
2 new hospitals in Lishui

Recently Jiangsu Provincial Health Commission announced the list of community hospitals in 2023 Lishui 2 new health centers were successfully listed.

Cudang Central Health CenterSeokchu Center Health Centerare all new community hospitals opening in September 2023 together to understand ↓↓↓↓

Cudang Central Health Center

  The Zhetang Central Health Center was founded in December 1956 as aChinese Medicine Specialistfor the characteristics of the township center health hospital. The new hospital area is located inSanshanhu Road, Development ZoneIt has an outpatient building, public health building, inpatient building, etc., totaling 28,000 square meters, with outpatient department, inpatient department, operating room, etc., and 176 beds, with more complete facilities and equipments and functions.

 The hospital's Chinese medicine specialty, diabetes specialty, and gynecology department have been recognized asNanjing Primary Characteristic Departments. After the relocation of the new hospital, CT, laparoscopy, electronic gastroenteroscope and other equipment were introduced, which greatly enhanced the hospital's service capacity.

 At present, the hospital has 158 employees, including 7 with senior titles, 25 with deputy senior titles and 30 with intermediate titles. The hospital has been awarded as "Model Community Health Service Center of Jiangsu Province", "The First Batch of Model TCM Departments in Township Health Centers of Jiangsu Province", "The Most Satisfied Township Health Center in China", etc. The hospital has been awarded as "The Most Satisfied Township Health Center of Jiangsu Province".

Seokchu Center Health Center

  Seokchu Central Health Center is a primary medical institution that integrates the functions of basic medical treatment, basic public health, rehabilitation, preventive health care, and health emergency. The new hospital is located inSeokchu-ga Seoha South RoadWith a floor area of 19,876 square meters and 143 beds.

  The hospital has 12 clinical departments and 7 medical and technical departments, of whichGastroenterology is a municipal specialty department, minimally invasive laparoscopic appendectomy performed.Filling the gap in the types of surgeries in Nanjing's primary health centersThe hospital has passed the acceptance of "Jiangsu Province Chronic Disease Demonstration Zone", "National Advanced Zone of Chinese Medicine Service" and "National Recommended Standard for Quality Service at the Basic Level". The hospital has passed the acceptance of "Jiangsu Province chronic disease demonstration area", "national advanced area of Chinese medicine service", "national quality service grass-roots line recommended standards".

  At present, the hospital has 165 employees, of which 5 have full senior titles, 16 have deputy senior titles and 40 have intermediate titles.

The efficient, safe and comfortable laminar flow purification operating room in the new hospital area has greatly guaranteed the quality of the surgical environment; the newly-investedIntelligent beds, allowing the people in the district to enjoy a new medical experience in the age of intelligence.

Full coverage of provincial community hospitals

  The construction of community hospitals is a powerful hand to enhance the capacity of primary healthcare services, a major initiative to promote the construction of a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, and an inherent requirement to promote the construction of a high-quality and efficient healthcare service system. In order to vigorously enhance the capacity of primary healthcare services and strengthen the role of the centralized platform, the Provincial Health Commission has organized a pilot project for the construction of community hospitals, which is recommended by the localities and determined through the assessment of the Provincial Health Commission.  In recent years, Lishui District adheres to the core of building a modern medical and health care service system, takes deepening the reform of the medical and health care system as the first priority, comprehensively improves the conditions and environment of the grassroots level, focuses on improving the capacity and level of the grassroots level, takes the construction of community hospitals as a carrier, innovatively promotes the reform and development of the grassroots level, and the grassroots level of health work continues to develop in a healthy way.  With the success of Zhetang Central Health Center and Shiqiu Central Health Center in becoming provincial-level community hospitals.The creation of provincial community hospitals in the region's health centers to achieve full coverageThe
