
Signing and unveiling of the construction work, not to mention the springtime

start of a new year

the whole city

Districts and Sectors

A good start to the spring season

Concentrate and start again

The "first meeting of the New Year" held on the 19th, clear that Nanjing will empower industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, promote the accelerated development of new quality productivity, so that the new quality productivity of Nanjing's high-quality development of the most distinctive signs.

Signing, unveiling, starting construction

Nanjing investment "hot air" to open a new bureau

"The first meeting of the New Year has just ended.

Nanjing with a steady drive to break through

Focus on Industrial Development

In Qinhuai District

The unveiling ceremony of CMT Tiangong East China Construction Co., Ltd. has just come to an end recently, and the atmosphere of recruiting and attracting large and strong work in the whole region is getting stronger and stronger;

Drumtower area

The signing of high-quality industrial projects, such as the Jiangsu headquarters of a power group's coal intelligent logistics industry, a central enterprise's East China Research Institute, and a state-owned enterprise's digital intelligence service, is imminent;

in Jiangning district (Jiangsu province)

Tens of billions of dollars of large projects Mei E high-end equipment headquarters and R & D production base project is about to start;

Pukou district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

A digital security cloud service center will also be signed and settled, followed by a number of industry leading enterprises to enter the Pu ......

Innovation, Precision, Service

"Riding the wave" with all our might

Closely follow the theme of "breakthrough year".

Nanjing in the precise attraction on the "plus depth"

Jiangbei New District, subprovincial district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

All-out efforts have been made to attack key areas such as new chemical materials, life and health, intelligent manufacturing, finance, as well as urban functional projects featuring culture and youth, while adhering to the positioning and standards of a new state-level district, and striving to attract a number of high-quality projects with high energy level, large scale, sufficient potential, and strong radiation-driven impetus.

Qinhuai district, central Shanghai

The construction of "4 + 3 + 4" modern industrial system as a "strong district of the key", go all out to grasp investment, attack projects, excellent service, strong industry, and vigorously introduce and cultivate high-level projects and major industrial projects.

Qixia suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

Around the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other key areas, focusing on the head of the central enterprises, large state-owned enterprises, well-known private enterprises, the annual plan to hold no less than 15 key investment activities. Overseas to Japan, South Korea, Germany, France and other regions as the main direction, around the biomedical, intelligent manufacturing and other industries to carry out small investment teams, to attract a number of high-quality foreign investment projects.

Luhe district, central Shanghai

Adhere to the "3+1" innovative industrial clusters cluster development, the full implementation of the "2442" strategic layout, focusing on large-volume projects, high-level projects to achieve effective breakthroughs.

Focus on the needs and expectations of enterprises

Nanjing does this

Jiangning district, central Shanghai

The innovative launch of the "full chain of approval services" mechanism, the project from negotiation to completion and acceptance of the 198 days usually required for approval time, efficiently compressed to 123 days, through the actual save nearly 1 month time will be approved to enhance the effectiveness of the 38%, become the business environment of Jiangning, the "gold standard! ".

Xuanwu district of central Beijing

Introduced the Implementation Measures on Rewards for Sponsors of Investment Projects, which will provide the district with information on investment projects, assist in project negotiation and promotion, and give rewards ranging from 300,000 yuan to 2 million yuan to individuals, organizations or enterprises that contribute to the settlement of projects.

Recruit new, attract the best, smooth the chain

"Carrying the load" with investment promotion

Promoting industrial strength to "increase kinetic energy"

the whole year must be planned for in the spring

A hurried pace and a full itinerary

Recently, the main person in charge of Gulou District will go to Shenzhen, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places to visit enterprises, and actively promote the landing of the project in the talks, and jointly with the relevant functional departments of the city to organize the central enterprise cooperation and exchange meetings, to further promote the central enterprise project attraction; Pukou District, the main person in charge will go to Hong Kong to carry out investment activities to Hong Kong, a group of integrated circuits enterprises to promote the quality of the district investment environment; Gaochun District, the main person in charge of the team will be opened to Fujian Longyan The main person in charge of Lishui District will also lead a team to the Greater Bay Area to dock high-quality resources. ......

In terms of project attraction, Nanjing will closely follow the requirements of the country to promote a high level of opening up to the outside world, as well as the implementation of the Yangtze River Delta integration, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area and other strategies, to strengthen the planning of investment activities.Throughout the year, we plan to hold more than ten key investment activities at the municipal level, launch the "Global CEOs Visit Nanjing" activity, and strive to invite one hundred key enterprises and important leaders to negotiate and cooperate in Ningbo.The

Around the central enterprises, foreign capital, private capital of three types of capital, Nanjing will implement the central enterprises investment "strong chain, broken zero, fulfillment, quality" four major actions, to carry out the world's top 500, foreign leading enterprises "net docking" action.Further attract private head enterprises to invest and prosper in NingboThe

In addition, Nanjing also strives to be the warmest companion of enterprise development, to strengthen the confidence and determination of enterprises to invest in Nanjing and take root in Nanjing, and to be the strong backing of enterprises investing in Ningxia, and at the same time, combining the activities of "Serving Enterprises - Face to Face" and "Enterprise Visits" to establish a "one-on-one" mechanism for investment services for key enterprises. At the same time, in conjunction with the activities of "Serving Enterprises - Face to Face" and "Enterprise Visit", we have established a "one-to-one" mechanism for key enterprises' investment services, encouraging and supporting reinvestment and rapid development of enterprises in Nanjing.
