
Commencement of construction! Lishui's first "five certificates issued" project

Recently 2024 Lishui District Provincial Major ProjectJiangsu Saijia Intelligent Production BaseSuccessful start of constructionBecame the first "five certificates issued" project in the region.according (the) planA number of other such projects are accelerating in our region this year..

As a major provincial project in Lishui District in 2024, Jiangsu Saijia Intelligent Production Base Project is invested and constructed by Jiangsu Saijia Medical Technology Co.Newly built conventional and intelligent flexible customized production lines for the production of surgical kits and various types of medical equipment. The project covers a total area of 25,907 square meters.Total investment of 3 billion dollarsThe

 In 2024, Lishui District formulated "Lishui District Major Industrial Projects "Five Certificates Issued Together" Work Guidelines", fully utilized the 40-day period of land listing and transaction and transaction publicity to ensure thatWithin 5 working days after signing the land grant contract for the projectIn addition, the construction land planning permit, real estate right certificate, construction project planning permit, construction plan review certificate and building construction permit and other "five certificates" are issued simultaneously to promote the project to start construction "speed up again".

 "This time, we intervened in advance and took the initiative to serve after learning about the Jiangsu Saijia Intelligent Production Base Project. In the early stage, we carried out the centralized counseling for approval and construction, made the flow chart for the project to report and review, tailored the approval and promotion program, and assigned the district-level agent to follow up and guide the whole process." The person in charge of the district office center, led by the District Office of large projects, district, park-level agents throughout the tracking service, through the advance joint pre-trial, departmental high-efficiency coordination, linking closely, etc., so that the project-related matters approval "once over", for the various aspects of the certificate to save a lot of time.

According to reports, the project has obtained the "construction land use planning permit", March 20, "construction project planning permit" and "construction plan review certificate", March 22nd On March 20, Lishui obtained "real estate right certificate" and "construction project construction permit", realizing "five certificates are issued" in the true sense.  At present, Lishui through the "five certificates issued" mode, changing the department "relay running" to "side-by-side running", will be the project from the signing of the registration, land acquisition to the start of construction of the average time to close TheCompressed from about 260 days to about 150 daysIn addition, for "Land Equivalency Project" sites where land acquisition has been completed, the average closing time will beCompressed from 95 to 45 daysThe district agency center responsible person introduced that a number of provincial and municipal major projects are being promoted to the listing stage in this mode.  The person in charge of the district office center introduced, in the park Huichuang, Jing Yao intelligent, Wei Shield technology and a number of provinces and cities major projects are being advanced to the stage of listing in this mode, scheduled for the year13 new provincial and municipal major projects to achieve "five certificates issued", accounting for 56.5%The successful start of the Saija project is a good start for the implementation of this initiative.

 Lishui has always insisted on user thinking, customer experience, constantly optimizing the business environment, creating a full range of services matrix, firming up the confidence of enterprises to dare to do, stimulating the innovative vitality of the main body of the business, and gathering a number of benchmark enterprises such as Siemens CNC Nanjing New Factory, Nanjing Xinda, Longdian Huaxin, Baowu magnesium, Kaiwu Automobile, Nanjing Changan and so on to form a hundred barges competing for the flow of the development of the trend of a thousand sails.
