construction ......Nanjing investment and business "heat" force climbingThe

An email and a phone call are constantly sending out warm invitations to go to and return to Nanjing; an air ticket and a bus ticket are waiting for you and me, to meet with the General Assembly, to get together with Nanjing, and to get to know China.

With a global outlook, a focus on industry, a concern for science and technology, a commitment to innovation, and a partnership in investment promotion.Why is Nanjing hosting such a conference?The reporter was interviewed on the eve of the conference.

Now, in Nanjing, which regards "accelerating the formation of new quality productivity" as the greatest opportunity and space for a new round of development: the Zijinshan Laboratory has built the industry's first 6G laboratory, with the world's highest real-time terahertz wireless communication transmission rate; the "Made in Nanjing" key technologies, materials and precision components have been widely used in the "Shenzhou" spacecraft and the "Wukong", "Xixihe" and "Fuxing". Key technologies, materials, precision components and other widely used in the "Shenzhou" manned spacecraft, as well as "Wukong", "Xixihe", "Fuxing" and other great powers. "In the field of integrated circuits, the common technology of EDA base is the leading technology in China, and the key core products of silicon carbide have reached the highest level of foreign mass production technology; in the software industry, the autonomy rate of the kernel of an embedded operating system is 100%, and it has become the only real-time operating system that realizes the large-scale application in China; in the field of new materials industry, the electronic chemicals used in photoresist have been localized, and the electronic chemicals developed by Nangang have been localized, and the electronic chemicals developed by Nangang have been localized. chemicals to achieve localization, the nickel content of 9% alloy steel developed by Nanshan Steel, can be in minus 162 ℃ ultra-low temperature conditions "service"; intelligent manufacturing industry, welding and heavy-duty robots to break the monopoly of foreign countries, the wind power gear box market share for nine consecutive years the world's first; in the Ministry of Science and Technology organized by the National Innovation City In the evaluation of innovation ability, ranked 4th in the national innovative cities ......

"Make the Nanjing region a super R&D center!"In May this year, Xiaomi Nanjing Science and Technology Park opened, Xiaomi Group Chairman Lei Jun's words let more people realize that Nanjing and the "R & D center" of the close connection.

"From the first generic drug-oriented in 1995-2005, to the combination of generic and innovation in 2006-2015, to the innovation-driven after 2015, the revenue share of innovative drugs of Centauri has increased from 32.9% to 72% in the past 5 years. "The vice president of Simcere Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Shi Ruifen, shared the company's journey from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 100. "Developing biopharmaceuticals in Nanjing, with policy support and upstream and downstream partners, we just need to focus on development."

In Nanjing, the innovation breakthrough only lies in the time sooner or later. And such people and, is being the timing, geographical advantage to amplify - the municipal party committee fifteen eight plenary session proposed, "build through the system of scientific and technological achievements, play a major science and innovation platform to lead the effect of the enterprise science and technology innovation, the main body of the status of innovation, system and mechanism of innovation to drive the role of strengthening scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation depth of integration. to strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, and to shape a new engine for the development of new quality productivity".Gathering: Nanjing Stage, World Opportunities

"The gates of the city are a few feet high, thirty-six feet high, riding a flowery horse with a sword ......"

Do you still remember this nursery rhyme? Over the years, this rhyme has accompanied many generations of Nanking people.

From the first 13 gates, Nanjing now has around 20 gates, both ancient and modern. The story of Nanjing has always been about gates. Today, Nanjing opens its doors to welcome visitors from all over the world, and in the new round of global competition in science and technology and industry, it is "partnering, riveting and moving forward" with innovators and climbers.

BNP Paribas (QFII) in the period from February 26 to March 13 this year, with its own funds through the Shanghai Stock Exchange trading system to increase the shares of the Bank of Nanjing; on May 28, the opening of the market customers in mainland China to build the first warehouse-type membership supermarket with gas station Nanjing membership store opened its doors to welcome guests ......  

"If you understand the culture here, you will fall in love with it." Paul Lennox, a former manager of the Industrial Devices and Electronics Technology Business Unit of Germany's Phoenix Contact Group, had this to say about Nanjing, where he has lived for more than a decade. "When I first came here, transportation was still very inconvenient, now it's totally different, it's easy to take a bus, there are more public bicycles on the streets, and every time I come back from the UK and Germany, I find new buildings springing up in Nanjing."

We welcome visitors from all over the world, and we also welcome the opportunities for cooperation in the "sky".

Thousands of emails, rather than a meeting. Since the beginning of this year, the investment promotion team of each board has been going to the field, running around the world, looking for cooperation opportunities. In this conference, they are also expected to meet with more global enterprises face to face, and invite each other to "turn around at home", and take a look at Nanjing's investment environment and investment opportunities on the ground.

A group of wise people at home and abroad, Nanjing to grasp the home field advantage, near the water. Old friends, talk again; new friends, bonding.Getting to know each other: fruitful cooperation, starting a new journey hand in hand

Development is an eternal topic. We can achieve a win-win situation only if we run in both directions.

Physically, Nanking and the world are never as far as mountains and seas-
