
Nanjing, top ten in the country

December 27, in the Federation of Industry and Commerce system to help optimize the development environment of private enterprises to promote the work of the meeting, the National Federation of Industry and Commerce released 2023 annual 10,000 private enterprises to evaluate the business environment main findings. It is reported that a total of more than 140,000 private enterprises participated in the survey, and the evaluation object covers 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

According to the evaluation results, the top 10 provinces in terms of business environment score (in order of administrative division) are: Beijing and Shanghai,Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong.

Nanjing, what makes it among the top ten in the country?

According to the Nanjing Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Municipal Academy of Social Sciences, the city's private economic research center joint group, combined with nearly 8,000 business environment in the last three years, private enterprises subjective questionnaire shows:

The private sector has a strong interest inSense of Access, Happiness and Security in Nanjing's Business EnvironmentThe "three senses" have increased significantly.

so far this year
Nanjing continues to boost the private economy
Actively implement the "Nanjing Municipality to Promote Economic Operation to Take the Lead in the Overall Improvement of a Number of Policies and Measures" and "Nanjing Municipality to Make Every Effort to Promote the Economy to Continuously Recover and Improve a Number of Policies and Measures", increase the stabilization of employment and labor protection, continue the implementation of the policy of phased reduction of the unemployment insurance premium rate, and have accumulated a total ofReducing the burden by $2.35 billion, issued to more than 1,400 businesses6.53 billion yuan of "Sugang loans"The

Improve the business environment special supervisor system, has hired from various industries, all kinds of ownership enterprises and industry associations, chambers of commerce, the central, provincial and municipal mediaMore than 170 peopleServing as a special supervisor of the business environment and advising the city on optimizing the business environment.

Cultivating and creating a benchmark for the development of the private economy.Yuhuatai District and Gaochun District successfully selected as Jiangsu Province Private Economy High-Quality Development Demonstration AreasIn addition, we are striving to explore effective means of supporting the development of the private economy and advanced experiences that can be replicated and popularized, so as to create a reform model for the high-quality development of the private economy in the province.
