
Free pulse checking! There's a group of special doctors in Nanjing.

In Nanjing, there is such a special group of "doctors", they go into various industrial enterprises, some "look and smell" after the right medicine, free diagnosis "prescription", to help enterprises to accelerate Promote the "wisdom to change the number to network connection", promote industrial high-end, intelligent, green transformation and upgrading. Manufacturing transformation and upgrading "speed", digitalization is one of the most effective ways. 2022, Nanjing, the city, district strength resources to organize the implementation of intelligent manufacturing diagnostic project, through the government to purchase services, selected intelligent manufacturing diagnostic service institutions as a special "doctor! ", for the regulation of industrial enterprises to provide "wisdom to change the number of network connection" free diagnostic services. "As of the first half of this year, through nearly three years, Nanjing has accumulated free diagnostic services more than 4,500 regulated industrial enterprises, to achieve the city's regulated industrial enterprises free diagnostic broad coverage." Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau of the relevant person in charge of the introduction. These "doctors" how to diagnose the enterprise "prescription"? "The right medicine" to the enterprise has brought what changes? Nanjing in this "diagnostic project" in the harvest, found what problems? Recently, I interviewed this group of "doctors", participating enterprises and relevant departments.
"Going to the clinic."

Special "doctor" precise "pulse"

Free diagnosis to help enterprises "smart"

As a service provider of free diagnosis for Nanjing's manufacturing industry, led by Phoenix (Nanjing) Intelligent Manufacturing Technology & Engineering Co., Ltd, a consortium consisting of Wuhan Maker Technology Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "NAC Forging") is one of them.

"In more than 1 month, the expert group has been to NAC Forge for on-site diagnosis 8 times, no less than 3 hours each time." Xu Navy, general manager of e-works Jiangsu, said that according to the assessment of the standard of integration of dualization, the company is in the stage of integration and enhancement, and has carried out the integration of equipment, systems, etc., to realize the data sharing between cross-business activities.

Sun Nanzhang, general manager of NAC Forge, admitted that the company had previously carried out in-depth exploration of automation transformation, digital transformation, has completed some of the equipment for automatic loading and unloading transformation, the workshop production management system construction, etc., but in the enhancement of the development of intellectualization there are still bottlenecks.

How to go further in the "smart manufacturing" has become the "heart of the matter" of NAC's forging.

The "doctor" diagnosed for free the urgency of the enterprise. According to the diagnosis, NAC Forge "disease" mainly has 3 points: the production workshop logistics automation rate can be further improved to enhance; enterprise data of various systems are not completely open, need to pay further attention to the system integration and data application; lack of process design, need to be accessed by a professional team and application.

"We suggest that enterprises carry out CAPP (computer-aided process planning), which can solve the problems of the lack of standardization of process documents, the inability to graphic image support and the accumulation of process knowledge precipitation. Carrying out construction such as data central station can solve the problems of disconnection between business operation and assessment, huge workload of data processing and report statistics, and the existence of a large number of repetitive statistical calculations and subjective judgments." Xu Navy said.

Free diagnostic "prescription", "the right medicine" to see results. Sun Nanzhang said, NAC Forge through the construction of CAPP system, production efficiency increased by 5%, product quality improved 12%. data center construction makes the enterprise R & D cycle shortened 9%, energy consumption reduced 11%, operating costs reduced 9%, successfully created 2024 provincial intelligent manufacturing plant.

Ltd. and Gree Electric Appliances (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. also benefit from free diagnostic services, their "doctors" are led by the Shanghai Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute Co. (hereinafter referred to as "SIARI") led by the consortium.

"We organize experts in professional fields to provide enterprises with services such as intelligent manufacturing level assessment, factory site visit guidance, intelligent factory demonstration benchmarking, intelligent reform and digital conversion thematic training, diagnostic situation exchange and thematic reporting, and intelligent manufacturing system solutions." Chen Yancheng, deputy general manager of the Science and Technology Service Department of the Shanghai Institute of Self-Instrumentation (SISI), introduced.

According to the diagnosis, Quanfeng Technology, with the rapid development of global business and the level of digitalization, the application system and the volume of data in all business areas are growing at a high rate, and the lack of interconnection and full utilization of dispersed data has led to the phenomenon of silos from time to time. Gree Electric around the sheet metal, injection molding, assembly, warehousing and logistics involved in air conditioning manufacturing of various types of equipment and equipment diagnosis and health management, intelligent scheduling, as well as the development and utilization of data there is still room for improvement.

"Diseases are different, and so are prescriptions. For CHERVON Technology, the expert group proposes to carry out comprehensive data governance and data management based on the digitization and synergization of the whole value chain, and at the same time guide the enterprise to build an industrial big data platform to realize the visualization of the whole process from equipment, process, order, delivery and so on, so as to enhance the agility of intelligent operation. For Nanjing Gree, it focuses on equipment and equipment management, planning and scheduling, warehousing and distribution, and other aspects of comprehensive analysis and case sharing, providing feasible suggestions for its continuous optimization of the typical scenarios of intelligent manufacturing.

The diagnostic effect is immediate. "Relying on the production mode of multi-system integration, it has contributed to the effective improvement of the overall logistics efficiency and collaborative manufacturing, which has contributed to the year-on-year reduction of supply chain management costs and the successful creation of a provincial-level intelligent manufacturing factory in 2024." The relevant person in charge of Quanfeng Technology said.

Nanjing Gree has gradually promoted the deployment of network connectivity for equipment and energy, realizing the whole life cycle control of equipment and reasonable distribution of energy, thus promoting the reduction of energy and labor costs, guaranteeing the steady improvement of production efficiency, and further strengthening the company's capacity for sustainable development."Seeing results"

Diagnostic conversion rate of 65.71 TP3T

"One enterprise, one policy" releases new kinetic energy

To provide professional planning for enterprises in the construction of intelligent factories, digital infrastructure, etc., to provide a clear direction for the follow-up "intelligent change digital to network connection", and thus enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, this group of special "doctors" is indispensable.

Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology relevant person in charge of the introduction, in the face of the existence of enterprises in the transformation of cost concerns, transformation of the benefits of the unknown, the transformation of the lack of capacity, the transformation of the path is unclear and other issues and shortcomings, since the beginning of 2022, the city to make full use of special funds at all levels, through the government to purchase services, and promote the free diagnostic services at a high standard. Each year, the city's organization selects a number of digital transformation based on good conditions, intelligent manufacturing factories and workshops to cultivate the potential of the regulation of industrial enterprises as a diagnostic service object, through visits and research, accurate pulse of enterprise demand, "one enterprise, one policy" to guide enterprises to accelerate the "wisdom to change the number of network connection "Promote the pace.
