
Nanjing's first women's association for cultural and tourism interpreters was established in Gulou! Opening a new chapter of women in cultural tourism

Recently, Nanjing Gulou District Cultural and Tourism Interpreters Women's Union was established and the first women's congress was held in the multi-functional hall of the Visitor Service Center of Yuejianglou.First in NanjingWomen's Organization for Cultural and Tourism Interpreters was formally established, opening a new women's chapter in the development of cultural and tourism in Gulou District.

Nanjing Women's Federation party group members, vice chairman Hou Junhua, Gulou District leaders Wang Yuchun, Fu Jinjin, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism Museum Deputy Director Zhang Yuewen, Gulou District Social Work Department, District Women's Federation, District Science and Technology Association, the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Gulou Culture and Tourism Group, the relevant responsible comrades, the street Women's Federation and the chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of various systems of women's federation, the first congress of the first women's conference of the Gulou District Culture and Tourism Interpreters of the whole representative of the approximately more than 80 people to participate in the Meeting.

The General Assembly opened in the solemn national anthem, the General Assembly first listened to the report on the preparations for the meeting, consideration and adoption of the election of the Executive Committee, the election of the first executive committee of the Gulou District Culture and Tourism Interpreters Women's Association, Zhu Jun, Tang Wei, Su Zhen, Yang Suping, lopsided Xiaojie, Zhang Yongmei, Miao Ying, Zong Yang, Lou Xuyan, Gao Liza, Cao Xiumei, Zhan Hongyu, Cai Min and other 13 comrades were elected as the first executive committee of the Gulou District Culture and Tourism Interpreters Women's Association The first session of the Executive Committee of the Interpreter Women's Association members. At the first meeting of the first executive committee of Gulou District Culture and Tourism Interpreter Women's Union, the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the women's union were democratically elected, and Cao Xiumei was elected as the chairperson, and three comrades, including Zong Yang, Su Zhen, and Lou Xuyan, were elected as the vice-chairpersons.

Nanjing Women's Federation party group members, vice chairman Hou Junhua in the General Assembly speech, she Gulou District Cultural and Tourism Interpreter Women's Union was established to express warm congratulations, and the future work of the Women's Union put forward high hopes. She emphasized the need to build the Docent Women's Association into a home of navigation, progress, learning, civilization, warmth, Gulou District Cultural and Tourism Docent Women's Association should closely around the development of the overall situation of the cause of cultural and tourism, and give full play to the role of women's organizations as a bridge and link, for the prosperity of the cause of cultural and tourism to contribute to the development of more wisdom and strength.

At the closing ceremony of the conference, the approval of the establishment of the Gulou District Cultural and Tourism Interpreter Women's Union was read out, the opening ceremony of the Gulou District Cultural and Tourism Interpreter Women's Union was held, and certificates were issued to the executive members. In addition, the conference also released the Gulou District Cultural and Tourism Interpreter Women's Association LOGO, which means that the cultural and tourism interpreter women's organizations will work hand in hand to create a better future.Image

The newly elected President of the Women's Federation, Cao Xiumei, delivered an enthusiastic speech, saying that she would lead all the executive committee members to actively fulfill their duties and contribute to the development of women's power for the development of culture and tourism in Gulou District.

In order to motivate the majority of cultural and tourism interpreters to actively engage in work, Gulou District Cultural and Tourism Interpreters Women's Federation Vice President, Nanjing History Museum Director, City Women's Federation Executive Committee Su Zhen launched an initiative to create women's civilization post, calling for more enthusiasm and more professional quality, to provide quality service for tourists.
