
Nanjing Artificial Intelligence Industry Strives to Create More "Leaders" and "Pioneers"

On the morning of April 24, Nanjing Economic Development Zone enterprise "Go out and ask" officially listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Stock referred to as "go out and ask" (02438.HK), become the Hong Kong stock "AIGC (generative artificial intelligence) first stock", ushered in the high light moment.

  Behind the "high light" is "high energy". In recent years, Nanjing's artificial intelligence industry has created a number of "firsts" and "uniquenesses". Accelerating the development of new productivity according to local conditions, the city will continue to plow this new track, and strive to create more "leading" and "first".01

Help businesses get ahead of the curve!
The main body of the business "to play a big role", the park plate "cultivate the soil fertilization"

Walking into the China (Nanjing) Zhigu, visitors were impressed by the sound of striking the code, which echoed the sound of the hammer striking the bell on the day of the listing.

  "Technology followers believe because they see, technology innovators see because they believe, and to innovate we need to be one step ahead of the market." Qin Qiwei, vice president of Outdoor Ask, said that as one of the earliest companies in China to lay out the field of AIGC, Outdoor Ask cut into this track as early as 2020 and began to develop a Chinese version of the large model.

  During the past 4 years, Door to ask for this choice to do a "proof of the question". Proof by what? Rely on the product!

  In 2022, the enterprise will launch a complete AIGC product matrix integrating AI voice, AI writing, AI image generation, voice and image cloning, which includes not only the digital human platform "Wonderful Yuan", but also the AI voice platform "Magic Voice Workshop", AI writing platform "Wonderful Wen" and AI image generation platform "Words of Picture". In addition to the digital human platform "Wonderful Yuan", the matrix also includes the AI sound platform "Magic Sound Workshop", the AI writing platform "Wonderful Wen", and the AI image generation platform "Words of Painting".

  Enterprises in the field of artificial intelligence to "make a splash", and the park's continuous support is inseparable.

  "Since the headquarters settled in Nanjing, Nanjing Economic Development Zone continues to 'cultivate soil and fertilize'." Qin cool breeze said, in these years, the enterprise in technology research and development, market expansion, project declaration, etc. have made great breakthroughs, but also in the park with the help of unicorn enterprises in jiangsu province was evaluated. As one of the cornerstone investors in the company's prospectus, Nanjing Jingkai Jizhi Sci-Tech Investment Partnership is behind the company's headquarters in Nanjing Jingkai District. More importantly, the Smart Valley here allows companies to be in the innovation "resource pool". "Sometimes in the valley for a walk, we suddenly have a project idea, the same day you can organize the personnel docking, so that the idea to the ground." Qin cool breeze said.

  The enterprises in the Smart Valley are energetic, and the Smart Valley is also very young. 4 years ago, in order to further expand and strengthen the artificial intelligence industry cluster, Qixia District, Nanjing Economic Development Zone, Xianlin University Town jointly planned and constructed the China (Nanjing) Smart Valley, and pushed forward the construction of the Smart Valley with high standards within the area of 70 square kilometers. Nowadays, the Smart Valley has become the cradle for AI enterprises to spread their branches and gather sand into towers: more than 500 AI enterprises have been gathered, more than 100 talents represented by Nobel Prize and Turing Award winners and academicians, professors, etc., and more than 5,000 AI research and development personnel are now in the area. The "Qiji Chuangtan" founded by Lu Qi, the former global executive vice president of Microsoft, has also settled here.

  40 kilometers away from the Smart Valley, another "valley" has also become the "high ground" of the artificial intelligence industry.

  In China (Nanjing) Software Valley, ZD Netnew Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park, Yijia and Robotics Industrial Park to face the wind and stand to Chengmai Technology, Nanjing, China Science and Technology Chuangda, Tianchuang Robotics, Ruiyue information as the core of the direction of the artificial intelligence and intelligent terminal industry enterprises "Gathering wood into a forest".

  "This is our new generation of intelligent operation robot 'Antelope D200', in the electric power, subway, chemical industry and other industries can realize the whole scene unattended." In the Yijiahe showroom, the person in charge of the enterprise pointed to a gray and black body, head "long" camera robot introduced, "through the artificial intelligence deep learning algorithm, the robot can independently determine the results of the operation 'idea'. "02Promote the rapid development of the industry! Application scenarios are "all over the place", and thousands of industries "take what they need".

In Nanjing, artificial intelligence industry innovation on the knocking stone reclamation soil, to the wall to the sky road, the application of down-to-earth, rooted in the market to ask the needs.

  In the countryside, many husband-and-wife stores that have "hired" digital human "shopkeepers" reflect a corner of the application of artificial intelligence industry.

  Internet platform enterprise Huitongda developed a smart shopping guide AI "help buy" marketing planning AI "help sell", thousands of orange digital person is based on artificial intelligence and computer graphics technology, simulation to restore the appearance of real people, voice and behavior, to generate the exclusive AI digital doppelganger, can be used for internal training, shopping guide tour and other scenes to help customers improve the efficiency of content production, reduce operational labor costs. It can be used for internal training, shopping guide, live broadcasting and other scenarios to help customers improve content production efficiency, reduce operational labor costs, and let rural commercial circulation "chain" into the digital age.

  Previously, Nanjing released 18 scenarios focusing on five major fields, including "AI+Industry", "AI+Electricity", "AI+Transportation", "AI+Medicine" and "AI+Information Consumption", and invited some scenarios to be promoted in roadshows. " "AI + information consumption" and other five major areas of 18 scenes, and invited some of the scene unit roadshow promotion. Government matchmaking brings AI closer to the market.

  "We received the government's call for application scenarios and submitted the R&D requirements for 3D digital people, and received contact calls from five or six technical parties in less than a week after we passed through the layers of selection and information release." Cheng Yongwei, public affairs manager of Jiangsu Force Digital Technology Co., Ltd. lamented that with government assistance, technology development and market demand to achieve rapid docking.

  Artificial Intelligence, to the scene!

  At the head of the belt conveyor under the mine, judge whether the spray is on to ensure safe transportation of spray dust; at the entrance of the deputy shaft when coal trucks go down, analyze the behavior of the coal trucks to ensure that the traveling trucks do not work; at the work of the belt conveyor, judge the personnel across and detect foreign objects or large pieces of coal to ensure safe and efficient operation ......

  In the complex production environment, the high incidence of safety accidents in the coal mining industry, small vision of science and technology research and development of the "Zuichu" artificial intelligence model began to show their skills in the underground, and behind it, inseparable from the arithmetic support of the Nanjing Artificial Intelligence Computing Center.

  In Jiangbei New District, as the first artificial intelligence computing center based on domestic technology in the Yangtze River Delta, the Nanjing AI Computing Center, a "super brain" is running quietly at a speed of 40,000 trillion operations per second - which is equivalent to about 40,000 high-performance computers. Arithmetic power collection. The background shows that the current center is already running at full capacity, but there are still many applications for computing power in the queue.

  In Nanjing Kylin Science Park, Nanjing Intelligent Computing Center Phase II has been basically completed, the total computing power has doubled compared to a period of realization, part of the equipment has been put into use, attracting a lot of artificial intelligence enterprises to seek cooperation, the current phase of the second on-line arithmetic power has been snapped up.03Let the industry have a future! Attracting talents "into the arms of all", building an ecological "superior and better"

In the view of Sima Huapeng, founder, chairman and CEO of Silicon Intelligence, to gather the core elements suitable for the development of the AI industry, the city not only needs land and plants, but also needs to be able to connect with the "AI+" arithmetic power, scenes, talents and so on.

  And in Nanjing, these elements are all in place and are continuing to improve, "better and better".

  Here, it sits on the rich resources of large institutions. As early as 2018, Nanjing University established the Artificial Intelligence Institute, and released the country's first "Artificial Intelligence Professional Talent Cultivation Program. 2023, the city took the lead in the province's pilot project to carry out the digital economy (artificial intelligence, big data, intelligent manufacturing) engineering professional title review work at all levels, guiding and boosting the enterprises to cultivate incentives for scientific and technological personnel, so that "all the world's talents are into the The city is also the first in the province to pilot the review of professional titles for digital economy (artificial intelligence, intelligent data, intelligent manufacturing).

  The development of artificial intelligence industry, Nanjing has both "talent pool" and "policy package".

  In the initial selection of the landing city for "QICT", Lu Qi's team has visited many cities in China. Compared with other cities, Nanjing's rich scientific and educational resources, high attention to talent, wide policy coverage, and high-quality business environment left a deep impression on Lu Qi. "Therefore, we finally chose to build the Qiji Chuangtan (Nanjing) Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center in the Nanjing Economic Development Zone, taking Nanjing as a very important business layout city." Lu Qi said.

  In September 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) approved Nanjing to create a national pilot zone for AI innovation and application, with the clear goal of creating "five major highlands", such as a highland for industrial agglomeration and development, a highland for policy exploration, a highland for technological innovation, a highland for demonstration of scenarios and applications, and a highland for industrial openness and cooperation. In the same year, Nanjing's efforts in building information infrastructure, promoting industrial digitization and industrial Internet innovation and development were recognized by the General Office of the State Council for its supervision and incentives.

  At the same time, the city has also introduced the "Nanjing National Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application Pilot Zone Construction Implementation Program", "Nanjing Municipal Action Plan to Promote Industrial Strength (2023-2025)" and other policy documents, artificial intelligence as a key industry chain active layout and build. This year's "New Year's first meeting", Nanjing proposed to make a breakthrough in the artificial intelligence industry, seize the new wave of big models, build algorithmic cities, strengthen the application of empowerment, and build a high-standard pilot zone for the innovation and application of artificial intelligence.

  In 2023, the Nanjing Intelligent Computing Center was selected as one of the first "National New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Public Computing Power Open Innovation Platform". At present, the city has online operation of intelligent computing center 4, intelligent computing power scale of more than 2000P FLOPS (FP16), gathering silicon based intelligence, go out and ask, Yijiahe, Xiaosi technology, cloud ask technology and other artificial intelligence related enterprises, the formation of China (Nanjing) wisdom valley, kylin science and innovation park, China (Nanjing) software valley, Jiangbei new area, Jiangxinzhou ecological science and technology island and other industrial chain of key parks, industry, industry and technology. "The gale is rising".

  Previously, someone had asked Li Zhifei, the founder and CEO of Going out to ask what he would do after the listing, and his answer was: "The listing is just a starting point, I still want to make an excellent technology company, I'm not willing to stop." Do not stop, is also the answer of Nanjing.
