
Jiangsu delegation's trip to Japan and South Korea is intensive and fruitful

Jiangsu and Japan, South Korea across the sea, the interaction has a long history.

Recently, Mr. Xin Changxing, Secretary of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, led a delegation from Jiangsu Province to Japan and South Korea. The schedule is compact, a lot of activities, not only intensively met with local people from all walks of life, but also held Jiangsu - Japan open innovation cooperation and exchange meeting, China (Jiangsu) - South Korea economic and trade cooperation and exchange meeting of the two big events, and on-site signing of a number of key cooperation projects, reflecting the consistent pragmatic style and high efficiency.

This reporter combed through the Japan-Korea trip and found many deep bonds.

The first stop of the delegation's visit to Japan was Nara Prefecture.

Many Chinese tourists come to Nara and have had close encounters with deer. In fact, there are many stories between Nara and Jiangsu.

In 2010, Yangzhou City and Nara City formally concluded a friendship city, making it clear that they will jointly promote friendly exchanges and economic and trade exchanges between the people of the two places, and carry out extensive exchanges and cooperation in the fields of agriculture, commerce, science and technology, culture and art, sports, education and tourism.

Just last year, the two places also carried out an exchange of interaction: Yangzhou invited Nara, Japan and Gyeongju, South Korea to participate in the Mayor's Dialogue, released the "jointly build" East Asian Cultural Capital "Yangzhou Initiative", signed a memorandum of exchange.

The delegation also met with Takatoshi Nishiwaki, Governor of Kyoto Prefecture. As early as May 1989, Ayabe City of Kyoto Prefecture and Changshu City formally established a friendship city relationship, becoming Changshu's first international friendship city.

Fukuoka Prefecture, which the delegation visited, is one of the most economically developed regions in Japan. As early as 1992, Jiangsu and Fukuoka concluded a friendship province and prefecture.

Regarding the friendship between the two places, "One Garden, One Court" is the best testimony.

A garden. Jiangsu - Fukuoka Friendship Cherry Blossom Garden located in Nanjing Zhongshan Mausoleum was built and opened by Fukuoka people from all walks of life in 1996. Whenever the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the Fukuoka Prefectural Council and people from all walks of life will organize groups to Nanjing for exchange visits.

A garden. "Fukuoka Prefecture-Jiangsu Province Friendship Memorial Garden" In 2002, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the friendship between the two prefectures, Jiangsu Province presented Fukuoka Prefecture with Taihu stones, which were placed in Higashi-koen Park in front of the Fukuoka City Hall, and a Friendship Memorial Garden was constructed.

During this visit to Japan, the Jiangsu delegation had in-depth exchanges with Yohei Kono, President of Japan Association for the Promotion of International Trade (JAPAN), and Kenhiko Ishiguro, President of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and other friendly people.

The reporter noted that some of the friendly people have visited China and Jiangsu for many times, and some of them have studied, worked and lived in Jiangsu, playing an active role in the friendly exchanges between the two countries. For example, in July last year, Yohei Kono led a delegation of Japan Trade Promotion Organization (JTPA) to visit China. This was the 46th visit to China since the establishment of Japan International Trade Promotion Association in 1954.

The meeting between the Jiangsu delegation and Kenhiko Ishiguro took place almost a year ago. Last July, Ishiguro Kenihiko to Jiangsu inspection and exchange. Japan External Trade Organization is Japan's important foreign trade and economic promotion organizations, Ishiguro Kenhiko assumed office as chairman of the board of directors, last year, the first visit to China, the first stop to Jiangsu, reflecting the importance of deepening cooperation with Jiangsu.

The name of Japanese director Ryo Takeuchi also appeared in the news coverage of the delegation's visit to Japan. Ryo Takeuchi settled in Nanjing in 2013. In recent years, he has made many documentaries about China, and his recent popular documentary movie "Reunion of the Yangtze River" focuses on the dramatic changes along the Yangtze River in the past decade, showing China's economic takeoff and social development. During this exchange, Noboru Changxing encouraged him to continue to produce excellent works and tell objective, true and vivid stories about China, so that more Japanese friends can understand modern China.

Another look at the Jiangsu delegation's itinerary in Korea.

From June 19 to 20, a delegation from Jiangsu Province paid a study visit to South Korea. Korean Prime Minister Han Deok-soo met with Provincial Party Secretary Xin Changxing and his delegation. The delegation also had exchanges with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Resources and the cities of Gyeonggi and Seoul, and visited SK Group.

China and South Korea are close neighbors who can not move away, but also inseparable partners. Combing through the delegation's trip to South Korea, the reporter noted that high-level officials of the Korean government to meet and attend economic and trade activities, fully reflecting the high importance of in-depth exchanges and cooperation with Jiangsu.

Data show that Jiangsu has been the largest trade partner of South Korea in China and the region with the most investment by Korean enterprises, with more than 6,500 Korean enterprises in Suzhou.

It is worth noting that this trip between Jiangsu and South Korea, the "circle of friends" once again expanded. June 19, Jiangsu and Gyeonggi Province formally signed the two provinces and provinces Road friendship agreement. So far, Jiangsu and South Korea to establish 33 pairs of friendship city relations, the number of China's first.

Gyeonggi-do is located in Seoul's "one hour capital circle", the total economic volume ranks first in South Korea, strong economic strength, cutting-edge industries, developed manufacturing industry, and the development of Jiangsu complement each other, and the space for cooperation is broad.

Back in 2011, Jiangsu and Gyeonggi Province signed a friendship exchange and cooperation agreement. The two places have a long history of affinity and friendship, and this formal tie-up will open a new chapter of cooperation in more fields between the two places.

This time, the Jiangsu delegation in South Korea to visit another city is Seoul, "continue to deepen practical cooperation in various fields" is the two sides talked to reach a consensus.

This year, Jiangsu in the field of culture and tourism and South Korea frequent interaction. With the launch of the 2024 China (Jiangsu) Korea Cultural and Tourism Counterpart Cooperation and Exchange Year, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Chinese Cultural Center in Seoul jointly organized a series of cultural and tourism exchanges, in-depth promotion of cultural and tourism industry cooperation between Jiangsu and South Korea.

Just a few days ago, with the "Er" hand in hand - "Water Rhythm Jiangsu" (Seoul) culture and tourism promotion activities held in Seoul, "Water Rhythm Jiangsu The "Water Rhythm Jiangsu" cultural tourism promotion activities were held in Seoul, "Water Rhythm Jiangsu" non-heritage exhibition, "Water Rhythm Jiangsu scenery photo exhibition", Kunqu opera, Huaiju opera and Huaige, guqin erhu pipa instrumental performances and other Jiangsu characteristics of the program on the streets of Seoul, and become a window to promote the two sides of the exchange and interaction.

More walking, more exchanges, more communication, enhance friendship, win-win cooperation, Jiangsu and Japan, South Korea, friendly exchanges, the road of mutually beneficial cooperation will certainly go wider and wider.
