
The market opens for visitors and welcomes them today!

Today, located in Jiangning High-tech Zone of the open market guest Nanjing member store officially opened its doors to welcome customers, a day of three time slots a total of 21,000 places, all booked empty. Store manager Xiong Shaoding said excitedly: "Settled in Jiangning District, Nanjing, is the right choice.

"Debut" means "top stream."

Reflecting the spending power of Nanjing and Jiangning"

Earlier, Zhang Shuyun, general manager of Kai Shiqi in mainland China, praised Nanjing at the conference:"As a megacity in the Yangtze River Delta and the capital city of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing boasts convenient business and trade transportation, a stable consumer clientele and deep consumption potential."

Of the current employees of the Kaiseki NJ Membership Store

In addition to company assignments

A lot of people are coming to Jiangning

And have plans to settle here.

Attractiveness of Jiangning

Reflected in "intensive position-taking" by investors

Recently, Nanshan Feizhuo Aerospace Industry Co., Ltd. signed a contract to settle in Jiangning Development Zone for the ultra-long-bed aviation parts and components manufacturing project, which is the second time that Nanshan Feizhuo Aerospace Industry Co., Ltd. has invested in Jiangning after 2022 June.

Located in Jiangning Hi-tech Zone, SAIC Datsun Nanjing manufacturing base, seven years time three times "plus", in Ningbo, a total investment of 10 billion yuan.

Behind the continued increase, is the status of Jiangning as Nanjing's economic region, innovation and strong district, is the long-term optimism of investors for the economy of Jiangning, but also highly recognized the business environment in Jiangning.

Firmly choose Jiangning

Jiangning has also come up with initiatives full of sincerity

This year's Jiangning New Year "first meeting" on the banner of the big grasp of the project, grasping the big projects, the regular implementation of the "land that is the start of construction", vigorously implement the project lifecycle "one thing ", 37 links through the "parallel approval" merged into 5 links, 22 matters to realize the "tolerance acceptance".The approval time for major projects from signing and landing to completion and acceptance has been compressed from 198 days to 123 days, and from land supply to construction permits takes only 46 days.

M Membership Store opening in January

as well as the earlier Sam's Rainbows Parlor store,

Metro, Box X Member Stores ......

Large membership warehouse supermarkets have blossomed

Radiation Nanjing districts

On May 25, the new Sam's Club Nanjing Jiangbei store opened, and the sales were hot on the hot search. Nanjing Commercial Real Estate Chamber of Commerce think tank expert Su Xiaoqing believes that theThis time, two stores opened in May, which invariably gives a good endorsement to the consumption power of the Nanjing market, indicating that it has entered the head consumption city in China.

In Su's view, the key to the viability of member supermarkets lies in finding commodities that consumers can easily compare prices on, such as gold, cigarettes, beef, etc., "so that you are left with a deep 'preferential' impression, i.e., the price is cheaper, and it doesn't matter if you drive a little farther." He believes that membership supermarkets are the future direction of NJ's"Because it caters to the preferences of the younger clientele, especially middle-class white-collar consumers, and there is still room for more membership supermarkets to be laid out in a megacity like Nanjing, which has a population of 10 million."

Hu Xiaowu, executive director of Nanjing University Urban Science Research Institute, analyzed the "sustainable" development of membership warehousing supermarkets in Ningbo from the urban business pattern.He believes that Nanjing, as a commercially developed area, has commercial complexes all over the districts, which are closer and more convenient to the citizens.With the upgrading of people's living standards, membership-based warehouse superstores, which are in line with the general trend of consumer upgrading, have attracted a group of consumers with exclusive offers, high-quality goods and personalized services, and "captured" a hill in the mature retail industry.
