
Effective translation of the list of issues into a list of responsibilities and actions

March 23, municipal party secretary Han Liming presided over the city's fire safety hazards remediation work video point will be adjusted. She emphasized that in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thesis on production safety and fire safety work, and effectively transform the sense of responsibility of "always at ease" into the power of action of "everything in mind", and constantly improve the quality of hidden danger investigation and rectification, and really build a solid safety floor. Safety floor. Mayor Chen Zhichang attended.  

At the meeting, the board and the relevant departments reported the gas, high-rise residential, "nine small places", electric bicycles and other fire safety hazards investigation and remediation progress. Since the "2-23" fire accident, the city up and down the pain, learn from the past, focusing on residential areas, electric bicycle management and other key areas, comprehensive and in-depth special rectification of fire safety hazards, set up in the elevated floors of the electric bicycle storage and fire separation, the existence of the inner patio of the residential fire retrofit, the "four clear" action. It has also carried out a comprehensive "four-clear" operation, continued to carry out staggered night inspections, and supervised and corrected the hidden dangers of illegal parking and charging of electric bicycles, as well as the blocking of fire escapes. The relevant departments are focusing on the whole chain of safety management of electric bicycles 3 links 12 key tasks to fully promote the construction of regulations and systems, "Nanjing City, electric bicycle fire safety management approach" is to seek social views. 

The meeting pointed out that the special rectification has achieved stage-by-stage results, but all kinds of risks should not be ignored, and the normal long-term effect requires hard work. Hidden danger investigation and rectification can not only look at what has been done, but also to see what work has not been done, not done. To transform the problem list into a list of responsibilities, action list, a link a link over the details, a blockage a blockage breakthrough, a problem a problem to solve. To in-depth investigation and rectification of fire safety hazards in residential areas, "a building a policy" to promote the transformation of high-rise buildings overhead, step by step to make up for the shortcomings of the community's fire safety facilities, and effectively improve the rate of completion; to strengthen the "four clear" action to look back, and to prevent rebound and recurring, and simultaneous remediation Unauthorized building, and strive to eliminate fire hazards. To adhere to the local conditions, area integration, to promote the construction of electric bicycle charging and parking facilities, do not engage in "one size fits all", simplistic and sloppy rectification, balancing the fire safety needs and the needs of the public life. To accelerate the whole chain of electric bicycle safety management special rectification, crack down on illegal assembly and dismantling behavior, accelerate the "code on the license plate", the temporary license plate elimination, the old national standard orderly withdrawal, etc., seriously study and absorb the "Measures" in the drafting process of the opinions and suggestions solicited, and intensify publicity and mobilization, and further increase the degree of participation of the masses. The following is a summary of the work of the Measures. To comprehensively investigate and rectify gas risks and hazards, accelerate the transformation and renewal of old pipelines, gas pipeline network, promote the "bottle to pipe" "gas to electricity", focusing on densely populated places, "nine small places ", "factory", "factory", construction sites, hazardous chemical enterprises and other key areas and links, deepen the special rectification. We should continue to promote the root causes of production safety, establish an intrinsically safe management system, create an intrinsically safe environment, enhance the people's intrinsic safety literacy, promote all kinds of risks and hidden dangers "full volume into the database, regular remediation", strengthen the multi-departmental joint law enforcement, physical operation of towns and cities, emergency management - fire integration workstations, and enhance the information management system of the actual combat capability, and continuously improve the level of intrinsic safety. The company has also strengthened multi-departmental joint law enforcement, materialized the operation of integrated emergency management and fire fighting workstations in towns and cities, enhanced the operational capability of the information management system, and continuously improved the level of intrinsic safety. 

The meeting emphasized that the hidden danger investigation and rectification is related to people's lives and property safety, we must put an end to formalism and superficial articles, and really put the lessons learned into action. The boards should carry the territorial responsibility, the departments should take the initiative to forward service, strengthen business guidance, the formation of work synergy, determined to fight a good battle, a protracted war. To fire safety in addition to the attack as an important element of style review, strengthen the whole process of supervision, to prevent paralysis of thought, responsibility for hanging, shirking responsibilities, and resolutely avoid false rectification, perfunctory rectification.  

On the evening of March 22nd, Han Liming made an unannounced visit to Yuhuatai District to check fire safety in a "four no two straight" manner. In Mingfa Commercial Plaza, Han Liming on-site to understand the fire control room duty duty, restaurant fume pipe cleaning, etc., to check the duty personnel on fire safety briefing box provided by the various types of points are familiar with, urged the management unit to reasonably adjust the layout of the business, tighten the pressure on the property owner and the tenant's responsibility to grasp the details and grasp the hidden trouble investigation and remediation. In Ningnan International Auto Parts City, see the market management is more chaotic, some merchants goods stacking fire safety hazards, Han Liming immediately asked the local to strengthen remediation management, the relevant departments to strengthen the fire safety management and education of merchants.

In Yide East Garden District, Han Liming check the operation of fire facilities, field understanding of the "four clear" action and the overhead fire transformation progress, emphasizing the need to widely mobilize the active participation of the masses, and continue to consolidate the results of remediation. 
