
How did Nanjing "realize" its geographic location as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties?

In the ninth year of Yongming's reign (491) of the Xiao-Qi dynasty in the Southern Dynasties, the 28-year-old Xie Wu (tiǎo) bid farewell to the capital city of Jiankang (present-day Nanjing, Jiangsu Province) and traveled to Jiangling, the seat of Jingzhou (present-day Jingzhou, Hubei Province), where he took up his post as an attendant of literature. On his way, he composed ten "Drum Blow Songs", especially the "Entry Song", which is a celebration of feudal virtue, is well known.

The beautiful land of Jiangnan, the imperial state of Jinling.

The green water is winding up, and the vermilion building is rising from a long distance.

Flying rafters sandwiching the road, hanging poplars shading the royal ditch.

The whistle is made of reed, and the drum is sent to the Chinese shaft.

Offer the table of the Pantai, and you will be rewarded for your achievements.

Xie Wu lived in the era of the six dynasties, and the flying ridge of the palace in his writing, which extends to the far end of the imperial road, is the meteorology of the imperial capital that has been rendered for nearly 200 years by Sun-Wu, Eastern Jin, Liu Song, and Xiao-Qi, and is the precursor of the axial shape of this ancient capital with a history of 3,000 years of city building.

Because of the natural resources, the situation will be favorable (idiom).

Xu Song, "Jiankang Records", there is a rather legendary record, the first emperor of Qin Shi Huang in the crossing of the river, "look for the gas cloud: '500 years later, Jinling have the son of heaven gas'", and change the name of the time for the Moling County Jinling Eup. To the end of the Han Dynasty chaos, the three kingdoms, according to legend, Zhu Geliang traveled east through here, stationed under the stone mountain, measuring the geographical situation, could not help but lament: "Zhongshan dragon plate, stone tiger, this is the emperor's house." From then on."Imperial aura."It then becomes the city's historical traffic code.

The so-called "dragons and tigers", refers to the city of Nanjing, Zhongshan in the east, stretching for miles like a crouching dragon wanting to rise; Stone Mountain in the west, like a tiger squatting Jiangguan. Modern scholars in the "Jinling Ancient and Modern Chart Examination" has summarized the local situation:

"its place when the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the northern control of the Central Plains, the southern system of Fujian and Guangdong, the western choke Ba Shu, east of Wu Yue, living in the Yangtze River Basin of the wilderness, the control of the waist of the seven coastal provinces, the so-called 'dragon coiled tiger entrenched' 'negative mountains with the river' is also. "

It was Dongwu that really "realized" the advantages of such a geographical location.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Sun Ce established the Dongwu regime in Jiangdong. As his successor, Sun Quan moved the county seat of Danyang County from Jingkou (present-day Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province) to Moling in the sixteenth year of Jian'an (211), and in the following year, he changed the name from Moling to Jianye in the name of "building a successful career". In April, 229, the first year of the Huanglong reign of Wu, Sun Quan was formally proclaimed emperor, and the history of Jianye, today's Nanjing, as the capital city, began.

In later times, when talking about Jianye of Dongwu, it is often summarized by the word "haymaking". When Sun Quan first arrived in Jianye, he used the existing general's residence as his residence, which was called Taichu Palace, and created a triple castle around it, including the capital city and outer city. What is special is that the axis of Jianye's capital city was not oriented in a north-south direction, but rather in a north-east direction of about 25 degrees, and the palace city, Taichu Palace, also had a slight gap to the west from the north-south imperial road, which resulted in the whole city of Jianye being presented in a tilted position, which was not in accordance with the rituals of the central Chinese capital city.

The reason for this skew is the landscape situation of the Jianye area at that time. Although the mountains on the east and west played the role of a barrier, their own north-east direction also limited the basic outline of the city. This kind of planning and designing in submission to nature is naturally not in line with the traditional concept of "music and order", but it is a vivid implementation of the planning concepts advocated by Guanzi:

"Where the establishment of the state capital ...... is due to the heavenly material, on the geographical advantage, the citadel does not have to be in the rules, the road does not have to be in the quorum."

About ten years after the founding of the state of Wu, municipal construction began in Jianye, but the city was built to adapt to the landscape and utilize the landscape to build the city. Dong Wu operated Jianye for fifty years, during which time the city's skeleton and regional planning became the texture for the subsequent six dynasties to follow in their gradual construction.

In the fourth year of the Tianji period (280), Dongwu fell to Jin, and during the short period of unification of the north and south, Jianye was renamed several times, from Moling to Jiangning, and then to Jianye. Then came the Eight Kings' Rebellion, Yongjia's Southern Crossing, and in the first year of Jin's Jianxing period (313), Jianye was renamed Jiankang in order to avoid the name of Emperor Min's son, Sima Ye. After the Western Jin Dynasty fell, Sima Rui founded the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Jiankang became the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which lasted 11 generations and 103 years, making it the longest dynasty to establish a capital here, and the one that had the greatest influence on the shape of the city. Since then, Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen in the Southern Dynasty all used Jiankang as their capital and continued the same pattern.

A tilted version of the "Medieval City."

Until the "Su Jun's Rebellion" was pacified in the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Cheng of Jin (329), the Nandu Jin family used the restored Wu Taichu Palace as their palace. After the Su Jun Rebellion, the palace was reduced to ashes, and the competition for the imperial power manifested itself in the form of relocation of the capital, with some people suggesting Yuzhang and some suggesting Huiji. Only Wang Guan made a final decision:

"Jiankang, the ancient Golden Mausoleum, where emperors lived, Sun Zhongmou and Liu Xuande all clouded the king's house, which could not be changed."

In addition, the original Taichu Palace was burned down during the war, and only then did the Eastern Jin Dynasty begin to plan and build a new capital.

The person in charge of the planning and construction of Jiankang was Wang Bin, a cousin of Wang Guan and a master craftsman. According to the Jiankang Records, the construction of Jiankang consciously echoed the Luoyang model, the most important is the palace city "Jiankang Palace" in the middle of the capital city, so that its southern gate - the Dashimamen directly opposite the Royal Street, the capital city Xuanyangmen, so that the palace city and the capital of the central axis of the city coincide. The special feature is that it was the first time that the capital city of Jiankang was clearly divided into the functional zoning of the northern palace area and the southern official and residential areas, which had a significant impact on the later generations.

From the architectural complex, Jiankang Palace City (i.e., Taicheng), the main buildings are symmetrical, the central axis of the Royal Road built around the government offices, the southern end of the Qinhuai River, the left and right of the building of the temple, the Jikji, the 12 gates of the city along the old name of Luoyang. And its "central axis of the work" of the sublimation, no more than in the second year of Daxing (319) in the Wang Guide's proposal, to the southwest of the two peaks of Niushou Mountain for the "heavenly queer", the city's central axis to further south, so that it is in harmony with nature, a reflection of the interest of, "the Great Jiankang City", "the Great Jiankang City", "the Great Jiankang City", "the Great Jiankang City". The "Great Jiankang City" was formed. At the same time, based on the central axis of the city, the whole Jiankang still maintains an inclination angle of 24.6 degrees to the east of the north, making Xindu, which has been paying homage to the northern capitals, a replica of the "medieval capital".

Southern Qi Yongming nine years (491), the Northern Wei Dynasty Emperor Xiaowen for the reconstruction of the capital city of Luoyang, especially sent Jiang Shaoyou (then serving as a loose ride) as one of the members of the mission to the South, arrived in Jiankang, "molded writing palace" "pictures and return. Subsequent research proved that the Northern Wei Luoyang palace system clearly imitated the Southern Jiankang Palace, "in the north of the capital city was destroyed by the war, Jiankang City in the south of the river became the continuation of the Chinese system of rituals and palace system of an indispensable transition". Jiankang City developed to the Liang Dynasty, has been "the city of more than 280,000 households. West to the stone city, east to Ni Tang, south to Shizi Gang, north over Jiangshan, east and west, north and south of 40 miles" scale, the reign of 48 years of Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty on the construction of the capital city to devote a lot of effort.

Also in the Liang Dynasty, the occurrence of Hou Jing's Rebellion became the most tragic catastrophe in Jiankang, and its destruction of the capital city was undoubtedly devastating. In August of the second year of Taiqing (548), Hou Jing's rebels poured into Jiankang and besieged the city for 130 days, leading to its collapse. The trauma was so great that it was impossible to restore it to its heyday until the first decade of the Chen Dynasty. Sui Kaihuang nine years (Chen Zhenming three years, 589), the Chen Dynasty fell, the prosperity of the six dynasties to the end. "Ziji Tongjian" records, after the Sui pacified Chen counties, "edict Jiankang city palace, and the leveling of cultivation and reclamation, but also in the stone city of Jiangzhou". From then on, "the old affairs of the six dynasties flowed with the water" and "the golden carriage and jade seat became cold ashes".
