
Writing a New Chapter of Yangtze River Delta Integration as a Forerunner of Chinese-Style Modernization

2024 Annual Symposium of Key Leaders of Yangtze River Delta Region Held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang ProvinceWriting a New Chapter of Yangtze River Delta Integration as a Forerunner of Chinese-Style ModernizationChen Jining Xin Changxing Yi Lianhong Han Jun Gong Zheng Xu Kunlin Wang Hao Wang Qingxian attended the meeting to determine the 2025 Annual Symposium of Major Leaders of Yangtze River Delta Region held in Jiangsu Province

From June 5 to 6, the 2024 Annual Symposium of Key Leaders of Yangtze River Delta Region was held in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Chen Jining, Secretary of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Gong Zheng, Deputy Secretary of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Shanghai; Xin Changxing, Secretary of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Xu Kunlin, Deputy Secretary of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Jiangsu Province; Yi Lianhong, Secretary of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Wang Hao, Deputy Secretary of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Zhejiang Province; Han Jun, Secretary of Anhui Provincial Party Committee, and Wang Qingxian, Deputy Secretary of Anhui Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Anhui Province, were present at the meeting. The relevant responsible comrades of the National Development and Reform Commission were invited to attend the meeting.

The meeting earnestly studied and implemented the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), with the theme of "writing a new chapter on the integration of the YRD and acting as the forerunner of Chinese-style modernization", and comprehensively summed up the effectiveness and experience of the integrated development of the YRD since its rise to the status of a national strategy, especially in the past year. It also analyzed in depth the new mission and tasks of promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta under the new situation, and considered and adopted in principle the Three-Year Action Plan for the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta (2024-2026) and the Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Functions of the Regional Cooperation Office of the Yangtze River Delta, which focus on strengthening the trans-regional synergy of scientific and technological and industrial innovations, accelerating the improvement of the institutional mechanism for integrated development, and actively promoting the development of high-level and high-level cooperation. In-depth discussions were held on six major aspects, including strengthening cross-regional synergy in science and technology innovation and industrial innovation, accelerating the improvement of the institutional mechanism for integrated development, actively promoting high-level synergistic opening-up, strengthening the common protection and joint governance of the ecological environment, striving to enhance the capacity for safe development, and taking the lead in exploring the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, etc., and a number of major matters were clarified to continue to further promote the integration and high-quality development of Yangtze River Delta.

It is believed that the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is a major national strategy personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. The three provinces and one city bear in mind the earnest wishes of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, focus on the strategic positioning of "one pole, three zones and one highland", adhere to the leading drive of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, deepen inter-provincial and municipal cooperation, promote all-round synergies, and make new breakthroughs in the planning and policy system, reform and opening-up, modernized industrial system, and coordinated development of the region, New breakthroughs have been made in the planning and policy system, reform and opening-up, modernized industrial system, coordinated regional development, and joint protection and governance of the ecological environment, which have contributed to the continuous consolidation and enhancement of the function of the Yangtze River Delta as a strong and active growth pole. The fruitful results achieved in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta lie fundamentally in the steering and guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping, as well as the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

The meeting emphasized that this year is the opening year of implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on in-depth promotion of the integration and development of the Yangtze River Delta. The three provinces and one city should adhere to Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a guide, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, adhere to the principle of seeking progress amidst stability, promoting stability with progress, and establishing before breaking down, focus on the two key words of integration and high quality, set up a global vision and strategic thinking, further deepen the reform in a comprehensive manner, expand the opening up of the city at a high level, develop the productive forces of the new quality in accordance with the local conditions, co-ordinate the scientific and technological innovations and industrial innovations, and Coordinate the leading drive and the development of different strengths, coordinate hardware connectivity and mechanism synergy, coordinate ecological protection and economic development, consolidate and enhance the economic upturn, promote the integration and development of the Yangtze River Delta to achieve a new major breakthrough, and take the lead in Chinese modernization, so as to better play the role of exploring the way forward, leading and demonstrating, and radiating and driving.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to focus on fostering the development of new quality productive forces and strengthening cross-regional synergy in science and technology innovation and industrial innovation. Efforts will be made to enhance the ability of science and technology innovation, create a more globally competitive innovation ecosystem, strengthen the in-depth integration of science and technology innovation and industrial innovation, and deeply promote the construction of the Digital Yangtze River Delta, so as to take the lead in exploring the way to cultivate and develop the new quality of productive forces and take the lead in doing so.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to focus on institutional safeguards for integrated development and accelerate the improvement of institutional mechanisms for integrated development. We will play a better role as a "testing ground" for reform, collaborate on the implementation of major policies and measures, categorize and promote the facilitation and sharing of public services, enhance the level of infrastructure connectivity, deepen the construction of the Yangtze River Delta Eco-Green Integration and Development Demonstration Zone, push forward the construction and sharing of key areas, and improve the uniformity of policy formulation, consistency of rules, and synergies in their implementation.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to focus on creating a double-cycle strategic hub and actively promote high-level synergistic opening up. Join hands to create a high-level opening platform, promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of the "Belt and Road" high-quality development of in-depth integration, jointly optimize the environment for the development of the private economy, promote the integrated development of the regional market, and create a new advantage in international competition and cooperation.

The meeting pointed out that we should focus on building a green and beautiful Yangtze River Delta, and strengthen the ecological environment and joint governance. Firmly carry out the mission of "Beautiful China Pioneer Zone", make joint efforts to protect important ecological space and ecosystems, strengthen the synergy of regional policies on energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction, improve the mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products, and take the lead in the construction of modernization in which human beings coexist harmoniously with nature.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to focus on building a regional risk prevention and control system, and strive to enhance the capacity for security development. Focusing on key areas and key links related to national and regional security and development, we should strengthen the risk prevention and control system and capacity building, jointly safeguard the security of the industrial chain and supply chain, strengthen security cooperation in key areas such as finance, energy, food and urban governance, and promote the benign interaction between high-quality development and high-level security.

The meeting pointed out that we should focus on taking the lead in exploring the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and jointly promote the integrated development of culture and tourism. Inherit and promote outstanding traditional culture, vigorously develop advanced socialist culture, continue to play the golden name card of culture and tourism in the Yangtze River Delta, and develop the modern form of Chinese civilization in the midst of righteousness and innovation.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to focus on improving the regional cooperation mechanism, cohesive integrated development synergy. Adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party, conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, effectively implement the planning framework, promote the resolution of major issues, major reforms, the implementation of key tasks; further optimize and improve the regional cooperation mechanism of "up and down linkage, three-tier operation, unification and division, and their respective responsibilities", and strengthen the coordination function of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Cooperation Office. Further optimize and improve the regional cooperation mechanism of "up and down linkage, three-tier operation, integration, division and responsibility", strengthen the coordinating function of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Cooperation Office, and give better play to the role of the market mechanism, so as to bring together strong development synergies and jointly write a new chapter on the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

On June 6, after the successful completion of the symposium's various agendas, the three provinces and one city held a conference on the results. Yi Lianhong presided over the meeting, on behalf of the participating parties informed the symposium and the Yangtze River Delta integration and development of the main results. Gong Zheng, Xu Kunlin, Wang Hao, Wang Qingxian on behalf of the three provinces and one city speech.

Gong Zheng said, these two days, the Yangtze River Delta three provinces and a city of the main leaders gathered in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, to comprehensively implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping in-depth promotion of the Yangtze River Delta integration and development of the forum on the spirit of the important speech, around the theme of the topic to carry out in-depth exchanges, consideration of the adoption of a new round of three-year action plan and annual work plan, signed a number of cooperation agreements. Shanghai should focus on the two keys of integration and high quality, play a leading role, empower each other with Suzhou, Zhejiang and Anhui, and pull the long board together, and make concerted efforts to promote the integration and development of the Yangtze River Delta to achieve new major breakthroughs, and better support and serve the construction of Chinese-style modernization. We should concentrate on cultivating the development of new productivity, strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, continue to strengthen scientific and technological innovation to lead, industrial clusters to build, innovation ecology, to create the development of new productivity of the important growth poles and a strong source of power. In the implementation of major cooperation matters, make concerted efforts to promote high-level synergistic opening up, strengthen the ecological environment common protection and joint governance, enhance the capacity for safe development, and promote the key areas and regions of pragmatic cooperation to achieve greater results. We will make concerted efforts to improve the institutional mechanism for integration, and enhance the level of regional market integration, infrastructure connectivity, public service facilitation and sharing, and synergistic promotional mechanisms.

Xu Kunlin said that the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is a major strategy that General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally drawn up. Jiangsu will understand the general secretary's sincere advice, based on the "important wing" positioning, carry the "service Shanghai, linkage Zhejiang and Anhui" responsibility, focus on high quality, focus on integration, hand in hand to create a regional development pattern. Firm confidence, drum up energy, and courage to take the lead, collaborate to promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement, strengthen foreign trade to stabilize the scale and optimize the structure, and build a larger scope of linkage of the innovation chain, industrial chain, supply chain, to consolidate and enhance the economic upturn to a positive trend. Strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, build a number of Yangtze River Delta innovation consortiums, strengthen industrial chain synergies and support around integrated circuits, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, quantum science and technology, etc., and create an important position for the development of new productivity. Deepen the innovation and exploration of regional market integration, better empower the development of inter-provincial neighboring regions, cooperation parks and demonstration zones, and comprehensively push forward the construction of "Water Transportation Jiangsu" to smooth the Yangtze River Delta transportation "artery". We will strengthen inter-provincial joint prevention, control and governance of the Taihu Lake, Yangtze River and Huaihe River, promote convenient sharing of public services in the fields of employment, medical care and pension, and enhance the security and protection capacity of energy, science and technology, industry and finance, so as to fully release the effects of high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta integration.

Wang Hao said, Zhejiang must conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the spirit of the important speeches on the visit to Zhejiang, with a higher political standpoint and a stronger mission to bear, in-depth implementation of the "Eight-Eight Strategy", and solidly promote the construction of the common prosperity demonstration area, and vigorously promote the deepening of innovation, reform and openness. Enhancement, integrated promotion of the three "one project", vigorously implement the "ten major projects", with Zhejiang's "steady progress and stand" for the Yangtze River Delta integrated development to make new and greater contributions. We will join hands with Shanghai, Suzhou and Anhui, focusing on the development of new productivity, anchoring the construction of global advanced manufacturing base goals, accelerate the creation of scientific and technological innovation and modernized industrial system; focus on deepening the reform in a comprehensive manner, accelerate the creation of a first-class market-oriented, rule of law and internationalized business environment, and jointly promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and the Yangtze River Delta to facilitate the sharing of public services; focusing on the opening up of a high level of foreign trade, accelerate to become a powerful engine and a link between the economic cycle and the integration of our country. Focusing on opening up to the outside world at a high level, we will accelerate the development of the Yangtze River Delta into a powerful engine of China's economic cycle and a strategic hub connecting the domestic and international double cycle; focusing on enhancing the level of green development, continuously improving the quality of the Yangtze River Delta's ecological environment, and accelerating the creation of an ecological civilization highland; focusing on preventing and resolving risks in key areas, and building a solid safety and development bottomline; and focusing on the exploration of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we will work together to build a world-class cultural and tourism destination, and continue to polish the golden business card of the Yangtze River Delta.

Wang Qingxian said, to conscientiously implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping in-depth promotion of the Yangtze River Delta integration and development of the important speeches at the forum, Yang Wan long, take the initiative as a high-quality grasp of the agreed matters to implement, so that the new round of three-year action in the Jianghuai land into a vivid practice, painted a beautiful scene. Give full play to the advantages of active and strong innovation and distinctive manufacturing characteristics, take the high-level construction of innovative provinces as the overall leader, promote strategic scientific and technological forces across the region, build an enterprise-oriented science and technology innovation system, accelerate the integration of strategic emerging industries and cluster development, and show more on the cultivation and development of new quality productivity. Based on the linkage between the Yangtze River Delta and the central region of the "bridgehead" location, building a modern logistics industry system, to create a new type of platform for attracting investment, and to promote a high level of opening up to the outside world to expand a broad space. Consciously guard the blue sky and blue water of the Yangtze River Delta, promote the construction of the "four corridors and two screens", to create a world-class leisure, vacation and recreation tourism destination in the Greater Huangshan Mountain, in building a green and beautiful Yangtze River Delta to strengthen the responsibility to bear. We will carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation, dare to be first, strengthen the synergistic innovation of institutions and mechanisms, deepen the key regional cooperation and joint construction, promote the convenient sharing of public services, and promote the expansion of integration to a deeper and broader level.

During the meeting, leaders from three provinces and one city in Yangtze River Delta inspected the Three Yang Wetlands, China Eye Valley and Chint Group. At the same time, a joint meeting on cooperation and development in the Yangtze River Delta region, a symposium for the secretaries-general of party committees and governments, a symposium for the directors of research offices of party committees and governments, and the Sixth High-Level Forum on the Integration and Development of the Yangtze River Delta were also held in parallel.

It was determined that the 2025 Yangtze River Delta Regional Key Leadership Symposium would be held in Jiangsu Province.
