
Give this group of people sweetness and energy and energy.

in the last few days

Nanjing Community Workers

(hereinafter referred to as "social workers")

It's on the hot seat--

Yuhuatai District openly recruits 98 full-time community workers

draw (e.g. a signal)More than 12,000etc.enroll

Most have a bachelor's degree or higher

The enrollment ratio is more than122:1

NJ social workers, are being looked at more and more.Previously, Nanjing released the grass-roots governance "1 + 2" series of documents, continued to optimize the pay incentives, through the promotion channel, so that social workers have a sweet, energetic, have a head start.

More than two months ago, the State Office of the Central People's Government issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of the Community Workforce, which is a clear signal - social workers are a professional social occupation expected to be comparable to teachers, doctors and police officers.

Nanjing's efforts to promote the specialization and professionalization of its social work force have yielded obvious results. The 16,000 social workers in the city's 1,253 communities (villages) have been able to improve their work and connect with residents, while at the same time acquiring the ability to plan and think ahead.In the process of chaining resources and solving problems, they have gradually explored a number of new paradigms of grass-roots governance, such as the Xianlin Experience.

At the end of last year, Nanjing was awarded "China's happiest city" for the 14th time. In March of this year, Gulou and Yuhuatai districts were selected for the National Urban and Rural Communities High-Quality Development of Happy Homes Initiative, the only two in the province. Behind the honor, reflecting the modern city's outstanding social governance effectiveness.

A relay of good governance in a city of 10 million people

In the Love Bay Ecological Park, there are white tents all over the lawn, and families with books in their hands. On June 1, children from Shuangzha Street in Jianye District spent the holiday in the community.

Modern life is inseparable from the community. For Liu Tingting, deputy director of the neighborhood committee of Xianlin Xincun Community, Xianlin Street, Qixia District, a day's work often begins with the first residents' phone call at 7 or 8 in the morning. Neighborhood conflicts, water seepage in the basement, electrical circuits appear safety hazards ...... people encountered problems, the first time to think of her, she always soaked in the grid, the"The grid is our office."

The "Xianlin Experience", which has been explored by Qixia District for more than 10 years, has been praised by the Central Organization Department for leading the grid-based governance and relying on the "five-one" working method to guide the sinking of diversified forces to the front line.Urban version of the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, became a flagship of grassroots governance in Nanjing.

The resilience of a city is engraved in the streets and alleys closest to the masses. As a real population of more than 10 million megacities, Nanjing has the old city streets and alleys, new towns and new districts, as well as beautiful villages, different urban forms and complex needs of people's livelihoods, which means that grass-roots governance does not have a "master key".

Walking into the Xuanwu District, locking the gold village street, locking the gold South Road, "the first street of happiness in Jinling" 7 big words, in the summer morning sunshine, especially dazzling. 1984, Nanjing's first community with planning and design in this place, the city thus took the first step towards modernization of the governance. 40 years later, locking the gold village of the residents of the building is old, but the former glory is still palpable. The splendor of the past can still be felt and touched. Not only is there the first community service brand in the country, but the "Alley Premier" was named in the lock three neighborhoods and became synonymous with the grass-roots "family man".

Gulou District is also one of the earliest districts in the country to carry out community building, taking the lead in putting forward the concept of "community building is the eternal theme of urban work" in 1997, and in the following year it was the first in the province to try out the "neighborhood committee reform", which has been awarded the "National Harmonious Community Building Demonstration District" and "National Experimental District for Community Governance and Service Innovation". In 1997, it was the first city to put forward the concept of "community building is the eternal theme of urban work", and in the following year, it was the first city in the province to try the "neighborhood committee reform", and has been awarded as the "National Harmonious Community Construction Demonstration City", "National Experimental Area of Community Governance and Service Innovation", and the "Resident Satisfaction Oriented Street Evaluation Mechanism" has been selected as a Innovation Typical.
