
Nanjing actively promotes the attraction service of foreign-funded enterprises to achieve practical results

Since this year, Nanjing has increased the attraction of foreign-funded enterprises and strengthened the service of key foreign-funded projects. Up to now, the city has promoted a total of 27 key foreign-funded projects in the hands of the negotiation, stock increase, economic and trade cooperation and other key foreign-funded projects contracted or registered, with a total investment of$2.82 billionProject advancement rate36.4%The

Since the beginning of 2024, Nanjing has strengthened the overall coordination of attracting foreign businesses and investment by enhancing services for key overseas-funded projects. Up to the present, it has promoted the signing or registration of 27 key foreign-funded projects, such as projects in the negotiation phase, stock capital increase, and economic and trade cooperation, with a total investment of 2.82 billion US dollars. Up to the present, it has promoted the signing or registration of 27 key foreign-funded projects, such as projects in the negotiation phase, stock capital increase, and economic and trade cooperation, with a total investment of 2.82 billion US dollars and a project promotion rate of 36.4%.

Launch of "Invitation from Spring"

Launch of "An Invitation in Spring"

Invite foreign economic and trade institutions, key enterprises, business associations and groups to visit Ning, and continue to expand the international economic and trade cooperation "circle of friends", a total of 12 countries and regions to invite more than 210 guests to visit, to carry out various types of investigations and exchanges, project docking activities more than 30.

This event aims at inviting overseas economic and trade institutions, key enterprises, and business associations to Nanjing for inspection, and This event aims at inviting overseas economic and trade institutions, key enterprises, and business associations to Nanjing for inspection, and continuing to expand Nanjing's "circle of friends" of international economic and trade cooperation. , Nanjing has organized and invited more than 210 guests from 12 countries and regions to visit the city, and executed over 30 inspection, exchange and project matchmaking activities. project matchmaking activities.

Active investment promotion activities

Measures to Attract Investment

It has coordinated the organization of various special investment promotion activities for key sectors, and held 47 domestic and foreign economic and trade exchange and cooperation activities. It has continued to carry out the activity of "Entering the Headquarters of Multinational Corporations", deepened exchanges and cooperation with the headquarters of multinational corporations, enriched the cultivation pool of foreign-funded headquarters enterprises, and organized visits to 51 headquarters of multinational corporations.

Key sectors have been coordinated to hold various special investment promotion activities, including 47 economic and trade exchanges and cooperation activities domestically and internationally. The city proceeds the activity of Across the Headquarters of Multinational Corporations to deepen exchanges and cooperation with the headquarters of multinational corporations, as well as enrich the cultivation pool of foreign-funded corporations. The city proceeds the activity of Across the Headquarters of Multinational Corporations to deepen exchanges and cooperation with the headquarters of multinational corporations, as well as enrich the cultivation pool of foreign-funded headquarters , and the amount of headquarters of multinational corporations The city proceeds the activity of Across the Headquarters of Multinational Corporations to deepen exchanges and cooperation with the headquarters of multinational corporations, as well as as enrich the cultivation pool of foreign-funded headquarters , and the amount of headquarters of multinational corporations organized to visit have reached 51.

Efficient promotion of key projects

Efforts to Promote Key Projects

Optimize the city's service system for attracting foreign-funded enterprises, open regular communication channels between government and enterprises, and provide high-quality, efficient and convenient services for foreign-funded enterprises. Establish and improve the working mechanism of urban linkage and departmental coordination, and promote the synergy and optimization of foreign investment attraction policies, activities, platforms, resources and information.

Nanjing has improved its service system for attracting investment from foreign-funded enterprises and kept the normal communication channels between governments and enterprises smooth, thus providing high-quality, efficient and convenient service guarantees for the enterprises mentioned above. Nanjing has improved its service system for attracting investment from foreign-funded enterprises and kept the normal communication channels between governments and enterprises smooth, thus providing high-quality, efficient and convenient service guarantees for the enterprises mentioned above. It has also boosted the collaborative optimization of policies, activities, platforms, resources and information to attract foreign investment by establishing a sound working mechanism of city-district linkage and cross-department coordination.
